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Taehyung's pov

After jungkook left I relaxed my mind and slipped into little space because it's been a year since I've last been little.

Little Taehyung's pov ( yeah there like to different ppl😂)

I opened my eyes to see I'm me again so I happily skipped around the house, exploring ever last corner until I got to my room I opened the door and walked to the draw and digged to exact back of it and grabbed my favorite jump, thigh high socks, fluffy slippers and a cute pink pacifier.

After 34 minutes of struggling I finally got into my clothes. I walked~ well stumbled down the stairs and head yo the kitchen to get something to eat but I couldn't reach the cookie jar at the top of the cupboards causing me to walk back to the living room and sat in the middle of the open space near the door and cryed for 5 minutes. My tears soon run dry so I just sat there and stared at nothing ignoring the door that was opening. I heard something loud behind so I looked back and saw my daddy. I smile and ran to him pulling him into a tight hug

"I missed you daddy"

Jungkook's pov

I was so shocked that I accidentally pushed him off of me harshly causing him to land in his butt and began to cry while I just stood there and watched him crying because my body had completely froze up from being jungshock.

But I soon came back to my senses and jumped over the body on the ground and ran to him pulling him into my embrace trying to calm him down.

After 9 minutes of failure to calm him I finally got him to quiet down.

He pout, folded his arms and looked away then said "whay ded dawdy puush taetae" "huh...I'm confused...are you okay?" I asked and felt his temperature to see if he is sick but it was surprisingly normally, he giggled and said with a little bit of sass "of cowrse I yam how abwout ywu" "Nah I'm alright but you, you aint okay.. wait why are you speaking in third person and also sound like a little kid" I sassed back at him "it's becwuse taetae is little nuw"

When he said that it all hit me tae mentioned something about little space early but he never told me he was on him sekf but before I could say anything else the girl behind me asked "were am i?" Taehyung looked at her then back at me and  frowned his eyebrows. "Whou is she dawddy?" He said as his voice cracked like if he was about to cry again.

"No one hunny but could you please go to you room for a but so daddy can finish work" i asked in a soft voice "otay" he said sadly and walked away to the stairs slowly stepping on one step at a time like if he was gonna fall.

I looked back and my ex just there laying helpless on the floor. I walked over to her and dragged her to the sofa.

Taetae pov

I huff and fold my arms while walking to my room.

"If he's gonna take advantage of taetae, taetae doesn't wanna be taetae anymore" I said and opened my room door walking in and belly flopping onto my bed,

I layed like that for awhile trying to be big again but it didn't work because taetae doesn't know how to be big again

Then an idea hit me "why not go get daddy to take me out of little space" but I'm still mad at him for asking me to go to my room knowing I'll obey because taetae is well discipline.

"Aawww he's taetae's only owption" I said sadly because I could find my phone to call my Eomma(jin).

I got up and walked out of my room with a toy bear in my hands to the stair but a sound stopped me "ahhhh j~jung~kook"

I was confused as hell so I quickly walked down the stair and then I saw it making me slip out of little space and dropping everything.

Jungkook's pov

There we sat face to face again. I had untied her and sat her down in front of me.

"Ooh...hey baby long time no see I actually was missing you, your touch and well everything about you" she said seductively but I was not effectted

"Lisa I truly don't care if you missed me or not..." I paused but then continued " and infact im already married to someonewho isn't a lying, cheating, gold digging whore like you" she laughed at my words then got up from her seat and sat on my lap leaving me confused, did she forget I can kill her ass in one second.

"Baby I'm pretty that she~" I cut her off and said "who said it was a she" "oh..well even better. We both know that I'm the best fuck you ever had and wille ver have besides his ass couldn't compare to my pussy it's a known fact" she said with a smirk. "I bet you probably miss the way I grind on you like this" she began to move her hips on my bulge and moan my nane which disgusting me in every way possible "ahhhh j~jung~kook"  she said as she was basically pleasing herself on my dick as I just sat there thinking of ways to kill her before teahyung see (I may be a mafia boss but that doesn't mean I'm not loyal) but my thoughts were interrupted by the sound of something dropping.

I looked across the room after hearing a noise and saw teahyung there looking at me and my ex in disbelief before running back up the stair. I quickly pushed the Lisa of me, tying her to the chair because I can't let her escape then ran after him.

When I got to the room the door was already shut do I knocked and said "Tae, baby can you open the door so daddyy van explain what happened" "I'm not little anymore" he basically yelled at me but it's understandable I guess.

I sighed then said "sweetie trust me it's not what it looks like" I  could hear him sniff as he said "then what is it huh? Your trusting to tell me that my eyes and ears are deceiving me?" He yelled back.

"Taehyung could you at least open the door so I could explain to you face to face" I  said in a calm voice but he didn't reply.

The door slowly opened and I was pulled into the room as he wrapped his arms around me neck cause my arms to automatically wrap around his waist then he said " ok then daddy explain yourself" I was taken by the suddenly change of tone but I still explained the situation yo him ignoring the fact that he called me daddy.

"Oh... well then I'm sorry" he said but his words were muffled as he place his head on my chest. "No it's okay I understand why you would be msd I am your husband after all....wait" I put two of my fingers on his chin lifting his head so he was looking at me then said "were you jealous" when I saw that he turned a deep shade of red causing me to coo at his cuteness and pulled him into a hug " awww... baby I never thought you even cared about what I do in fact I thought you still hated me for....well you know" I  scratched the back of my head feeling like an idiot for beginning back up the past. "I mean I don't hate you but I don't like you either for locking me in such a place, killing someone in front of me and not even bothering to check on me to see if I was okay it makes me wonder what I am to you. Like do you just see me as the gambling surprise you won or do you veiw me as your toy" he said and walked away sitting on the edge of his bed

"Of course I don't see you as just the surprise I won well at first but I only even agreed to take you instead of money because I was getting tied of always thinking of my ex all the time so I wanted someone to erease her from my mind and I also just wanted someone to spend time with yuh know like open my heart to, to love" I said all of that whiling at him dead in the eyes

"Jungkook if your gonna love someone you don't lock them in a room that smelled like absolutely death, had blood stains on the walks and floors and also npt even bother to feed the person you
"Love" he said the last part sarcastically.

"Okay I shouldn't have locked you in there and im sorry for doing that but I sadly couldn't control my feelings....I did that all out of jealousy" I said and looked down but was shocked when he walked up to me and wrapped his arms around my nevk again and said "good and I ran up here, slamming the door because I was jealousy"

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