I miss you daddy

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Jungkook's pov

After I left taehyung at home I rushed to my underground hideout.

"Mr.jeon" my right man man namjoon said to me as he walked up to me.

"Did you hear about the news" he asked me while we were walking to my office. "Of course I why else why I rush down here, dang I had some else I wanted to do today" I said with a sigh.

We walked into the meeting room. There sat hoseok, yoongi and my other workers. "Ok lets just get down to business" I said and stood at the end of the table while namjoon sat on my right of course.

Time skip to after discussing the plan because I aint think of one

"Ok man let's go"

We all rushed out of the meeting rooms grabbing our weapons and making sure to alert the rest of the squad of what the plan was.

We got into our cars anf drove down town to the longest street. We parked not to far but not to close to the old looking house.

"Im going ok" I said to namjoon who just nodded.

I slowly opened the door and walked in the place smelling like fresh sex, drugs and alcohol it truly disgust me

I walked up the stairs slowly pulling out my gun and walking to the room at the end of the hall. I kicked to door open and there he stood jason wang but with a fist full of girls hair.

"Oh hey there" he said and looked at me with that sickening smile.

"Long time no see little bro" when he said that he smirked widely. "Well adopted brother at least" hearing the words adopted just made me gritten my teeth I would kill him right on the spot if I hadn't lost that bet against him (the bet was if he beat me at poker I wouldn't be able to kill him ever but if i won the ssme rules apply. Sadly I wasn't that good at poker)

" yah know you actually came at the right time come, come join us here" he said and threw the girl onto a chair and tied her down to to I still could she her face though because of her hair.

I stared him in the eyes for a hot minute then said " I didn't come here to play your stupid games" " oh baby brother this is not a game it's just a little thing I call bonding" he said with a weird looking smile on his face it kinda looked genuine but it's my pycho older brother who still hasn't realized that he's the adopted one so come on how genuine could this smile be?

I walked over to the chair and set across from them obviously annoyed by my brothers stupid antics.

He then pushed back the girls hair and head so her face could be seen.

My mouth dropped when I looked at her.

"Is that my ex" I asked out of shock. I honestly thought that bitch was dead.

I heard a loud laugh across from me, it was jason. "As mush as I would like to explain how she didn't die I don't have time to do that cause im already occupied with killing you.

When he said that I gun was behind my head. "I would kill yoy myself but I don't want mom and dad to hate me now do I" he chuckled lowly after saying that.

I just sat there and smirked while his dropped. "Why are you smirking" he asked and narrowed his eyes at me. "I just find this amusing" I said and began to laugh but my laughs got louder snd louder by the second.

I immediately set my face straight and stopped laugh "Jason your abit to retarded for my likings" I said in a cold tone.

This made him gritten his teeth. "Shoot him" he said to the guys behind me but no one shoot. "I SAID SHOOT HIM WHY ARE Y'ALL JUST STANDING STAR STUCKED" he yelled at his men

"Oh wow big btother what a why to talk yo you employees....well that's if they were yours" I said with a smirk. His eyes wided "what the fuck are you talking about"

I shaked my head and got up saying "you've always been 12 steps behind me and always will be" I walked pass MY man to the door but before I could leave he started laughing "your not supposed to kill me dumbass" "oh, no bug brother I'm not killing you they are"

"What about her huh" he smirked because he knows what happened a few years ago. "Please dont kill me, I'll do anything you wont" hpshe softly begged me receiving a slap across the face from jason "shut the fuck slut if anyone in here deserves to die it's you" he yelled at her.

I got to give it to him even though he tries to kill me all the time he's always been a good brother, he always took care if me when our parents couldn't well in his way of doing it (tying me to the roof to cook), he would even take the blame for my wrong doings and he's always there to defend me.Because of this I coukd never bring myself to kill him.

I raise my hand to my man and gestured them to take the girl. "I'll see you later big btother" "wait a damn minute you not even gonna tell me how you plan this out" he said with a smug look which made me smile my bunny smile and nodded. I explained everything to him while he just laughed and said "wow I am dumb but don't worry I'll get you next time baby brother"

"We'll see about that" I said and was about to leave but he stop me dead in my tracks when he asked "what are you gonna do with her?" "Kill her slowly for breaking my heart do many times" I said coldly and walked out if the house of course nit with out waving my brother good bye.

Time skip to home

I was now pulling up by the house gate with my ex girlfriend tied up in the back of my car The guards open the gates and I drove to my house.

I parked my car in the garage and untied the girl (I knocked her out because I didn't want to hear her annoy voice)

I walked up the stairs dragging her along because I was to lazy to lift her but when I opened the door I was shocked.

I saw taehyung dress in a baby rumber,thigh high socks, fluffy slippers with a pacifier in his mouth just sitting on the floor playing with blocks.

I dropped everything and by everthing I mean the girl I was holding ( I lift her up the stairs because im not that heartless to drag her up them besides she looks like she had a good enough beating already).

He looked back at me smiled then ran to me giving me a tight hug, looked up at me and said.

"I miss you daddy"

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