4. Ro-Ro-Row your boat, Roman

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"Don't you have class in the morning?" Aaron questions on the FaceTime call.

"Yeah, I do, but it's only one in the morning."

"Reese," Aaron says sternly.

"I know, I just miss you," I frown under the bedsheet as I stare at him through the screen. "Why couldn't you come with us?"

"I'll be there in a couple of weeks, tops," Aaron promises.

We've been on call for over an hour and a half and I've told him everything even about what happened between Sebastian and me when I was in the kitchen.

Aaron and I have more of a friendship than a brother sister relationship. During his prime teenage years, he was a total player and went around breaking girls' hearts. He brought so many different girls home that both my parents had to tell the girls to wear a name tag so that they didn't call them by the wrong name.

Something always happens in your life and it changes everything for you. It makes you question all your choices and well, he had that moment and now he's more focused on work and his future but that's his story to tell not mine.

Since he was really open about his lifestyle choices, he was the one who was able to understand mine and connect with me. He didn't make me feel like an outsider even though I did make some questionable decisions. I was his sister and he knew that, but he realized I didn't need a brother then, I just needed a healthy friendship with a person I could trust and that didn't wanna exploit me.

"Fine," I frown. "Make sure you have everything done so that you won't leave us again."

"You can't hate them that much," he laughs.

"You know I don't, I just - you know, they're aggressive in their approach sometimes and I don't take that well," I shrug my shoulders.

"True, but what can you do right? They're just built like that, more bronze than brains, all of them. That's also why not even one of them ever got away with having a girl in their room except for me. It was like the hulk in there, I still think about those poor poor girls," Aaron winks and causes me to laugh.

"Ew, Aaron. Please do not set that image into my head!" I yell.

"You know it's true! We all heard it!"

"The fact that mom and dad never broke it up either amazes, they were probably so embarrassed too," I laugh.

"I mean serving them a plan B pill for breakfast every time was a good way to get payback too. I'm gonna take one from their book and use that for my kids one day," Aaron claims.

"Well if you're kids grow up to be anything like us, I'll pray for you on the daily."

"Since when did you become religious?"

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