Chapter 3

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As I made my way through the Asylum doors, I encountered several friendly faces, well, except for one... There he was, a sore sight to see might I add. What did he go by again...? Ahh, yes. 'The Batman' I've only heard of him a few times in Gotham, but he's never confronted me about any of my crimes. He slowly walked up to me, glaring. It seemed like he was double my height at most.. I trembled slightly staring up at his figure from head to toe, still trying to keep that fake smile on my face. I then gulped nervously, hoping he wasn't just here to lock me up in this gods forsaken place.

He stared right into my eyes, with no expression upon his face as he said it to me.
"Be careful here, these criminals eat people like you for breakfast" I shivered slightly at the tone of his face, but in the end it was all worth it to realize.. I had just FOOLED, BATMAN. I nodded back to him and smiled.

Batman walked around me and left the building, I turned to the other doctors, waiting for them to acknowledge me."Ahh, yes. Ms. Paige, I am to inform you that your new office is just down the hall, to the right. She pointed across the room, and smiled.

I then quickly skipped over down the hall, eventually leading to 'my' new office, apparently.. I glanced Into the room across from mine, a tall, sleek looking man glared back at me as I unlocked the door to my office. "Ooooookkkaaayy..." I mumbled to myself, as I stepped inside. The room was... Small, enclosed, and engulfed with books and papers. It also smelled, like god knows what. "The sooner I killed Ms Claudia, the better" I said to myself. I laid some books down on the desk and sat down in the chair, I stared for a few moments at the blank computer screen before immediately checking the files on it.

"Aha.. 'Current employed staff' this was just the thing I was looking for. I scrolled for what seemed minutes upon minutes of nobodies, and worthless workers that could be replaced faster than when I smashed Ms Paige's face with that rock.
I then scrolled upon a rather peculiar name, and it seemed as if I had recognized it.. Mr. Jonathan Crane. Now, where had I heard that from again..? His portrait seemed TOO familiar to me. Probably because that was the man sitting across from me in the other room.

But why did it matter...? I wasn't here for petty squabbling with pathetic staff who believe they can cure insanity, bagh, I wanted to get out of here as soon as I could. The moment I entered this place I felt my flesh curl from my body.
But I just couldn't get that name off my mind... "Jonathan Crane" I whispered to myself once again.
"Yes?" A voice answered back. I suddenly jumped and turned around, it was him. And when I saw his face clearly, it all came clear to me. Jonathan Crane, the little thing, went to my school for a little while. Poor thing got bullied so often he had to leave... Or, at least I think that's why he left..

"Oh, I, urm.. Nothing! It's nothing don't worry.." I smiled awkwardly back at him, hoping he would just forget about it and go away. But he didnt, and it seemed as if he wanted to have a LONG conversation, which I didn't have time for. "Well, Ms Paige. As you are new here it is my job to help you around for the first couple days, is this okay?" "Of course, but I'm sure I'll get the hang of this quickly, it couldn't be THAT hard.." He laughed and shook his head. "Oh you couldn't be any more wrong. This place is a real work of art, and it requires a lot of attention in order to stay an Asylum. However, most of the other workers here don't take their job seriously, which lead most of them to quitting."

"But you, Ms Paige look like you know what you're doing. Now, if you excuse me I must be going, I will assure you that we will see each other very soon." He smiled as he turned to the door and left.
"God, what a boring old man." I mumbled to myself as I sat down and put my feet on the desk. "He WAS cute though, Little Jonathan better not interrupt my plans or he might just go with Ms Claudia.."

I sat there for a few more minutes thinking, I suddenly sighed, getting up from my chair and pacing backing and forth across the room. "Did I even plan HOW, I was going to kill this woman?! It's only a matter of time until they find out I'm not really Maddison Paige.. The bitch is dead under her own car for Christ sake." I couldn't determine whether I had, a few minutes, hours, days. It was unclear to me completely.

I got up, and left the room. As I walked through the hall I soon met the Cell doors of inmates, God, these creatures were sickening. And the noise was unbearable, all of them were screaming, yelling, or just making stupid comments that I wouldn't dare repeat about my appearance. I soon came up to a lift, I went inside, and because I was bored, pressed a random button, I couldn't even remember what it was.

When the elevator doors opened, I just couldn't believe my eyes, in front of me, we're the most dangerous villains of all time, villains who didn't care if you had a family, or were just a child. They did what they did for a reason, a good one, revenge.... I liked the way these people worked.
"This must be Blackgate" I said to myself smiling, as I continued down the corridor.

Quoth the Scarecrow (ScareCrow Love story)Kde žijí příběhy. Začni objevovat