Chapter 4

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As I slowly walked down the long corridor, passing cell by cell, the inmates all simply stared at me. Very little of them kept there mouths shut, and instead persisted to talk to me. I ignored them. As I wasn't here for petty squabbling, no.
A security guard curiously walked over to me, grabbing my attention. "Urm... Miss? Are you alright..?" He asked me. "Of course... Better than ever..." I responded to him with a smile. "It's just that, no one other than security guards come down here, especially Doctors" "I'm just looking around is all, I was told to 'get to know' my patients before actually working with them... So I thought I should come right from the sorce..."

The guard looked me up and down amazed, then shook his head. "Okay.. J-just be careful in here. Villains like these would do all sorts of unimaginable things to you.. And another thing, whatever you do, DON'T speak to The Joker. He's been acting 'strange' lately. None of the other Doctors could figure out what was wrong with him.
I looked down the long corridor of cells, at the far left hand corner was the Jokers. It looked far different from the rest lined up next to it. "Well thank you Sir, but I MUST be on my way..." I turned to the other direction and started to walk down the cells.

The sound of eerie screeching, and yelling inmates filled my ears with excitement as I got closer and closer to the end of the corridor. The dull lights above me flickered, and the dusty air surrounding me never smelt better. I didn't understand... This felt, strange.. Why was I enjoying such a horrendous and disgusting atmosphere. This place was vile alright, but for some reason I felt more welcome here than I did when I lived with my parents. No, I'm not crazy.. I promise, I'm just misunderstood... I swear. I suddenly opened my eyes to realise I was standing directly in front of the Jokers cell, I couldn't do anything but stare. I just couldn't help myself but to step closer to the glass and examine it. What was happening... I had never felt so alive in my life. I suddenly cracked my neck towards the right of me, I saw a Guard focusing on a television monitor, obviously not doing his job. I started to walk towards him, slowly, not making any noises.

I picked up a large metal pipe that laid on the floor next to a cell, I dragged the pipe across the floor, producing an ear piercing sound. But the guard still didn't notice me. What... What was this... This isn't me, I'm smarter than this. I know I am. I started to feel dizzy, I was almost to the guard when I noticed the blood dripping from my mouth and nose. My insides felt like they were fucking BURNING. As my vision started to go, I dropped the pipe and fell to the ground. I could hear nearby mumbling, a familiar voice that struck my mind instantly.
"C..-crane...?" I stuttered out, instantly fainting afterwards.

I awoke slightly, looking around weakly, it seemed like hell... Flashing red lights flickered on and off, and there was no power. It was pitch black except for an occasional red flash of light that shined my path. It was too quite.. Unrealistically quite. My vision was still blurry and it couldn't feel my legs properly. I slowly tried to crawl to the emergency exit behind me, until I saw 'it'... I glanced at the other far end of the corridor where I had entered from. Standing there was a disfigured, rotting, horrific corpse. I couldn't exactly make out who or what is was, but it just.. Stared. Right at me.

I tried to crawl backwards away from the creature, it suddenly started to dash towards my direction, I panicked and screamed... Gods no.. What the fuck was going on?!! What happened in this fucking place??!! The corpse ran up to me and put its rotting, bleeding hands around my neck, trying to choke me. "G-GET THE FUCK OFF OF ME!!" I screamed out, as I kicked the corpse away, it slowly started to walk towards me again. Suddenly everything turned white, and reverted back to normal. The inmates were in their cells, the power was on, but there was a figure standing over me. I freaked out and punched the figure in the face, but I quickly responded as the figure yelled out 'ow' in a normal sounding voice. I shook my head, and I saw Jonathan standing next to my holding his left cheek.

I quickly ran over to him to see if he was alright. "Aghh!! I'm so sorry!! You just... You just startled me..." He picked up a piece of paper that he had dropped and folded it back into his pocket. "So, what have you been doing down here.. All alone. In such a big, scary asylum...?? Hmm?" He asked. I stared at him and laughed for a few seconds. "I'm not scared of anything, Mr. Crane. Sorry to upset you." I started to walk away from him as he grabbed my hand, pulling me back towards him. he stared at me, raising a brow. "Not scared of anything... Hmm? Care to test that accusation...?" He said with a menacingly smile. I pulled my hand away from him. "Not really, Johnny."

He stood there silently for a few seconds. "I'd prefer if you referred me as 'Dr. Crane' please Rach-... I mean, Miss Paige. "Sure, Johnny boy." I replied walking away from him.

Fucking creep.

As I eventually made it back to my office I sat at my desk and logged into my computer. I searched around for files and found a folder called 'Camera/video feed' I opened it and looked at Camera #67: Blackgate, far end. As I saw the video the air was literally knocked out of me, I could feel the colour draining from my body. My he video was of my getting off the lift into Blackgate and going in front of the Jokers cell and sitting down... Talking to myself. There was no security guards or metal pipes, or tv monitors... Nothing. Something was wrong, dammit. And I aim to fucking find out.

That's when I heard it.

"You shouldn't of done that Rachel, things would have gone so well for you here in Arkham too.." Said a voice behind me, I then felt an extreme sharp pain at the back of my head and I fell to the floor.

"Oh, well..."

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