Chapter 8 - Elizabeth "Sonya" Whitman

Start from the beginning

"What's the big idea?"

"I just want to tell you that I'm coming with you tomorrow."


April 27, 2019
(14 days to go)

This Saturday, Newt and (Y/N) were able to schedule two hours of Mr. Gilbert's time. They needed some more help with the dance and Mr. Gilbert and his wife were ready to help them again. Just like last week, it was just supposed to be him and (Y/N) again. But Newt didn't expect that his little sister wanted to come too.

At first, he protested against it but he couldn't do anything about it in the end. His sister was really persistent and stubborn when she wanted to. He thought it might've been the red hair that she inherited from their father. While his father was somewhat of a dark red that you could mistake for black, hers was a reddish blonde.

When he told (Y/N) that his sister was coming, (Y/N) let him know that Teresa was also coming with her too. Teresa said that she also wanted to learn about the dance and help teach.

"Just behave yourself," Newt told her when they were nearing the studio.

"Of course I will." But the expression on her face and the glint in her blue eyes says otherwise.

Newt prayed a silent prayer of patience and for hope that Sonya wouldn't make any problems.


Once again, (Y/N) came first in the studio along with Teresa. She was feeling nervous once again since Newt said that he was going to bring his sister along. She hasn't officially met her yet and has only seen her from time to time walking right beside Newt.

"This is a good thing," Teresa said while (Y/N) was tapping her fingers on the wooden floor. "You're starting to meet the family."

"That's the reason why I'm nervous."

"Once you get the approval of the sister, the only thing next are your future in-laws."


The door opened and came in Newt and a girl about a year younger than him. She had reddish blonde hair that was fixed in a ponytail, kind of like Teresa. The one thing she and her brother had in come were their eyes. Their blue eyes.

"Hey Newt," Teresa waved at him first since (Y/N) was still mustering up the courage to do so. Newt waved at the two of them.

"I want to introduce my little sister," Newt said.

Teresa just gave the girl a friendly wave. They weren't exactly acquainted with each other but they've seen each other from time to time growing up. (Y/N) did the same, but she was surprised when the girl offered her hand to her.

"I'm Sonya," she said to her.

"I'm (Y/N)," she shook Sonya's hand. The girl had a strong grip.

"Yeah I know. Newt's girlfriend."

Hearing this Teresa laughed but played it off as a cough. Newt was looking at his sister as if she just did something scandalous. Meanwhile, Sonya was just looking at (Y/N) with a sweet expression on her blue eyes. But those blue eyes are like the ocean. They're deep and filled with creatures that could fill your nightmares.

(Y/N) has lost all ability to function. "I'm uh- he's just my- you don't understand." She composed herself. "We're just friends and partners."

There seemed to be a lot that Sonya wanted to say regarding that, but she wasn't able to when Mr. Gilbert and his wife came in.


Sonya watched while Newt and (Y/N) were practicing. She was just staying on one side of the studio, keeping a close eyes on the two of them. She wanted to come for two reasons. The first was to annoy her big brother. But the second one was that she wanted to see (Y/N).

Sonya didn't spend a lot of time gawking at her brother's and (Y/N)'s entwined hands yesterday. She was looking at (Y/N). It was obvious with the way the girl looked at Newt and the body language, as if unsure to step closer or not. She's seen enough of those in their last school.

Newt was pretty popular with the girls in their last school. This didn't seem to be the case in this school for some reason, but Sonya didn't mind and Newt didn't care. He was always dense about these things.

Like right now, Sonya was watching while Newt and (Y/N) were dancing. Everything about (Y/N) is screaming that she likes Newt. Anyone could see it. Even a blind person could. She's pretty sure everyone in the room (except Newt) knows.

But she didn't care if her brother knew about it or not. All she wanted to do was to see what kind of girl (Y/N) was. In their past school, the girls who couldn't go talk to Newt always tried to use Sonya. She hated that and found it immensely annoying. Now since Sonya has made herself known to (Y/N), she wanted to know if this girl will do the same to her.







❤️ Once_Upon_A_Glade

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