Chapter 5

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I suddenly awoke from the sound of deafening screeching. I turned my head towards the direction it was coming from, I couldn't move. My arms, legs and torso were bound to an examining table. My vision was blurry, and full of discolouration. "..W-where.. Am I..?" I whispered softly to myself, examining the pitch black room. As I continued to stare, in from of me in a chair was a figure sitting down. They didn't move or say anything, they just... Stared.

"h-hello..?" I asked quietly

The figure started to walk in my direction, but it was so dark I still couldn't make out what it was. I wriggled my arms and legs trying to loosen the ropes but it was hopeless, I wasn't going anywhere... As the figure got closer to me it kneeled down to my height just inches away from my face and whispered into my ear. "Are you scared yet, Miss Paige...?" The figure revealed itself to be some sort of terrifying sewn 'scarecrow' looking creature. Gaping black eyes, and a stitched mouth addressed it.

I stared up at it in horror as it stood up and began to stroke my hair. "Don't fucking touch me... You creep" I replied back to it, aggressively. The sentence repeated itself in my head. 'Fucking Creep' that fucking creep was Jonathan. No fancy costume or illusion can surpass me... "What do you want from me?!!" I yelled out, no longer calmly. "Hmm... Well, nothing in particular.. Except seeing your every dying fear consuming you and turning you into nothing but a useless asylum patient. Nothing more than the usual." He said walking over to a desk and examining a clipboard.

I caught sight of his right arm, upon it was a plated glove with huge medicinal needles attached to it, inside of the syringes was a luminous yellow colour. The needles were huge, and didn't look like they were used for any 'normal' medical work. But they were nothing to his overall appearance. It didn't seem real, as I stared longer at him my eyes felt as if they were just playing tricks on me like I was just crazy and seeing things. Well, I'm not crazy... This is fucking real, and it's happening... So if I don't get the hell out of here, who knows what's going to happen to me.

Suddenly the figure was standing right next to my left side, examining a set of large carving knives. Which would have been kept only in intensive treatment due to their size...
"Look, I don't know what you want from me, but I know it's you under there Jonathan.. I recognise your voice, I still remember it from High school..." He cracked his neck towards my direction and stared at me, he lifted my chin with the needles on his glove, nearly piercing my skin. "Oh, and I remember you too, my darling..." He said with a menacingly laugh as he stabbed the needles into my neck, hitting my jaw bone. I screamed in pain as my vision went black.

Feeling dizzy, I spat blood from my mouth onto the floor. I felt so useless, so 'innocent' . Is this how everyone feels before they die..? And that burning sensation, felt like he injected me with bleach it hurt so much. I tried wriggling my arms and legs once again to try to somehow loosen the ropes, but it was just hopeless. I was stuck here. "Why... Why are y-you doing this, Jonathan..?" I stuttered out, blood slowly dripping from my mouth and nose as I said it.

"You remember high school then, right Miss Paige..?" He asked in a calm tone, facing me whilst holding a large 'butcher' like knife. I gazed up at him in horror and gulped nervously.

"Y-yes." I mumbled back. "Do you remember when that girl went missing and the rumour about her started to spread around saying that she went insane and ran away..?" He asked me, with a discomforting smile upon his face.

..I was one of the ones who started that rumour because I always truly believed it.. No one ever found that girl. I nodded at him. "Do you remember who left that school JUST after, she went missing...?" He asked again, laughing slightly this time as he said it. I tried to think back to those days, struggling to remember even what my best friends names were. Then suddenly, it hit me, Jonathan left the school RIGHT after that girl did, no one knew exactly why though. I looked up at him, confused. "You... Y-you did." I responded to him.

He started to laugh again walking over to a dark corner, the room wasn't lit hardly at all so I couldn't see him at that point. "That GIRL actually helped me in more ways than you could imagine..." He said as turned on a small lamp, revealing himself in the corner. But... Something seemed 'off'. As Jonathan moved slightly to the right back over to Rachel, she was speechless. In that corner, was once a cheery young girl, that Rachel had gone to school with, now nothing but a soulless corpse that hung from the ceiling, she was even smiling slightly. She was of course older now, but she looked 'hurt', not only physically, but mentally too.

"Shit..." I muttered under my breath.

"She didn't go insane and runaway, Rachel... I kidnapped her, and used her as a lab rat... But now that she's gone, I need someone to fill her place.." He said maniacally, whilst gently petting my cheek. I jerked my head away and looked up at him in disgust. "You're a lonely, desperate fucking creep, Jonathan... Becoming... Become THIS is, and will never help you..." He walked back over to me and put his hands around my throat, choking me aggressively. "Don't you.. Don't EVER speak to me like that.. DO YOU UNDERSTAND??!" He yelled out, eventually letting go of my neck.

I gasped for air and spat out more blood, tears began to form in my eyes as I tried once again to loosen the ropes.

I didn't understand.. All this time I thought I was strong, and that I could take care of myself.. But.. I can't. I really, really can't. Batman was Right, Jonathan was going to kill me, and this fucking asylum was my grave.
I started to feel dizzy again, as well as being incredibly weak. I couldn't even defend myself from that fucking creature.. "Now, if you'll excuse me for an hour or so, I've got more patients to 'cure'..." He said with a laugh, walking away into the un-lit darkness.

Finally, this was my chance to get the fuck out of here... But how..? I quickly scanned the room looking for some sort of weak spot, or anything that could help me, then I noticed it, he had left the carving knives on the small table right next to me. I quickly tried to reach one of them to try and cut the ropes. As my hand got closer to one, I grabbed onto it tightly, rotating it to an angle that I was able to cut the rope. I then cut the other one from my hand, then my legs.

"There..." I whispered calmly. " "Now to find a way out.. I jumped off the examining table and looked around, I couldn't help myself but stare at the girl hanging from the rope... I felt so sorry for her, and I don't feel sorry for anyone. But her body just hung there.. He hadn't even taken a fucking rotting corpse down from his ceiling. I stepped slowly a bit closer to her body and gently laid my hand on her face to close her eyes, I then continued to look around for an exit.

That's when I heard it.. Footsteps.. REALLY close. I quickly tried to find a door, but the room was too dark, when I had finally found a door I felt a hand touch my shoulder. But, this hand was abnormally cold... I turned around slightly to see them.

It was my Parents. They were stood there, smiling at me. I slowly lifted my hand to touch my mothers face, but my hand went straight through her. "M-mom..?" I asked calmly, as my eyes started to water. I swiftly turned around back to the exit door and opened it. "No... I'm Notting letting Jonathan trick me this time.. Whatever that shit is he injected me with is making me crazy... More than the usual. I wiped the tears from my eyes and continued through to the next room. As I turned my head back to the room, the figures were gone.

I was all alone again, back to normal.

Quoth the Scarecrow (ScareCrow Love story)Waar verhalen tot leven komen. Ontdek het nu