Skip a few days

Millie : morning
Tegan ; yh morning gotta pee so move
Millie : ok

She gets up and we go into the woods and i have my pee

Tegan : oh thank god
Millie : desbrate
Tegan : yes i had a whole bottle of water before i went to sleep last night regret now
Millie : well you've had your pee no
Tegan : yh
Millie : Tegan
Tegan : yh
Millie : i feel like I'm being watched
Tegan : hello anyone around
Millie : I'm being seriouse

We hear a branch snap

Millie ; run

We start running and daniel and jake run out in front of us

Tegan : fucking shit balls
Millie : i hate u both
Jake : sorry
Daniel : it was funny scarring u
Jake : your faces
Tegan : dick head
Daniel : we aren't
Tegan : no not jake u
Daniel : what why me
Tegan : cause u are

I sit down

Daniel : I'm not a dick head
Tegan : u are
Daniel : but why just me and not jake
Tegan : cause i hate u more then jake
Daniel : u don't hate me we spoke about this ages
Tegan ; well things have changed now
Daniel : sure well u don't hate me u said u liked me
Tegan : shut up
Daniel : u shut up
Millie : flirting
Daniel : what the hell are u on about
Jake : no i agree u touch each other all the time and fighting is a sign of flirting
Tegan : shut up
Millie : u both aren't denying it
Tegan : we aren't
Daniel : yh
Millie : mhm
Daniel ; not a dick head
Tegan ; yes u are
Daniel : aren't
Tegan : yes u are
Daniel : not

He nudges me and i push him

Daniel : watch it
Tegan : u watch it dick head
Daniel : ugh i give up
Tegan : good
Millie : flirting 
Daniel : i hate u

I let out a little laugh

Tegan ; me and u both
Millie ; oh come on chill out
Jake ; its funny
Tegan : disgusting
Daniel : your disgusting
Tegan : your face is disgusting
Daniel : ouch that hurt
Tegan : good
Daniel : meanie
Tegan ; dick head
Daniel ; i give up with u
Tegan : good
Jake : right get along 
Millie : so u know ages ago u said about doing a talent show i think we should do it I'm bored
Tegan : sure
Daniel : ok
Jake : we got 2 hourd to figure out what were doing
Millie : Tegan come with me

We get up walking away

Millie ; I'm gonna dance and i was wondering if u could sing for me while i dance cause I'm assuming your gonna sing
Tegan : yh i am and sure
Millie : but we aren't a team like we count as our own act but we do it together if that make sence
Tegan : yh i get it
Millie : ok if u choose a song then I'll figure out how my dance goes
Tegan : I've already got the song toxic by Britney Spears
Millie : damn ok
Tegan : lets get practicing then

We start practicing and she starts dancing and i start singing and we go over it serval times

Jake : oi times up get your asses here

We get up heading back

Daniel : I'm gonna go first
Tegan : losers first
Daniel : haha what ever

He goes up and sings rolling in the deep by Adele

Millie : woo
Tegan : not bad
Daniel : thank u
Jake : I'll go next
Millie : what u doing
Jake : some facts i rember that some people might not even know
Tegan : I'm existed for this
Daniel : go on then
Jake : a snail can sleep for 3 years
Daniel : no way
Millie : no
Jake : yh they can
Tegan : I'd love to sleep for 3 years
Millie ; same
Jake : The strongest muscle in the body is the tongue
Tegan : how
Jake : i don't know
Daniel : thats weird
Millie : yh
Jake : An average woman consume 6 lbs. of lipstick in her lifetime.
Tegan : i belive that
Millie : yh the amount of times i get lipstick on my teeth or i put lipstick on and i lick my lips untill its all off
Tegan : same
Jake : Female kangaroos have 3 vaginas
Daniel : oh wow
Tegan : nice
Millie : well i guess she can have plenty of fun

We all start laughing

Jake : my last one The electric chair was invented by a dentist
Tegan : no wonder i don't like dentists
Daniel : i hate them
Tegan : yh
Millie : i hate things in my mouth that aren't food or drinks
Jake ; u don't say that when were in the bedroom

I cover my face

Daniel : i didn't need to know that
Tegan : yh
Millie ; ignore him come on tegan by the way we were our own acts but doing it at the same time
Jake : ok

I start singing and millie dances

Jake : god damn im honry now
Millie : my god
Tegan : don't wanna know
Daniel ; i don't either
Jake : sorry
Daniel : right let vote who won and can't vote for yourself
Tegan ; millie
Jake : millie
Daniel : jake
Jake : millie
Millie : i won but jake
Tegan : yh
Jake : can we be alone now
Millie : ok
Jake ; cover your ears children
Tegan : I'm gonna shower
Daniel : yep

We get up and i grab a few things and we head to the water fall anx i get undressed getting in the water

Daniel : i can't belive jake saying he was horny
Tegan : u know when your watching a movie with your parents and a sex sence comes on and u feel awakrd yh thats what i felt when he said that
Daniel : yes exscaly how i felt
Tegan : i honestly hate watching movies with my parents
Daniel ; i do aswell but when a sex sence comes on i always make an excuse like i need to use the bathroom. And i come back and the sence is still happening and im just like god
Tegan ; my parents made me watch 50 shades of grey  useing the bathroom excuse only worked the once
Daniel : why would u even watch that with them
Tegan : my brothers had a crush on Dakota Johnson and my mom had a crush on Jamie Dornan so my dad said lets watch 50 shades of grey . And i couldn't leave cause its family night
Daniel : my god screw watching that with my parents
Tegan : yh

I carry on showering and then i get out getting dressed and i brush my hair and we head back to the beach

Daniel : there still going at it
Tegan : shut up lets just cook some fish and hope they will be done
Daniel : ok

We get some fish and we cook them on the fier and me and daniel ate

Daniel : god i miss chicken tenders
Tegan : oh god me to and burgers
Daniel : ugh fries in and out chick-fil-a
Tegan : Chipotle
Daniel : fuck
Tegan : litrally when i get home I'm gonna eat every fast food i can
Daniel : I'll join u
Tegan : your welcome too
Daniel : whats one thing u want to eat right now
Tegan : pop corn i freaking love pop corn but it has to be slated
Daniel : sweet
Tegan : slated
Daniel : just no
Tegan : yes
Daniel : what is wrong with u
Tegan : a lot
Daniel : clearly
Tegan : whats one thing u could have right now
Daniel : chicken tenders litrally when i get my tenders i will be full on moaning

We both start laughing hysterically

Tegan : uhh chicken tenders moan fuck me

We both start laughing

Daniel : with every bite i get closer to comimg
Tegan : ew
Daniel : what i am in love tenders
Tegan : yh but u would come
Daniel : yes
Tegan : lets hope your alone in your room
Daniel : yh really weird if I'm at the tabel coming

We both start laughing again and i could barley breath

Millie : what's so funny
Jake : yh all we've heard is constant laughing
Daniel : don't worry
Tegan : just stuff
Daniel : yh
Tegan : right I'm heading to bed someone wake me when its my turn to take shift
Jake : will do
Tegan : don't think to much of tenders
Daniel ; i might dream about them and u know what would happen
Tegan : well if that happen stay the hell away from me
Daniel : were see
Tegan : ew
Daniel : night
Tegan : night

I mess his hair and i get up brushing my hair and i go in my hut

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