I slammed my hand against the table, or at least I hope it's still a hand. She quickly unstraps me from the table so I can sit up. The pain was too much. I forced up all my stomach acids onto what I now realized was a very bloody floor.

I scream as I felt my hands and nails grew and shifted terribly, forcing them to become horribly disfigured. My fingers curled and shrank, almost looking strangely like- no. It can't be.

"What are you doing to me!" I screamed but for some reason, it came out like a strange howl instead of words.

My head throbbed as I felt something on my head, maybe my ears, shifting and moving on top of my head. Thats when the worst feeling happened.

I felt something growing out of my lower back. I don't know what's happening but it felt terrible. It felt like someone had pulled a muscle from my back and stretched it out to be long and wiry.

The horrible feeling seemed to transfer to my mouth and nose. They seemed to merge together and I don't know why!

My screams turned into howls. I could feel my gums shift and my teeth shrink as my mouth was forced to become smaller. 

Nothing happened for a moment, then my whole body felt like it was on fire. Something was pushing it's way out of me. I looked around at my body only to see blond hair rapidly sprout out of and replace my soft, tan skin. It was almost like fur.
What had Adora done to me?

Blood was dripping off of me.

I continued to scream as my ribs broke apart and moved into place before merging back together. My fingers were still growing and my fingernails growing into claws before retracting into my fingers, and I could even feel my thumb shrinking and moving down my arms.

I felt my uniform being taken off of me, but it didn't make sense. Why would Adora be undressing me when I'm clearly in so much pain? The only thing she left was my mask.

Screaming and crying, I finally fall unconscious.

- time skip -

"Mr. Danger? Can you hear me?"

I groaned which oddly sounded like a hiss.

I lift up my head which for some reason felt lighter than it used to. I open my eyes only for the colours I saw to be mixed and faded. Adora's shirt, which I was sure was red, was now confusingly green.

"Oh thank goodness! You're ok!" She said excitedly. My body felt like it was sunburnt, it didn't hurt too much, but it definitely didn't feel good. "I can't believe this actually worked. Isn't science absolutely, positively, shockingly amazing!" She oddly pets my head, scratching the back of my neck which felt oddly amazing, though my muscles were sore and tight.

I go to reply but for some reason I can't form words. I look up at her with a confused expression. Wait, when did Adora get so big? When did anything get so big?

"Oh I'm so happy you didn't say your favourite animal was an elephant or something. You would have been at most 21 feet! My lab couldn't take that size. And you definitely would have broken the table I had you on. Elephants grow to be almost 9000 pounds! But I really am sorry for the pain I caused you."

I scoffed, but what was she on about? Elephants in her laboratory? Me turning into an elephant?

Seeing my confused expression, she gasped as if it was obvious.

"Of course! I haven't told you! You don't know what's happened to you."

As she said this, everything came crashing back. The needle, the pain, the blood, the vomiting, the horrible feeling and my bones cracking and moving. The hair covering my body!

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