Dad : Tegan daniels here
Tegan : tell him to come up

I sit up closing my laptop

Daniel : hey
Tegan : hey u ok u look pissed
Daniel : not pissed
Tegan : what then
Daniel : I've got to tell u something and u can't get angry
Tegan : what
Daniel : so u won't get angry
Tegan : i won't get angry
Daniel : jenna kissed me last night
Tegan : what u and jenna
Daniel : she kissed me i have proof
Tegan : what were u even doing with her last night
Daniel : she called me asked me to come pick her up from a party and she said u can't drive at the minute because of your heart so she called me . So i said sure i went and got her took her home and she kissed me and i needed to tell u
Tegan : wheres the proof
Daniel : so yeserday after i left yours i went home told my parents everything that happend so we went stright to the store and brought cameras for our cars so if it happend again we caught it on camera . So we set the cameras then jenna .messaged me went a got her and u can see her kiss me but u can hear what happens

He hands me his phone and i play the video

Jenna : thank u
Daniel : no problem
Jenna : no thank u for everything looking after me on the island cheaking up on me in the hospital and picking me up . It means a lot
Daniel : don't need to thank me its all ok
Jenna : tegans luckey to have u
Daniel : yh

U then hear them kiss

Daniel : what the fuck do u think your doing
Jenna : come on u like me its so clear
Daniel : as a frined i think you've got things so wrong
Jenna ; come on tegan isn't around no one is just admit u like me
Daniel : no jenna get out
Jenna : come on of course u want me I'm a super model all boys your age want me . Tegans just a singer and pretty shitty one come on who do u want a super model or shitty singer
Daniel : I'll take tegan any day now get the fuck out
Jenna : your gonna be sorry i will fucking destroy your relationship
Daniel : good luck with that

U hear the door shut and the window open

Daniel : also jenna u have no chance of rewining my relationship cause i got this whole convertion on record

The video ends

Daniel : after i told her i got it on record she started hitting my car
Tegan : that bitch
Daniel : yh but i am so god happy i set the camera up or u would of probley broke up with me

I shrug my shoulders

Daniel : are we ok
Tegan : yh u done nothing it was her
Daniel : oh thank god

I kiss him

Jenna : Tegan get away from him hes a cheated
Tegan : get the hell out
Jenna : no he tryed kissing me last night
Tegan : oh really
Jenna : yes Tegan
Tegan : funny daniel just showed me the video
Jenna : he edited it
Daniel : oh yh like i would do that
Jenna : tegan u have to belive me he kissed me and I've been your frined longer then you've knowen him
Tegan : jenna get the fuck out and don't talk to me again cause I'm pretty shitty singer and that I'm also just a singer while yout a super model .

She goes quiet

Daniel : i think that your cue to leave so a bye bye

She wispers something under her breath and walks out

Tegan : bitch
Daniel : did u hear what she said
Tegan : no

I then hear a bang coming from down stairs

Dad : tegan daniel are u ok
Tegan : yh
Dad : jenna just said that were all dead
Daniel : the thing Jenna just said under her breath was i can't wait till i kill u both
Tegan : what
Daniel : shes the killer when we were on the island i woke up the time jenna was meant to be doing look out and she wasn't there and she didn't come back for an hour . And i saw blood on her hand but she said she had a nose bleed . And anuther time me and u were in the hut asleep but i woke up again and jenna was in our hut looking at u and she had something in her hand
Tegan : u think its jenna
Dad : she wouldn't
Daniel : its her

A brick then comes throw my window

Dad : ok maybe it is her
Tegan : what the fuck

Daniel gets his phone calling 911 and we head down stairs

Tegan : how could jenna kill all thoeses people why they were all incent people she killed jake
Daniel : we trusted her
Dad : we all did i treated her like my own daughter

The door then goes and i get it

Daniel : u need to find jenna
Mark ; people are seraching now we've been looking for her all day
Dad : why
Mark ; the dna tests came back this morning from the weapon and from your car and it was jennas dna and we've been looking all day
Tegan : shes atchally the killer
Mark : and we believe she was also was apart of the of the plane going down . When we found the pilot we serached his house and on theses papers it had the pilots initials with a j.w
Tegan : jenna west
Daniel : what
Dad : why would she do all of this
Mark ; she believed there was treasure
Tegan : the story she told us
Daniel : i don't know how much i can take
Tegan : no and me i trusted Jenna we had been frineds so long
Dad : u had a 3some with her
Tegan : dad
Dad : well u did
Daniel : u had a 3some
Tegan : not now
Mark : while Jenna is on the lose an officer will be out side your houses aswell as the other passengers
Tegan : Millie will be safe
Mark : she is very safe
Dad : i think we should stay at my mom theres a hole in your window and we just all need to be with our familys
Tegan : ok
Mark ; jennas been found
Dad : thank god but we are still staying at my moms
Tegan : yh
Daniel : I'm gonna go home i need to go explain stuff to my parents
Tegan : ok

I hug him and i kiss him

Daniel : bye
Tegan : bye

He goes aswell as the cop

Tegan : i can't believe it
Dad : i can't either like jenna the jenna you've knowen since u were 14
Tegan : what the hell happend to her
Dad : i don't know

He hugs me

Dad : I'm so shocked but im so happy she didn't harm u
Tegan : no but she hurt other people she hurt Jake and u don't know how close we all were for months before jenna even arrived it was me daniel Jake and millie . Mean poor millie like her child is gonna grow up with no dad Millie lost her soul mate because of that bicth i hope she fucking rot in prison
Dad : she will rot
Tegan ; she looked after Millie and told her Jake would come back but she knew he wouldn't cause she killed him
Mom : what happend i heard about everything jenna did all this

We explain everything we knew and we spoke about it for ages

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