1. At least say hi first...

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You know what I love? People.

Ha! Just kidding.

I hate people.

Especially the people that I call my brothers.

Now, I love my brothers. I'd do anything for them, but sometimes... actually, scratch that. Majority of the time they get on my nerves. 

"Reese. Reese. Reese. Reese. Reese," Roman, my twin brother, repeated himself like a broken record. His finger poking my arm each time, I clench my jaw.

"What?" I finally snap giving him one of my sharpest glares. Roman falls back by my abrupt reaction and I see the colour in his face disappear. His Adam's apple bobs as I notice him gulp in fear. But soon, a smirk fills his expression leaving behind no trail of fear as he regains himself.

"Why so glum? It's not going to be that bad," he tries to assure me.

It is going to be that bad and he knows it.

"Why are you not so glum?" I throwback. "I'm not the one who left a girlfriend behind."

"Everyone knows Roman just needed an excuse to dump Hannah," my older brother Jaxson snickers from the driver's seat.

With that basic ass name, who wouldn't wanna dump her just because of her name? No offence to anyone named Hannah, but your parents must really lack in the creativity department.

"Still," I argue. "I could've just been homeschooled."

"Reese," I notice Jaxson's blue eyes through the rear-view mirror giving me a hard look. His thick eyebrows sink as he squints driving under a ray of sunshine.

"Please, don't become a broken record like him," I deadpan ignoring Jaxson's sigh of defeat.

"Hey! I'm not a broken record, but I do break records," the end of Roman's lips rise proud of his comeback.

I look at him, dead of expression.

How can he even joke in a situation like this? This is life alternating. Our lives could change forever. They've already changed since we literally moved to a different continent, but going to a school now with no friends or even a social standing, I'm screwed.

No one is gonna understand me.

"There's nothing to worry about," Roman says placing a hand on my shoulder. I watch as his eyes fill with consolation. His blue eyes, similar to Jaxson and the rest of my brothers', I envy the translucent shade knowing that I wasn't blessed with the exact genetics. Even though Roman and I are twins, he has blue eyes while I am the only person in the family who has brown eyes.

"Okay, get out," Jaxson says pressing down on the break. I jerk forward but save myself from face planting the seat in front of me by letting my hand take the impact. I glare at him through the rear-view mirror, but Jaxson calmly ignores me. It's like I'm invisible as he waits for me to get out of the car.

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