Chapter 23

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Omg hey guys sorry I had bad writers block but I am back loves

Keefes pov

I woke up to a warm body beside me with pretty blonde hair and an adorable sleep face. God I love this girl so much. I didn't want to wake her up so I got up quietly and gently kissed her forehead then I made my way downstairs.

"Oh good morning keefe" I looked over to see edaline working making some breakfast

Hello good morning I hope it's okay that I spent the night I promise we only cuddle

"Hahah I trust you keefe don't worry just if Grady comes inside say you came over this morning"

Ha I will

"Hey is Sophie any better I know she was a little stressed yesterday"

Oh ya she wasn't in the mood to talk to much so I just layed with her till she fell asleep

"Oh well that was very sweet but I hope she opens up more this stress isn't good for the baby"

I know, I actually was going to plan a special date for us

"Aw how sweet what are you gonna do"

Well I was actually hoping I could ask you and Grady a question before the date if you know what I mean

I looked over to see a bright kinda crazy smile apear on edalines face then she ran over to hug

"Oh yay!!!! Well you have my blessing one hundred percent"

Really?! Thank you I was kinda scared you would say no because I got her pregnant

"Though I wasn't thrilled about that I know she loves you and I have always wanted to plan a wedding"

I chuckled* all right well do you think I will have this much luck with Grady

"Oh yes he loves you keefe more then he lets you see I know he will approve"

Okay!! I am going to talk to him


I was terrified as I walked over to Grady I was messing with my shirt so much the string started to pull from it

"Hello keefe when did you get here"

Oh uh this morning I wanted to talk to you actually

"Well I'm all ears what do you need"

I uh I um well you see I have this plan for Sophie but Um....

"Hey relax I'm not gonna hurt you what's the plan"

Well she has been so stressed lately with the baby and friends and school and well everything I just wanted to take her on a special date

"Hahahah keefe you are her boyfriend you don't need to ask me to go on a date with my daughter"

Well it's not just any date I want to ask her to marry me and I wanted your blessing

Hey didn't say anything for a while then a small tear slipped from his eye and a smile crept across his face

"Of course you can marry her!!"
He then wrapped me in a bear hug and laughed

"You were already a part of this family now it will just be official and you are the perfect boy for her I see they way you too look at each other you are perfect for each other"

Really thank you so much

I felt so loved in that moment that even I started to cry I was going to be with the love of my life we were gonna have a family!!

"Do you have a ring picked out yet"

I- I uh yes sir I do actually

"Hahah wonderful keefe may I see it"

Yes of course

I chose a simple gold one because I thought the gold band would bring out her eyes and I got it with ice blue died diamonds so she has a piece of me everywhere

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I chose a simple gold one because I thought the gold band would bring out her eyes and I got it with ice blue died diamonds so she has a piece of me everywhere

"It's absolutely beautiful keefe she will love it"

Thank you sir

"Keefe you don't need to call me sir you are a part of this family call me Grady"

Oh- okay Grady

He chuckled and Hugged me once more

"Now what's this date idea you have in mind"

Sophie's POV

I yawn and reach over to feel nothing and jolt up

Where did keefe go? I go and sit in front of my mirror to fix my hair then I make my way downstairs and see my mom

Hey mom good morning

"Good morning Sophie you slept quit a bit"

Ya I guess I did I have just been stressed lately it's nice to finally get some rest

"Well I am very glad you did"

Me too hey uh do you know where keefe is

I asked with a sheepish look afraid she would be disappointed he slept over

She gave a small chuckle

"Yes he is outside talking to Grady and don't worry I don't mind him sleeping over just give me a heads up next time"

I will next time mom

I gave a bright smile then walked outside to meet keefe

As I approached closer he quickly stopped what he was talking about and started to shuffle his feet

Hey uh you okay?

Oh! Ya no I am good... good morning love you got to go by

He quickly gave me a kiss and left

Uh I love you too

What just happened dad

"Oh you know keefe he is a goof but he means well, well I will be working love you"

Love you too

What was that about?

I stood by callas tree wondering why the were acting strange when I heard my stomach grumble

Aw is baby hungry

I cradle my small bump and for a moment I wished I was holding my daughter in my arms

That's idea faded and my mind flooded with all the things that could go wrong with the birth

I shook my head I walked back to my home so I could have breakfast

"Hey sweetie you hungry?"

Yes actually super

"Haha alright I will have breakfast ready in just a minute"

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