Chapter 14: Where is he?

Start from the beginning


 We found no trace of him, but we did find the water gun and pot of sauce balloons laying on the floor, in front of one of the cabinets in the kitchen. I walked back in the house after roaming around the neighborhood again to see if he might have gotten lost, but - yet again - nothing. I manage to drag my tired body to the living room, where all the boys were sitting - slouching in their seats with the same long look on their faces as me. 

I walked over to the single seat and plopped down. I looked around and didn't even want to ask if anyone found anything. By the looks of it, I could tell it would be a no. I was about to get up from my seat to get a drink of water when I noticed the letter from earlier still unopened, laying on the table. "Guys..." I said catching their attention. "Ne," Jin Oppa said, signaling me to continue. "I just realized that we never opened the letter from earlier," I said, gesturing towards the rectangular piece of paper laying there. "Should we open it, because it could maybe be a clue on where Yoongi Oppa could be. 'Cause, what normal person knocks on the door, disappears, but leaves a note taped to the door," I said with a hint of sarcasm, just a tinie-tiny bit. 

"She's right. This could be a clue from the kidnapper on how to get Yoongi back,"Jin Oppa said. We all sat on the floor surrounding the coffee table - as always. "So, who wants to do the honors?" Jin Oppa said, pointing to the envelope. All eyes turned towards me. "Fine, since you're all looking at me, I'll open it," I said, taking hold of it in my tiny hands and began undoing the glued down flap. When I opened it, I looked at all the boys who were watching my every move. "Ready to see what's inside?" I asked, making sure to make eye contact with everyone. They nod signaling me to continue. I stuck my hand inside the envelope and pulled out a bunch of pictures and another letter. They all looked at me as if urging me to read what the neatly folded piece of paper said. "Read it," Jimin Oppa said, eagerly. I nodded and started unfolding the paper and soon, stared at it with absolute shock and terror in my eyes. I dropped the piece of paper on the table and covered my face, crying, and still in shock. Namjoon Oppa grabbed the piece of paper and read what stood upon the piece of paper out loud.

(Y/n), I see you're past is catching up to you again. That means:


Good luck, let's hope that you come to your senses before I take more of your precious friends.


I could feel all the boys' eyes on me and I knew that now was the time to come clean. "What do they mean, (Y/n)?" Jungkook Oppa asked, looking at me with confusion in his eyes. I mustered all the courage I had left in me and wiped the tears off my face. "I never in my life thought that my life would end up like this, where I have this amazing job, met you amazing people like you and all for my past to ruin it all. I never used be this happy actually the opposite..." I said as I got up and made my way over to the window. "What do you mean (Y/n)?" Hoseok Oppa questioned, still confused. "Well, I guess it's story time," I stated, trying to crack a smile.

Yoongi's P.O.V

"Smile for the camera," those asses said, while tossing me on the floor, back in my cell. "Fuck off!" I exclaimed, spitting out the blood from my mouth. "There's no need to be rude," he said, smirking at me and clicking one last picture. Then, they left me there. I tried to stand up, but I was too drained to move even an inch. I just rolled over on my back, looked up at the wall in front of me and there's... a window? How come I didn't notice this earlier? Think I have a plan on how to get out of here.

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