You And Michael Are On Quarantine (Mature era)

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Michael Jackson and I have been on quarantine since March of 2020. We had to keep up with the amount of food that we have since all that was open were grocery stores and doctor's offices.

Or you could get takeouts from restaurants, but that was it.

Which was fine by Michael.

He wasn't really used to being at home a lot because he would've been either out on tour or attending meetings with his crew.

Michael Jackson had to stay home with me.

One afternoon, I noticed that we were getting low on food and that we had to go to the grocery store to restock.

But Michael didn't like the idea.

"We can survive on what we have left, there's no need to go out in public where the nasty virus is spreading".

I certainly didn't agree with him on that one.

And then, I got an idea.

I sneaked over to Michael's office and called one of his security guards to ask the limo driver to come and pick me up so that I could go grocery shopping.

"Okay Miss, but don't you want to let Michael know where you're going"?

The security guard asked.

"Michael told me that there's no need to go out in public, he doesn't want to take the risk of getting the coronavirus".

I explained.

"Oh, I see. I'll call the driver and he'll bring the limo over there in an hour".

After hanging up, I went upstairs to get myself ready.

Once it was almost time to go, I checked to make sure that Michael wasn't watching me or suspecting anything.

Luckily, he was taking a nap on one of the sofas.

The limo pulled up in front of the Neverland gate and I quickly grabbed my my purse and a few bag to carry the cold refrigerated groceries into the limo trunk.

Then, I sneaked out the front door of Michael's house and climbed into the limo.

"You brought your mask with you, right Miss"?

The limo driver asked, as he pulled the windows up so that the fans wouldn't spot me.

"Yes sir, I grabbed it on my way out the door".

A few hours later, I finally made it back to Neverland safely with a lot of groceries.

Michael never called or texted me out of suspicion.

I was proud of myself for helping out.

After thanking the limo driver for driving me to the grocery store, I gathered up all the grocery bags and carried them inside the house.

Michael had been asleep on the sofa the whole entire time.

He woke up when he heard the front door open.

"Emily...w-what are you doing? Where were you"?

Michael hurried over to me with a worried look on his face.

"Michael, I told you earlier that we needed to restock on more groceries. We literally had nothing in the fridge or in the cabinets".

I explained to him, opening the empty refrigerator and kitchen cabinets to show him what I was talking about.

Michael wasn't amused by me sneaking out.

"I wish you didn't just walk off and ride out of Neverland without telling me first. You know how bad it is out there".

He crossed his arms at me.

"I'm sorry, but we had to get more food from the grocery store".

I looked down at the floor, feeling bad about what I did.

"You didn't listen to me when I tried to reason with you about why we didn't have many groceries in the kitchen".

I finally looked up at him, waiting for Michael to scold me even further.

But he didn't.

"You're right...I shouldn't have been so stubborn. But I'm very happy to know that you're safe and sound. You went through all that trouble with going out in public, didn't you sweetheart"?

Michael smiled and pulled me into a loving and caring hug, which made giggle and then I kissed him on the cheek.

"It was no trouble at all, Michael. There was hardly any fans at all, it's like a ghost town out there".

He giggled playfully and then pulled me in for a quick makeout session.

After all that, the king of pop and I put away our groceries and then we made popcorn
and went into the living room to watch Peter Pan.

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