Chapter 8

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Sophie's POV

I had just got home after I found out I was pregnant and I was still on edge I didn't talk to anyone and just went upstairs and layed on my bed the last thing I wanted was to talk to someone

Time skip first day back at foxfire

Sophie's POV

I hadn't talk to my family in two days and now I had to go to school and act like I was fine I wasn't ready Biana already knew and was probably gonna act all mama bear around Me
I hated attention like that,but I have no choice if I tell my parents I don't want to go to school they well get concerned so I just got dressed in my uniform I didn't even bother with my hair or makeup and I went downstairs

"Hey Sophie want breakfast" edaline looked at me with a sympathetic look I just smiled and acted like I got no sleep

Ya mom I am actually super hungry

I really was this baby was apparently starving she chuckled and gave me breakfast I ate it so fast I felt a bit sick I just ignored it I remembered reading that pregnant moms normally feel like this so I went to school

I got to foxfire and Immediately saw my friends Biana looked over at me and gave a sad smile then Keefe started to walk over Just as I started to feel my breakfast coming back up I ran from him as fast as possible and I ran straight into the bathrooms I heard Keefe and Biana calling me I felt bad for making them worried but I felt so sick and nervous

Keefes POV

I saw Sophie light leap to school she hadn't talked to me in days and I was still worried about her so started to walk over to her and all of a sudden I got a wave of emotions she was nervous and felt sick it only scared me more I tried to run after her but she ran into the girls bathroom so a waited outside I saw Biana go into the bathroom she must be worried too

Sophie's POV
I run into the nearest stall and start throwing up I then heard biana run in

"Sophie are you okay what stall are you in"

I am okay just ate too fast this morning

"Sophie can I come in please elwin told me to keep an eye on you after what we learned last week"

I quickly pulled Biana into the stall

Shhhhh Biana I don't need people getting suspicious

"Right sorry should we go to elwins maybe he has an elixir for you that will help"

I was about to say no when another rush of nausea hit me I went to throw up again and Biana quickly pulled my hair up into a ponytail and rubbed my back she was the best

Ya I think that would be best

We both got up and I rinsed my mouth and hands we then walked out of the bathroom hoping to see no one because class had already started but we bumped into a very nervous Keefe

SOPHIE! Are you okay what happened your emotions felt sick and nervous talk to me

He was talking so fast and quickly pulled me into a hug he then let go quickly

What's that smell

It's nothing Keefe I just felt a little sick

You threw up?! Sophie your sick oh no let's go see elwin

I was about to stop him when Biana said she was taking me instead and that Keefe should go to class

No not happening my girlfriend is sick it's my Job to help her I will take her

"Keefe it's best if you don't you might also get sick and you need to be strong for Sophie okay"

I gave Keefe a sheepish smile hoping he would just let it go he still seemed worried so I told him I loved him and we would talk later he didn't look convinced but let me go

Elwins office

" Sophie?! Are you okay what happened" Elwin looked so concerned

I am okay I just wanted to talk to you,and Biana why don't you head to class I am okay now I promise
She gave me a gentle hug and smile and then left

"Sophie so what happened"

I have just been feeling really sick in the mornings and today was really bad can I take anything for it?

" oh thank god I thought it was something worse yes I have something give me a sec"

He went to go grab the elixir he was talking about when I called out to him

Hey elwin it still is bad that I get sick in the mornings you should feel how I feel

I heard him chuckle and then walk back into the room with an elixir

"So Sophie you are officially getting used to the idea that your pregnant"

No not really but I know there is nothing I can do and I want to be a good mom and at least try to make this feel normal

" I understand Sophie it's hard Adjusting especially to something like this and I am glad you are getting help when you need it"

Of course I don't want to feel sick and,.......have to carry a baby that no one wants

I said the last part under my breathe hopping he wouldn't hear how I truly feel

"Hey Sophie I know This is a lot and I am still disappointed in you but you will be a great mom and everything will be okay me and Biana are for you"

Thank you elwin

" now here take this it will help with the sickness I don't know how much because things are different for you but it will do enough"

You really are a life saver let's just hope my baby doesn't see you as much as I do

"BABY?" I look over and see marella with a very shocked look

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