Skip a few days

Tegan : I'm going out
Mom ; no your not u need rest
Tegan : i need answer I'm going to the prison to see jenna
Gran : is that a good idea
Tegan : yes i need proper answers
Dad : your heart u don't need more stress
Tegan : I'm fine now bye

I walk out the door getting in my car and i drive to the prison and i go throw all security and i finally see her

Jenna : u came to see me

I stay quiet

Jenna : oh come on not even a hello how are u hows prison oh thanks for asking its awful the food is awful
Tegan : good u desver nothing good so I'm over the moon everything is awful
Jenna : take a chill pill love your getting wrinkles
Tegan : i want answers what was on that island
Jenna ; ross the pilot me and him knew each other he used to baby sit me and as a kid he told me there was tressure on this island and how one day he was gonna go there and get the treasure . And i got older i stayed in contact with him then when u asked me to go to hawaii with u and i knew ross was our pilot so we figured heres our time to find the treasure . So he said leave it to him and all i had to know is that hes gonna cause the plane to go down . So thats what he done
Tegan : was there tressure on the island
Jenna : yh ross found it
Tegan : the helicopter how did u get it to come the island
Jenna : ross had made this walkie-talkie that could work no matter where u were so once he found it he called the helicopter . I was meant to get on aswell but i was to slow and i missed it
Tegan : what and leave everyone to die
Jenna : yh we didn't care and if ross hadent got caught we would be that island well i would of been i would of killed by now
Tegan : why did u kill all thoeses people
Jenna : the first person i killed was an accident we were on the plane and he tryed attacking me so i tryed grabbing something anything to get off me . And a part of the plane came off so i stabbed him and then he was dead and it was fun
Tegan : killing someone was fun
Jenna : so fun so after i killed that man i needed to carry on so i killed the whole group i was with then i found this other group .but i didn't hurt them i was waiting for them to trust me . Then the helicopter came and i missed it and i found u and i had no intention on hurting u but then u couldn't safe Ellie and i blamed u so from then on i tryed killing u but every time i tryed daniel or millie woke up
Tegan ; Jake why did u kill jake and when
Jenna : the day Ellie died jake came back and cause i blamed u for ellie dying i had to kill jake to hurt u .
Tegan : were u gonna kill millie and daniel
Jenna : i was gonna kill everyone on that damn island but then we got saved and then i was waiting for the perfect time to kill u and everyone else once we got home
Tegan : then u got caught
Jenna : u got luckey but u won't be so luckey next time cause when i get out of here your all dead
Tegan : well your going down for a long time so good luck with that

I get up walking out and i go out to my car and i drive to daniels explaining everything to him and his family

Daniel ; I'm sorry mom and dad but shes a bitch
Keri : its fine she is
Jeff : you've knowen her so long and she wanted to hurt u
Tegan : 5 years
Keri : not to sound rude but does she have problems
Tegan : not that i know of
Daniel : well clearly there is
Tegan : well yh
Jeff : aleast shes locked up now
Keri : thank god
Daniel : right were going upstairs
Jeff : door open please
Daniel ; ok

We walk upstairs and i lay down

Daniel ; u ok
Tegan : yh just tired and my back hurts
Daniel ; I'll give u a massarge
Tegan ; no its ok
Daniel : ok
Tegan : wheres anna Christian and tyler then
Daniel ; annas at a frineds and Christian and tyler are at theres packing
Tegan : they moving
Daniel : there moving to LA to be closer to me
Tegan : aww that's nice there moving to be closer to u
Daniel : whole family's moving out there
Tegan : really
Daniel ; yh its gonna be nice having them out there with me
Tegan : when do u go back
Daniel ; few days I'm driving up there so it's gonna take forever
Tegan : isn't it like 2 3 days drive
Daniel ; i think so not sure
Tegan ; ok well enjoy your drive
Daniel : dreading it but there is no chance in hell i am flying
Tegan : yh
Daniel : its gonna be so weird not seeing u most days
Tegan : i know but we can talk on the phone
Daniel ; do u think we will work long dictence
Tegan : i belive so if we have trust in each other
Daniel : i trust u
Tegan : i trust u aswell i think u proved i could trust u when Jenna kissed u
Daniel ; please don't remind me
Tegan : ok anyway one day I'm gonna move to LA
Daniel : please be soon
Tegan : I've already said to my parents i am gonna move to LA one day . But not for a while cause the next 12 week I'm meant to just chill cause that's how long it takes to recover from a heart attack . But after theses 12 weeks pass thats when I'm really gonna think about moving
Daniel : 12 weeks is so long but u do need to recover and I'm still in shock u had a fucking heart attack
Tegan : i am aswell like the doctor said your going in heart failure run more tests on me and said your having heart attack .
Daniel : must have been so scarey
Tegan : yh and fucking hurt like a bitch
Daniel : I've think u said
Tegan : probley have but do not have one cause it is painful 
Daniel ; I'll try not to stress get to tired or eat bad cause i swear they can cause heart attacks
Tegan : yh
Daniel : so do u want anything to eat or drink
Tegan : I'm good thank u
Daniel : just say if u do
Tegan : i will

I kiss him and he kisses me back and i cuddle into him

Daniel : thinking about it we got togther pretty early on the island so we've been going out like 9ish months
Tegan : jeuse
Daniel ; i know
Tegan : it feels ages ago
Daniel : feels like we should married
Tegan : litrally
Daniel : but if me u were to ever get married we aren't I'm sorry but i don't want any shit happening cause of your curse
Tegan : no i am not getting married like ever i don't want to put myself my family or u or if me u didn't work and some other guy get hurt
Daniel : yh if were still togtger by 25ish we just say were married when were not

I let out a little laugh

Tegan ; ok
Daniel ; sound like a plan
Tegan : sounds like a plan
Daniel : or i just break up with u here and now then i can get married
Tegan : hey if your gonna dump me cause we can't get married do it now cause i don't want u doing it in 3 years from now and us wasting almost 4 years togther
Daniel : no it doesn't bother me weither i get married or not
Tegan : ok

He kisses me

Tegan: right i should go
Daniel : no

He holds onto me tightly

Tegan ; yes
Daniel : fine
Tegan ; i love u
Daniel : what
Tegan : i love u
Daniel : i love u too

I kiss him

Daniel : now u really aren't leaving
Tegan : i have to
Daniel : fine

We get up going down stairs

Daniel : tegans going
Keri : see u soon
Tegan : yh
Jeff : bye
Daniel : love u
Tegan : love u too

I walk out the door getting in my car and i drive home

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This is the end of the story hope u enjoyed

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