He Has A Cold Part 2 (Bad era)

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Michael really didn't like the way the medicine tasted. And needless to say, it took me more than a few tries to get him to take it.

After that, I cared for Michael by staying in Neverland for the rest of the week because he was still sick with a nasty cold.

"Tis'choo"! He sneezed.

I couldn't help but giggle at how cute his sneezing fits were.

"I'm gonna need more tissues. And maybe some more medicine for my cold".

Michael said to me, his arm was wrapped around my shoulder while I snuggled with him to keep the singer nice and warm. We were both watching Peter Pan on the TV.

"I know baby".

I cooed him, kissing cheek lovingly. His cheeks turned a little bit pink due to Michael's shyness.

Later on, I was fixing Michael a bowl of chicken noodle soup when the phone rang.

It was Michael's friend, Chris Tucker.

"Hey Emily, what's up"?

"Oh, I'm doing good. I'm in Neverland right now".

I answered, as I mixed the ingredients together in a bowl.

"Where's Michael? I ain't seen him all week".

Chris Tucker asked me.

"Michael's on the couch watching Peter Pan. And he's got a really bad cold".

I answered back, carefully placing the bowl of chicken noodle soup into the microwave to warm it up.

"Michael Jackson's got a cold?! AW HELL NAWL"!

Chris yelled in surprise, making me laugh.

Michael thought he heard someone on the phone.

"Who's that on the telephone"?

He asked, getting up to walk into the kitchen.

"It's your friend Chris Tucker, the funniest man in the world".

I snickered, handing Michael the phone so I found go finish making lunch.

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