Chapter 34

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Sophie's pov
The next few days went about the same. We slept in late then lazily got up to have something to eat to just jump right back in bed for alone time 😏. It was like our honey moon before our wedding. But as much fun as it was I missed ev so by Thursday I decided to meet up with the girls to see her. While I was with them keefe had some boy time with fitz and tam.

Hey evvv
I cooed as I picked up my sweet blonde girl.
She wore another frilly dress with what seemed like an even bigger bow

Woah what's with the huge bow

"Isn't it cute I bought more of them in Atlantis now she has one for each outfit" biana said with a smug grin

Well then guess she needs to wear one all the time now
As I said it the bow started to fall out of her barley seen hair.

"Oh don't worry she will grow into them, I promise" with that biana handed me the bag of bows she got.

"Alright now that you have reconnected let's go get some food and gossip" marella started to drag us to the nearest cafe to sit and eat

"Alright soph how has your week been" lihn said smugly

It's been pretty good super relaxing

"But not toooo relaxing right I mean you don't have a house alone to just sleep"

Actually we have slept a lot but ya I guess we have been up to other activity's

"ooOoOoO I knew it!! How many times?!"

BIANA! not in front of ev

"Pshhhh she doesn't even know what we are saying just spill"

Okay okay only because she is basically sleeping. We have done it... um I think*their mouths went wide when I started to count on my fingers* I think about 13 times maybe

"Wow 13 in what 5 days!" Lihn said surprised

Well I mean we are making up for lost time

I said it with a wink and we all went into a giggle fit

For the next few hours we just talk and laughed about ev other things, later then deciding to meet up with the boys so keefe could see ev too.

There she is my beautiful princess

I started to blush at the pet name he gave me, when I noticed he ran right past me and picked up everlee.

Wowwww I see how it is

Keefe turned around with ev in his hands and they both gave me puppy eyes.

I love you but look at her. I missed her sooo much

He played with her little tuff of hair attached to the big bow and my heart melted.

Okay I forgive you but only because you two are so cute.

"Alright alright we get it you guys are perfect." Fitz said with a joking eyeroll

"Welllll can I ask the obvious question"

Umm what do you mean biana

"Well I mean you two said you were gonna get married once ev was born and.... Helloooo it's been 5 months"

Actually me and Sophie were talking about that the other day

"Soooooo" they all looked at us and said

We want to wait till ev can be a part of the wedding

Biana and the others looked confused for a moment. Before lihn spoke up

"Oh you mean like be in it and remember it"

Yes exactly that's why we want to wait till she is about 5 or 6 years old

Biana had big puppy dog eyes like hearing us wanting to wait was breaking her heart

Keefe and I just smiled lightly, and continued to play with ev, while they complained about the wait for our wedding.

"Wellll if I'm going to have to wait for your wedding then someone else's has to get married"

We all made big eyes and saw a blush creep on tam and fitz face. Making us girls laugh and keefe crack joke.

Ya fitziepoo when you gonna ask lihn to marry you

"Shut up keefe" fitz said with a glare

Okay oaky don't wanna anger the beast *he laughed as he said it so It didn't sound very literal*
Okay then how about you tam, are you gonna pop the question

Biana practically squealed with joy

"Omg are you are you are youuuu"

"Um biana how about we talk about this later I mean I wouldn't want you to know if I was coming to ask you"

Biana sighed "okay I guess I understand, we'll if none of us are getting married and marella and dex are still just "talking" whatever that means, then what do I have to look forward too"

Welllll ev will be going through lots of big things like walking and talking. That's pretty fun to look forward too right.

"Ya ya I guess but for now she is just a little doll for me to dress up, we'll a doll that poops and cry's"

Speaking offff smells like we need a change.

I eyed keefe

No way it's your turn you always make me change her

"Um actually we have been the ones changing and feeding her so far this week so suck it up you two" lihn said with her arms crossed

Fineeeee I'll do it but keefe you have to get up with her the next time she cry's at night

What?! She poops all the time I'll just change the next one. I need my beauty sleep.

We all laughed then I got up with ev to change her

Keefes pov

"So keefe Sophie told us all about your past few days together"

She what?! I told her not too

"Woah wait what did she tell you biana" fitz said curiously

Biana don't you tell him!

"Why not you should feel like a king. She was all giddy when she told us" marella said with a wink

She did!
I didn't realize how excited I got till the girls started laughing

"Wait don't tell me that's all you two have done" tam said

What?! Nooo we have slept a lot too

"Wow that's so much better" fitz rolled his eyes

Alright! We are back and clean what did I miss

"Oh not much just us talking about all the sex you and keefe have had."

Sophie's face grew bright red

Umm what.. what do you mean no we haven't

I saw Sophie's not so scary glare at biana and all biana did in response was laugh

"Don't worry soph I don't care you two are getting married. It's boundto happen I just mean that's a lot of se-

Don't say it fitz!

"Sorry that's a lot of adult fun time" he said with a wink "for people who just had a kid"

Woah there mister. First off you have no idea what it's like to not be able do... that for almost a year. And we use protection.

"Okay okay mama bear just looking out for you. And also TMI I know we are besties but I don't need to know that you were longing for some alone time with keefe"

Hey! That's not what I said

But it's what you meant

Oh shut upppp you two

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