"No, it really is alright. Thank you." I declined his offer.

He pushed the glass towards me, the ice knocking together as he did so, as he continued to press on.

Why was he so adamant on me drinking?

"You didn't drive here, did you?"

I waved my hands back and forth in front of me, not accepting the drink.

"No but I have a five year old to get back to when I get home. I'd rather just be careful and not drink at all."

He quirked his head, dropping the subject and stood, giving my drink to his wife before pouring one for Zach and himself.

I noticed her furrowed brows at our conversation but decided not to dwell on it too much.

What was so wrong with refusing a drink?

Zach gave me an encouraging smile from where he sat on the sofa and instantly I wished I was next to him instead.

It didn't take Angie too long to stand up from where she sat across from me.

"Right, I think the food has waited long enough," She gave me a pointed stare before continuing. "Let's eat."

Her announcement brought everyone to their feet and we headed to what I assumed was the dining room.

Zach found his way beside me and he skimmed my hand with his.

"You okay? He can be a little intense sometimes."


I nodded, reassuring him that I was fine. "That was nothing."

His mother on the other hand, she was a different story all together.

I had no idea if she was like this with everyone and despite Blake's words telling me so, I was starting to doubt it.

How in the world did Tiffany become friends with Zach if his mother was like this?

Clearly, she likes Tiffany and not you.

The voice echoed the words I was too afraid to vocalise.

She simply didn't like me.

And she was correct in doing so.

Who would want their child to be with a monster like me anyways?

I was foolish in thinking that she would ever like me.

The sound of Zach pulling a chair out for me, broke me from my thoughts. And I was glad for his actions because I had no idea where I was supposed to sit.

If I had sat in his mother's chair by accident, it would've been over for me.

I voiced my gratitude with a small 'thank you', before sitting down.

Zach sat beside me, leaving me very grateful -at least I could feel his presence.

The smell of lasagne filled the air as Angie brought the piping dish over. Steam rose from it and I involuntarily licked my lips as it was set in the centre of us all.

A few other items were brought out and Angie lowered her right side of her head, motioning to Zach at my plate.

He picked it up and dished up for me and I murmured my appreciation for his actions.

I waited until everyone had taken their serving and once Matteo started to dig in, I followed suit.

Just the taste had my mouth watering. It was delicious.

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