Chapter 28 Punishment

Start from the beginning

“Even about Paul and Rosalie,” Seth asked.

“Yep, if she doesn't, he'll know and try to destroy them.”

“How will he know,” Jasper asked.

“According to Selene, Percy and her a very in tune with each other, and he'll notice something is off between the three of them.”

Jasper nodded.

The trio continued to talk well into the night until Seth yawned. He said goodnight to the vampires and went to bed. They spent one more day camping, hunting, and fishing then decided to go home. Emmett couldn't take being away from his mate anymore, and Seth had to be home by Sunday night for school on Monday. Considering everything that happened, Seth had a good time.

Meanwhile, back on the reservation, Jared and the Elders called Jacob to Sue's house. Jacob had no idea why Jared and the Elders wanted to talk to him, so he wasn't nervous about it. Jacob knocked on Sue's door and was invited in. When he came in, Jake was surprised to see his dad glaring at him, “Hey, guys, what's up?”

“Sit down, Jacob,” Billy said gruffly. “I am so ashamed of you, Jacob,” Billy told him.

“Why? What did I do,” Jake inquired.

“You assaulted Bella Swan, yesterday,” Sue told him.

“What? No, I didn't!”

“Did you or did you not kiss Bella against her will,” Jared asked.


“Forcing yourself on someone against their will is assault. Whether it's a kiss or something more.”

“But Charlie didn't say anything.”

“Of course he wouldn't, He'd be thrilled if Bella fell for you, but this isn't something we're going to let slide, Jacob.”

“But, Dad.”

“No! I raised you better than that! Look what your obsession with this girl is doing to you?”

“It' not an obsession; I love her!”

“You're sixteen years old; you have no concept of what love is,” Old Quil said to Jake.

“Love is not trying to have the other person choose you forcefully. You can't make someone love you, Jake,” Jared told him, “Bella doesn't love you, Jake, she's not your imprint. Stop trying to force something that isn't going to happen!” Billy shouted.


“Then, I'm going to make you, Jake. I'm allowing you to give Bella up willingly. If you don't, I will force you to, and I'm going to make it painful for you.” Jared said, “We are all sick of this supposed love triangle.”

“I don't care; I will never-”

The minute he said that Jacob fell to his knees and clutched his head, it felt like his head was being squeezed in a vice, and then his stomach started cramping so hard he thought someone was cutting him open. Jacob gritted his teeth so that he wouldn't scream. Jake began to writhe on the floor as his pain became unbearable. Jacob couldn't take the pain anymore and screamed in agony.

Jared kneeled next to Jacob, “Are you going to listen to me, Jake?”

“Yes,” Jacob said through gritted teeth, “Please make the pain stop.”

The minute he said he would listen to Jared, the pain stopped. Jake took a deep breath and sat up. He looked up at Jared, “Please don't make me do this.”

“I'm sorry, Jake, this is your punishment for assaulting Bella. You can't see her again. But I will make a deal with you. If you imprint, you can be her friend again, and I'm going to give you the chance to break it off with her.”

Jacob had no other choice but to agree.

Back at the Cullen house, Emmett, Seth, and Jasper had just arrived from their camping trip. Emmett rushed into the house and yelled for his mate, “Selene! Selene, where are you?”

Selene came out of the kitchen “I'm right here, Em, did something happen to Seth?”

Emmett rushed over to his mate. He wrapped his arms around Selene and picked her up. Emmett started peppering her face with kisses until he kissed her lips. Selene laughed and wrapped her arms around Emmett's neck, “What's gotten into you?”

“I missed you.”

“Emmett, you've been gone for two and a half days.”

“I know it was awful. You can't tell me you didn't miss me.”

“Of course, I missed you, Teddy Bear.”

“Good,” Emmett said then started making his way to the basement.

“Wait, Emmett, I want to know how your trip was.”

“I'll tell you later.”

“I want to hear it from my brother, Em. Put me down, I promise, I show you how much I missed you in a little while.”


“Thank you.”

Emmett didn't put Selene down but walked into the dining room with her in his arms then set her down at the table across from Seth, who was eating some tacos that Esme had made for him. He then took a seat next to Selene, “So, Sethy, how was your camping trip?”

“It was awesome, Sel. I was able to catch two bucks.”

“And did you eat them,” Leah asked.

“Yep, it was surprisingly good. I gave the deer to Emmett and Jasper so that they could feed on them as well. Then I watched them hunt some mount lions and grizzly bears. That was cool. After that, we fished and sat around the fire, and they told me stories.”

“I'm glad you had fun, Seth,” Esme commented.

“Thank you, Esme. Emmett and Jasper said they'd take me whenever I wanted to or if I was feeling too stressed out.”

“Good. I'm glad to hear that. Hey, maybe next time, we can all go together,” Selene suggested.

“That would be so much fun, Sel,” Seth said, be bites of his taco.

“Would you like some more tacos, Seth,” Esme asked.

“Yes, please, Esme.”

“Selene, do you want any?”

“Yes, please, Esme.”

The three Clearwater siblings ate while everyone gathered around to listen to Seth in greater detail about how his hunt went. Emmett and Jasper would add a comment here and there. Once the trio finished, Leah offered to take Seth home. Selene hugged her brother goodbye and kissed his cheek. Seth said goodbye to the Cullens and thank them for having him over.

“You're welcome here anytime, Seth,” Carlisle said to the wolf

“Thank you, Carlisle.”

With that, Seth got into Selene's Range Rover, and Leah and Seth left.  The minute they were out of sight, Emmett picked up Selene and rushed downstairs to their room. Emmett threw Selene, causing Selene to giggle. Emmett joined her on the bed and attacked her neck. As Emmett did that, he started to undress her and work his way down. He sat up and pulled her pants off along with her panties, then he stripped and covered her body with his own.  Emmett and Selene ended up making love for hours on end.

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