Chapter 7

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As I read through the documents my heart began to beat abnormally fast. I couldn't believe what I was reading... Even if it was right in front of me... I refused to.
Harley turned to face me and smiled widely. "Awwwwwwwh!! Well, ain't that just SWEET!" She yelled out, hugging me tightly.

"No... Nononono, NO!!" I repeated. I scrolled through more and more documents before Harley decided to snatch the mouse from my hand and read out one document in particular.

"I had to keep her safe, this place is bad enough on your own... How can she not just realize this. I had never felt so bad in my life about what I had to do to her, I love fears with a passion but this just felt insane. I know she was coming her for revenge, but she couldn't of come at a worse time. The Joker is going to burn this place to the ground in less than 24 hours. I just don't want to risk her getting killed. I hope she forgives me."

"So.. He only did this because he cared about me..? But.. But why?" I asked Harley.

"ScareCrow... That rule breaking little shit!! Mister J. Specifically told him, no SECRETS." Harley yelled out. I turned to Harley, and grabbed a hold of one of her hands. "Harley, if Jonathan hasn't of his me down there, I likely wouldn't of been here with you! And you'd have to hang out with a bunch of smelly inmates." I replied to her. She gasped.

"That's right...!" Harley yelled out, hugging me again, I swear I heard my ribs crack at that point. As she let go of me I gasped for air. "I... I just don't know what to think at this point, if it wasn't for Crane locking me in that room for a couple hours, I could've ended up like one of these other doctors lying around dead. Or worse, eaten alive by killer croc." I said, turning to face Harley.

"We can always find him! But wait-.. We should probably talk to Mister J. About all this, and you don't want to get killed by anyone that is..." She replied to me. I nodded at her. "Yeah, that'd probably be a good idea.." I answered back to her. Harley then took out a phone from her bra and dialled a number. "Hello? Listen sugar, I've got a girl with me, and ya see, and I was wonder-... Really?! YEAYY!" Harley screamed out, nearly deafening me once again. she then hung up the phone and smiled at me. "Mister J. said he already knew about you being here, and he said you were different.. Like us! He said he'd be glad to have you with us." She said.

"Great.." I said, smiling maniacally back at her. "Now come on, let me give you a quick tour of this place, well, what WE'VE done with the place that is.." She replied, walking out of Jonathan's office. "You coming?" I looked around at the office for a few seconds before nodding to her and leaving.

Eventually Harley had showed me countless rooms and building ravaged and practically torn apart, dead doctors and guards laying dead on the ground, or being interrogated by inmates. This place was definitely a piece of work. However something didn't seem... Right. Where were the police, guards, or what confused me the most... Batman? He out of all people should be here.

As we entered a small room, filled with boxes, and guns alike, she unlocked a cabinet and handed me a few items. "Now I'm assuming because of your appearance, you ain't got any special powers or anything, so your gonna need a way to defend yourself. Here." She said.

It was 2 small pistols, a small knife, a cellphone, and a grappling hook. I put the pistols in my back pockets, attaching the grappling hook to my belt, and held the knife firmly in my hand. "Thanks" I replied to her with a smile.

"Hello, Ladies" a very deep, and toneless voice said from behind us. We both jumped a little and turned around to see Batman blocking the exit. "Shitshitshitshit" I thought to myself.
"Oh look who finally decided to show up.. It's the batbrain." Harley stated, picking up a nearby chair and throwing it at him, she then grabbed me by the hand and pulled me through another doorway, we then ran down a long corridor. "Harley?! Where are we going?!!" I yelled out. "Beats me!! Just keep running!!" She yelled back. I turned my head around to see Batman running after us, which made me run a little faster. "Rachel, we need to split up! He can't get both of us at once!!" He said to me. "Good idea" I said back.

Harley was right, the corridor split into two other hallways at the end of it, Harley turned to the left and I continued right.
And of course, Little batsy decided to chase after me instead of her. "Fucking Great.." I said to myself.

Luckily for me, I happened to see a vent opening in the ceiling, I quickly pulled out my grappling hook and aimed for the vent, quickly pulling myself up, as I got up and quickly continued to crawl forwards, only to fall down another cent into some other room, I then without a thought hid under a desk, hoping he wouldn't see me.

I suddenly heard footsteps coming near, as I turned to face behind me I saw Scarecrow crouching next to me.

"...What the hell are you doing.?" He asked me, laughing.

आप प्रकाशित भागों के अंत तक पहुँच चुके हैं।

⏰ पिछला अद्यतन: Dec 21, 2014 ⏰

नए भागों की सूचना पाने के लिए इस कहानी को अपनी लाइब्रेरी में जोड़ें!

Quoth the Scarecrow (ScareCrow Love story)जहाँ कहानियाँ रहती हैं। अभी खोजें