Daniel : morning
Tegan : why did no one wake me to do a shift
Jake ; Daniel said u were ill so we all agreed u should get a full night sleep
Tegan ; should of wake me
Millie : no 

I sit down

Tegan : hows your face
Daniel : its fine
Millie ; fucking idiot
Jake ; i swear if your gonna start anuther fight I'm leaving
Millie : leave i don't care
Jake ; wow
Millie ; go
Daniel : no
Tegan ; wish i never said anything now
Daniel : yh
Jake ; do u really want me to go
Millie ; yes 
Daniel : no stay
Millie : no he should go hes pissing me off
Jake : your pissing me off
Millie : leave then fucking hell
Tegan : guys
Jake ; i will
Millie : go
Tegan : guy shut up listen for a second

I look up

Tegan ; helicopter

Daniel quickly gets up getting the flare gun amd sets it off 

Jake : its landing on the other side of the island
Tegan : lets go
Jake ; millie and daniel stay
Daniel : why
Jake : millies pregnate and your eyes fucked u said things are a little blurry
Tegan ; lets fucking go
Millie : go now

Me and jake go into the woods and start running and i was going as fast i could we all need to ger off this island and jake trips

Jake : go ahead get that helicopter

I carry on running ahead and i was so out of breath but i kept going and i get to the side of ths island but by the time i got there the helicopter was gone

Tegan : shit

I hit the tree

Tegan : why did i do that shit
Jake : no
Tegan : we missed it
Jake : they will come back they should of seen the flare gun ans should know more people are on this island
Tegan : the better ow u son bitch my hand 

I start crying

Jake ; what did u do
Tegan : hit the tree
Jake : why
Tegan : we fucking missed the helicopter im pissed off we need to get off here now u and millie are fighting i miss my family and I'm sick tired of here . I can't take it anymore
Jake : calm down
Jenna : omg tegan
Tegan : holy shit

I run over to jenna hugging her

Tegan : are u ok
Jenna : I'm fine omg i didn't think i would see u again
Tegan : i didn't think I'd see u again i just kept thinking the worse
Jenna ; i did aswell after we got out the plane and we landed in the water and i knew u couldn't swim and i just thought
Tegan : but were ok

She hugs me again

Tegan : u have to come back with me and jake we have a whole camp sorter and there's daniel and millie
Jenna : oh I'm coming with u
Tegan : good

We get Jake and we head back to our camp and me and jenna catch up ans she tells us some stuff we didn't know about the flight .

Daniel : u found your frined
Tegan : yh jenna this is daniel and millie
Jenna : hi
Millie : hi
Jake : we missed the helicopter
Daniel : fuck sake 
Jake ; i said more have to come surly they know more people are here
Millie ; yh
Tegan : Jenna knows what happend to our plane
Jake : tell them its so fucked up
Daniel : what
Jenna : basically the pilot the believed that there was some sort of treasure on this island . And he told all his work frineds and they thought he was crazy so when we were got closer to this island he started making the plane shake making as if something was wrong . So he made us all get off the plane so he could find this treasure
Millie : so if he didn't belive there was treasure on this island we would be with our familys safe
Jenna : yh
Daniel : how do u know this
Jenna ; in my group we had air stewardess and she told us and that his fault were all here
Daniel : I'm gonna fuck kiss him if i see him
Millie : hes crazy
Jake ; so yh its his fault were all here
Jenna : trust me the people i was with have been seraching for the pilot there litrally all out to kill him they don't care if they go to prison 
Daniel : well add anuther person to it we could all be at home right now but no that fucking pilot made us stranded on this island .
Tegan : i wouldn't kill someone
Daniel : at this moment in time i would I'm fucking pissed off I'm going crazy on this island . Every second I'm thinking about ending everything because i can't handle this anymore .
Jake :Daniel
Daniel : i can't

He gets up walking away and i get up going after him and i hug him

Daniel : i don't want to be here anymore
Tegan : i don't either
Daniel : no on this earth
Tegan : i don't either i hate it but I'm staying strong because i believe once were back home I'll be happy again and I'm sure u will be . And i don't want to get saved and then i have to say to your parents daniel survived the plane but he killed himself . And i don't want to watch your family go throw that pain of loseing u and i don't want to go throw that pain of loseing u
Daniel : but i can't go throw this anymore
Tegan : yes u can Daniel think of your family and all the happiniess your gonna get once u see your family again .
Daniel : i just want to see them
Tegan : i know
Daniel : go back to jenna i don't want to keep bothering u with my problem
Tegan : u aren't bothering me i care about u a lot and i want to be here for u
Daniel : just go back to jenna
Tegan : no come with me
Daniel : no i just want to be alone
Tegan ; I'm not leaving u alone
Daniel : fine

He grabs my hand

Tegan : ow
Daniel : what happend to your hand
Tegan : i hit a tree
Daniel : why
Tegan : i got pissed its fine come on

We go back to the group and millie and jake are fighting again and we ignore them and we cook dinner and tell Jenna a few things she needs to know and we eat .

Millie ; I'm going to bed
Jake : and me
Tegan ; me and jenna will take first shift
Daniel : then I'll go
Millie : then me
Jake : me last
Millie : bye

Daniel kisses me and they go off to bed

Jenna : daniels cute
Tegan : oh i know so cute and sweet
Jenna : how's the sex
Tegan : we haven't
Jenna : what
Tegan : i told him i wanted to take it slow so we have
Jenna : damn
Tegan : yh I'm just worried about him hes saying he doesn't want to be on this earth anymore and I'm scared he'll do something
Jenna : u just gotta try keep an eye on him and keep talking to him
Tegan : yh
Jenna : he'll be ok
Tegan ; i hope so i really like him
Jenna : i can see
Tegan : yh

I hug her

Tegan ; we do not leave each other again
Jenna : never ever

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