Chapter 2 - Sorting Out Priorities

Start from the beginning

"(Y/N)!" She heard someone calling her downstairs.

"Gotta go. That's mom. Just got home from work." Her mom was a doctor and surgeon.

"Alright. See you Monday."

"See you Monday."


April 20, 2014
(20 days to go)

Taking Brenda's advice, (Y/N) then decided to do her job as the leader. So the following day, she started to evaluate her plans and the goals that needed to be accomplished.

The dance was foxtrot. The pairs, she has all fourteen of them written in her notebook. Despite her having an experience and background on dance, it was different from ballroom dances. Still, she knew a few steps from their past lessons. It was then she remembered that her mom had a friend who owned a dance studio and taught ballroom dances.

Before (Y/N) was going to ask her mom to ask her friend about this favor, she stopped. She remembered that she had a partner. An assistant leader. She should tell him about this.

(Y/N) took her phone in her hand and started to look for Newt's number in her contacts. She dopey smile was on her face when she remembered when she and Newt first exchanged numbers. It was during October, in the school trip.

The place the school went to was called the Safe Haven. They were going to stay there overnight. Apparently, Newt already had been there before a lot of times. That includes Teresa, Minho, and Alby. But not (Y/N). It was all new to her.

Despite the numerous times the others have been there, they still like to go back. The Safe Haven was like a resort with many cabins and swimming pools, but it's always expanding. This year, there was said to be a zip line.

The Safe Haven was a pretty huge place. You could easily get lost if you don't know where you're going. Since Newt knew that (Y/N) was hopeless with maps, the day before they were going to leave for the resort, Newt talked to (Y/N).

"(Y/N) can I have your number?"

The question surprised her. They always talked online, him asking her for her number wasn't something she was expecting.

"Sure," she said. She gave him her number and he gave her his.

During this exchange, (Y/N) was trying to reign in the huge smile that wanted to break out on her face.

"Why did you want it?" She finally asked.

"Just in case you get lost tomorrow."

While (Y/N) was heading home that day, she couldn't stop smiling. She just kept on falling for Newt even more. A small part of her wished that she'll get lost in the resort. But she didn't, since Teresa and the teachers kept a close eye on her.

Now, while (Y/N) was staring at Newt's number. When she sent him the message asking if she could call him to talk about the dance, she felt nervous. For several reasons.

To her surprise, he replied immediately and he let her call him.

After taking in a deep breath, she called him. She tapped her finger on her desk as she waited for him to pick up.






She almost fell off her chair.

"H-Hey Newt."

"Hi," he sounds really good even on the phone, "how are you? You said you wanted to talk about the dance?"

"I'm alright and yeah. I was thinking that we should already have some choreography already prepared for Monday."

(Y/N) was wondering if he was thinking that she might be worrying about this too much. What if he thought it was best that they start choreography on Monday?

Stop! She told herself.

They only have about three weeks to practice. They need all the time they could get. She assured herself that she wasn't worrying or thinking about this too much. This was practical.

Don't think or worry about what he thinks! You know more about dancing than him.

"Yeah I agree with you. So what are we going to do?"

Seems like all that fussing was for nothing. He agreed with her. Of course he should.

"My mom has a friend who might help us. I'm going to ask her if we could meet tomorrow, but I wanted to ask you first if you were free."

Why wouldn't he agree with her? She was the leader.

Oh no.

What if it was because she was the leader that he couldn't say no to her? What if he was just being nice?

"I'm free tomorrow. The entire day."

"Okay. That's good. I'll see if I can schedule us tomorrow."

"Great! Just tell me what time."

"Okay, bye."


When the call ended, (Y/N) didn't move for a few seconds, just trying to process what just happened. Then when everything had sunk in, she couldn't help but squeal.







❤️ Once_Upon_A_Glade

Sempiternal Memories (TMR: High School AU - Newt X Reader)Where stories live. Discover now