Chapter 2

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(10 years later, Rachel now currently 25 years old)

I creeped slowly down the hallway, I KNEW she was here somewhere.. Definitely wasnt just going to leave her alive. I promised myself for 5 years now that I'd would do it.. I will kill my Mother and Fathers boss. Theres no way she's getting away this time.

As I tip-toed slowly, poking my head into every room as I passed by them, I was nearing to the end of the hallway, the last room, darkness consumed all of it, except for a small lit candle by the bedside stand. Its luminous glow distracted me for a few seconds, the fire flickered gently. It reminded me of 5 years ago, When I completely burned the god forsaken place down. I went to visit it about a year ago, Most of the rubble was completely cleared, Figures, They were waiting to get rid of me.

Suddenly I heard very faint footsteps behind me, Me being quit witted, I turned around completely, It was her. The evil bitch who decided to ruin the only chance I'd likely get to be with my parents, And what do yah know? She decided to do it on the day their building was gonna burn down.

I glared at her furiously, she was holding a knife, Blunt. I saw the cut in her dark red sweater, she was bleeding. "Still hanging in there, I see..?" I say, laughing as I did so. "Shut the FUCK up, you crazy bitch.. What do you want from me?!! My husband and son are dead because of YOU.." She yelled, tears dripping from her eyes.

She ran towards me with the knife, And leaped at me, I blocked her swing with my very own knife, Which WASNT blunt, I knew what I was doing. "Ooopsie..." I whispered in her ear as I got close whilst I blocked her. I then grabbed her wrist, twisting it backwards, obviously causing great pain as she dropped to her knees and dropped her knife. "LET GO OF ME!! FUCKING LET GO!" She screamed in pain, I laughed. "But why on Earth would I do that for...? That wouldnt be very fair now, would it? You took everything away from me, so Im here to return the favour...." I laugh maniacally as I grabbed my knife and shoved it violently into her stomach. "Maybe now, People will understand that Im not FUCKING kidding" I twisted the knife, and pulled it out.

As I walked slowly away from her nearly dead corpse, she weakly grabbed my ankle, I kicked it off, and rolled her onto her stomach will my foot, Staring into her faiding eyes I thought to myself. "Is this what I REALLY wanted...? I felt.. Well, bad. Its not like it was this woman's fault, Was it..? Ha!! Who am I kidding? I feel better already."

As I eventually left the house, full of the scum that once worked with my parents, I remembered something. Something that made me grind my teeth aggresively. Dr. Claudia. That name.. That horrid DISGUSTING name. She was the one who would always flirt with my father, My Mother and Father hated her. She frequently came into my parents work building, But I heard recently that she moved to Arkham Asylum as a psychologist. How did I only now just remember this?! This bitch was next, She wasnt getting away that easily. Hopefully she just wont even remember who I was, Then I'd get away easily.

I made my way to the Asylum, It was obviously too far to walk, I called over a Taxi on the side of the road. I then opened the drivers door, and pulled him out of it, quickly getting inside and driving away. "Haha, Everything's getting more fun by the minute..." I say as I quickly sped up, eventually reaching the Asylum. As I got into the parking lot, I saw that not very many other cars were there. Getting out of the car, I quickly snuck around the side of the Asylum entrance, I suddenly heard two woman having a conversation, I quickly poke my head around the corner to listen to their conversation.

"He's not really the kind of person I would recommend working with.. He's a bit strange at times, but there are others who are FAR worse, trust me. I'm sure you'll be fine, stop worrying!" It was two doctors, fortunately for me, one of them was newly hired... "Poor, unfortunate, scum" I whispered to myself. "I have to get rid of her" I wasn't sure how I'd do it, until she decided to make my job a whole lot easier.. "I'll be right in, just let me get a few workbooks from my car, I'll meet up with you at lunch!" I couldn't help myself from laughing as I slowly crept over behind her car. She unlocked the door and began to rummage through a box of her belongings. I looked around for a few seconds, and then I spotted it. A large, and deadly looking rock. Now, what ever would I use this for...? I picked it up and walked behind her, she didn't hear me. My job was just getting easier and easier.

She suddenly turned around, with arms full of books, and miscellaneous. She jumped and shrieked slightly, before sighing and laughing quietly. "Oh god, you scared me! For Christ sake, my first day at the asylum isn't what it's cracked up to-" She was interrupted as the rock I had smashed intoy
her jaw, blood splattering from her nose and mouth as the now bloody rock skid across the pavement. Her blood now covering my top. She fell to the ground and looked up at me weakly, her eyes barely open. "Don't take this personally... Just, well, business.." I laid my foot gently on her head, and well.. Put all of my weight into it. Her face now no longer recognizable, I took her car keys from her pocket and unlocked her car again.

"Aha...!" Inside the box was a psychologist uniform, I turned around to head I side the building, until I tripped over something.. "Agghh! What on Ea-... Shit." It was the body.. I kicked her now useless body under the car, I kicked some dirt around to cover her blood, covering my tracks as I went along. ...Now, time for the awkward part, where was I going to get changed...? I looked around, there was a small wooded area nearby with lots of trees. "It'll have to do... I guess" I sighed as I made my way behind a large tree looking around to make sure no one was looking, Damn creeps in that Asylum I thought to myself.

As I eventually got dressed, I made sure I looked the part, I tied my hair up, and put it into a bun, as well as applying a dark red lipstick thickly onto my lips. I smiled maniacally in a window that revealed my reflection. "Rachel, you really have out done yourself my dear.." My name tag red out 'Maddison Paige' It wasn't the name I would have went with, but I guess it'll have to do...

It was time, finally time. I could get rid of every last bastard that ruined my family, I would then be ridden of that guilty feeling that it was all because of me... I walked up to the front door, and smiled politely at the two guards standing by the entrance, they kindly let me in, and that's when it all began..

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