Skip a few months

Millie : tegan wake up
Tegan : what
Millie : the boys are fighting

I get up getting out the hut and the boys are fighting each other

Millie : stop
Tegan : come on stop

They carry on pushing each other and i try to get in the middle of then but jake just pushes me out the way .

Millie : jake stop

He punchs daniel stright in the face and daniel trys going for him but i grab him

Tegan : stop

I push him away from jake

Tegan : what the hell happend
Daniel : my face it fucking hurts
Tegan : i would think u just got sucker punched in the face
Daniel : ugh

I sit him down on the rocks and i touch his face

Daniel : ow
Tegan : sorry
Daniel : he just came for me
Tegan : what happend surely he wouldn't just go for u
Daniel : i know why but i didn't think he would react like that
Tegan : what did u do did u try kiss Millie or something
Daniel : no i wouldn't kiss her i don't even like her like that and i got u
Tegan : it was a joke but what happend
Daniel : a few weeks ago millie told me she thinks she was pregnant and she said i couldn't tell jake or u cause she didn't want to say she was then find out she wasn't . And she didn't want to panick jake and i said she needs to tell jake cause i didn't want to keep any secrets and she begged me so i kept it . And told her she need to tell him so this morning she told him and he lost it
Tegan : oh my god
Daniel : he said i should of him and then he starter going for me and i said calm down which i think made him more angry
Tegan : i understand where Millie was coming from she didn't want jake to panic but she shouldn't of made u keep it .
Daniel : yh i wanted to tell jake so badly cause he had a right to know but i didn't say cause its millies news to tell him not mine .
Tegan : yh god your face is swelling
Daniel : i can feel it swelling and it fucking hurts like a son of a bitch
Tegan : u need ice or something cold on it but we have nothing to keep the swelling down
Daniel : it will be fine
Tegan : yh
Daniel : what should i do should i give jake and millie space should i leave for a few days let him calm down
Tegan : no we got to stick together
Daniel : but jake hates me and i hate when people hate me
Tegan ; he doesn't hate u hes probley scared were stuck on this island with his wife probley pregante . And we don't know how long were gonna be stuck here
Daniel : Probley gonna be stuck here forever
Tegan : don't think that
Daniel : how can i not think that we've been stuck here for god knows how long . With no sign of planes boats nothing so i can't help but think were gonna be stuck here for rest od our lifes
Tegan : we're gonna get off here
Daniel : i wish i just died on that plane it would better then being stuck here i hate it . I can't see my family so i may aswell be dead

He starts crying and i hug him

Tegan : daniel i promise u we will get off here and u will see your family again i promise u . And u may wish u were dead now but I'm happy your not and once we get off here and u see your family you'll be so happy u didn't die .
Daniel : how do u know we will get of here
Tegan : i just know we will
Daniel : don't promise things that can't happen
Tegan : I'm promising u cause i know we will get off here

I wipe his tears and he makes me sit down and cuddles me and we sit there in silence for ages

Jake ; can we talk
Daniel : yh
Jake : promise i won't punch u again
Daniel : ok
Tegan : I'll be over there

I get up walking over to millie

Millie : is he ok
Tegan : i don't think so
Millie : God i wish i just told jake now i shouldn't of made daniel keep it
Tegan : u weren't to know it would of gone this wrong
Millie : i didn't but i feel so bad i feel so sorry for daniel i made him keep the secret for weeks and then he gets sucker punched for keeping the secret
Tegan : yh I'm just gonna go pee
Millie : I'll come with

We go into the woods and i have my pee

Tegan : so how far do u think u are
Millie : maybe 10 weeks i haven't had my perido in ages I've been so sick my hairs coming out and my boobs have been hurting and getting bigger
Tegan : oh
Jake : we made up
Daniel : yh all good
Tegan : good the last thing we need is guys fighting
Jake : we know and i apologised for the eye
Daniel : I've always wanted a black eye
Tegan : of course u have
Jake : well u got one i just wish i didn't give it to u
Millie : u shouldn't of even touched him
Daniel : millie its fine he had his reasons
Jake : and i said sorry
Millie : well sorry isn't enough
Daniel : it is for me
Millie ; yep
Jake ; i won't touch him again i swear
Millie : u better not or anyone else u pushed Tegan aswell
Tegan : that doesn't matter
Jake ; I'm sorry
Tegan : its fine don't worry
Millie : its not he shouldn't of pushed punched anyone and if he does i will get divorce when we get off here
Daniel : woah
Jake ; i said i was sorry and i pushed them if anyone should be pissed it should be them not u and they've accented my apologie so grow the hell up
Millie : me grow up your the one who caused all this
Jake : no u did when u didn't tell me u thought u were preganate I'm your husband i had a right to know

I get up walking away and i lean aganist a tree

Daniel : tegan
Tegan : go away
Daniel : what have i do
Tegan : nothing

I hold my hair back and i throw up

Daniel : ok get all up
Tegan : oh my jeuse i hate being sick
Daniel : yh its horrible 

I throw up again 

Daniel : are u ok
Tegan : yh i just need to go sleep
Daniel : ok

He kisses my cheek and we go back to the beach and i get a bottle of water and i go to the hut

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