"We were!"

"Yeah, then what happened?" Grayson questions crossing his arms.

"Then what happened... Sebastian?" I throw him under the bus. His eyes widen and he reddens.

"Um, we got to the last scene where it's the happy ever after and I guess Reese here just got a little carried away," Sebastian turns the tables.

"No! That's not what-"

"Don't even, we know how you are," Roman laughs.

"Clearly we can't leave these two alone even for a minute," Landon says.

"Yeah, don't worry now that I'm here we'll always have someone to watch over them," Aaron adds.

"Great," I roll my eyes.

"Where's Jaxson?"

"He's downstairs working out," Landon shares.

"Yeah, he probably has the music blasting and hasn't heard us."

"Well, that sounds like a perfect opportunity to go scare him," Aaron smiles mischievously.

"Okay, but at least meet Sebastian properly before you go."

"Oh, of course," Aaron smiles. "Aaron Price."

"Sebastian Diaz," Sebastian says shaking my brother's hand. "Reese always talks about you."

"Yeah, I am her favourite."

"What?" Grayson says.

"Yeah, I'm favourite," Roman scoffs confidently.

"No!" Grayson and Landon both protest.

"She told me that I'm her favourite," Landon clarifies. I facepalm.

"No, she told me that," Grayson claims.

"Well she doesn't need to tell me, I already know I'm her favourite I'm her twin," I look at Roman and the audacity he has.

"Reese!" Everyone yells in unison.

"How do I always get caught in these situations?" I complain. "Oh look, a unicorn!"

"Where?" Roman yells looking at the empty door.

I take Sebastian's hand and we run upstairs.

"Hey! Door open!" Grayson and Aaron both yell.

"Yes sir!" I yell back.

"I should really tell my parents that if I don't ever come back home, it's because I was murdered by one of your brothers," Sebastian jokes.

"No, not yet! I haven't even met them yet. You can't be letting them think bad stuff about me and my family," I scold.

"Relax, I was joking," he laughs. Sebastian goes to sit on my bed and I close the door. "They said doors open."

"It is open because it's unlocked," I state.

"You think you're so smart. We'll see how you like it when I'm six feet under," he speaks as I climb on his lap. His hands wrap around me and I look into his eyes.

"Have you talked to Ev yet?" Sebastian questions.

"No, I will soon. We're just getting closer and I don't know, I'm scared to drop the I have feelings for your childhood crush bomb."

"Okay, that does sound a little bad, but I know Ev, she'll understand."

"Hopefully. You know she's auditioning for Juliet's part too?"

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