Millie ; hi
Tegan : hi
Millie : is your watch still working
Tegan : uh yh
Millie ; what's the time
Tegan : 11:36
Millie : thanks
Tegan : where's jake
Millie ; peeing
Tegan : ugh i need pee aswell
Millie : me to but peeing in a bush
Tegan : saying fuck it i need it i don't care
Millie ; I'll come with

We get up going into the woods and we pee and we go back

Jake ; where did u go
Millie ; pees
Jake ; ah
Daniel : i was so scared when i woke up i was my own i thought u left me or i dreamed meeting u all
Jake : no we were all peeing
Daniel : have u even slept
Jake : no
Millie : he said someone should stay up in the night to make sure no one comes by trying to steal the stuff or try hurt us
Tegan : just take it in turns its not heathly staying up
Daniel ; i stay up all night on a daily bases
Millie : well we should take it turns maybe change shifts every few hours
Tegan : yh
Jake : ok anyway so I've been sharpning this stick and i think we might be able to stab fish with it and then we have fish and cook them on the fire
Daniel ; we could try it aleast its something cooked
Millie : yh
Jake ; we can try it
Millie : holy crap
Tegan : what
Millie : i thought i recognised u both your Daniel seavey that guy from American idol a few years ago
Daniel : yh
Jake ; u were kicked off on your birthday
Daniel : yep
Tegan : aww
Daniel : yh but oh well thats my past
Millie : and u your Tegan cooper
Jake ; omg u are aswell my sister loves your music
Daniel : i was like i thought i recognised u
Jake ; wait by Jenna do u mean jenna west the super model
Tegan : yh
Daniel ; shit shes on this island
Millie : so we got 2 singers and 1 super model
Jake : woah
Tegan ; i hope where ever she is shes ok and healthy
Millie : she will be fine
Daniel : wait no I've met u before
Tegan : when
Daniel : last week i think it was u anyway did u kick some guy out your house
Tegan : omg yes
Millie ; what
Tegan : it wasn't last week it was a few weeks ago but i broke up with my boyfriend and i tried kicking him out because he got aggressive
Daniel ; yh and they were out side and he was grabbing her arms and i tried being like get off her
Tegan : i told u to go away and that i could handle it
Daniel : yh i wish i did now cause i said stop to him and next thing i know he punched me .
Jake : ouch
Daniel : yh and i was on the floor and then she punched him and he was on the floor
Tegan ; i told u could handle him
Daniel ; well i know that after u punched him and then he went running off
Jake ; u punched him
Tegan : I'm not a violet person but he litrally punched a strangers and was like what the fuck
Daniel : and me i litrally said stop
Millie : then u get a fist sandwich

We all start laughing

Jake ; i got a fist sandwich when Andrew found out me and u were dating
Tegan : what happend
Millie ; so in high school i broke up with my boyfriend because i liked jake and jake liked me back so we gave ot a few weeks before we told anyone we were together . And once we told people my ex Andrew wasn't happy and punched jake straight in the face and kicked him where it doesn't shine
Daniel : ah i can feel that pain
Jake : just thinking about it i can
Millie : aleast u don't bleed from your vagina every month
Tegan : yh
Jake : yh ok what ever
Millie : did anyone else dream about the plane going down
Daniel : i never rember my dream
Tegan : same
Jake ; well i didn't sleep so
Daniel ; i was shatterd after yeserday i needed sleep
Millie : yh
Tegan : i don't know even know how i ended up on the shore i got pulled under
Daniel : i got u i saw u go under and i was like i can't let u go under
Tegan : thank u not unless i died and I'm just dreaming all of this
Jake : i keep thinking I'm gonna wake up and it all be a dream
Daniel : i am aswell I'm just waiting for me shoot up from my bed in sweat
Millie : litrally same
Tegan : yh
Daniel : when i saw u go under it looked like u weren't even trying to safe yourself
Tegan : i tried keeping myself up for a while then i gave up i can't swim well
Daniel : u can't swim

I shake my head

Daniel : I'll teach to swim
Tegan : ok but don't let me drown
Daniel : I've saved u once i can do it again
Tegan : ok
Jake ; we should try catch some fish its getting dark
Millie : ok

We all get up and i take my clothes off and we all head into the ocean not to deep and we try catching fish and we caught a few but it took a while . And we head back back on the beach and we cooked the fish on fire eating

Millie ; yes hair brush
Tegan : our hair is gonna be so hard to brush
Millie ; I'm scared
Tegan : i think we got more stuff to be scared about
Millie : we have

She Brushes her hair and i brush mine

Jake ; so daniel i see some scrachs on your back did u get some before the plane accident happend.
Millie : jake
Jake : what
Daniel : i did i went to a party the day before yesterday got a little drunk and slept with this random girl well not random my sisters frined
Tegan : Daniel your sister friend
Daniel : yh not my smartest idea cause anna my sister found out and she shouted at me but we made up before i left for the airport
Jake : why were u heading to Hawaii then
Daniel : me and my frineds wanted to go to hawaii
Tegan : so were your frineds on the flight aswell
Daniel : no i was on my own me and all my frineds live in LA and i hadent seen my family in a while so i flew to Portland saw my family and then i was meant to meet my frineds in Hawaii . But u know the plane had other ideas
Millie : what the fuck even happend
Jake ; i don't know we were just shaking then i saw the pilot jump out the plane and i thought what the fuck is happening .
Tegan : yh me to
Millie : like the weither wasn't bad and it wasn't windy so not unless an engine or something went
Tegan : planes can still fly with one engines not working if 2 went then the pilot would of had to do an emergency land . And of 3 weny then thats when we would of gone down
Daniel : how do u know this
Tegan : people think I'm just this stupid dumb singer but when I'm not singing i like reading and read a book on planes so i know a few things
Daniel ; i don't read really but i know what u mean when i done idol and i got kicked off i went back to school . People bullied me and said your stupid dumb and Perthtic all singers are but we aren't
Tegan : yh and people think the same about models they say all models think about is there looks . And there all dumb
Millie :i don't think modles or singers are dumb
Tegan : yh
Jake ; i think there smart mean a lot of singers write there own songs
Daniel : yh
Jake : mean I've tried writing a song well it was for a class project and its fucking diffacult for me but then again I'm dyslexic but i don't let it stop me . I wrote a song and i published a kids book
Daniel : u write books
Jake : one book
Millie : its a good book
Tegan ; well once we get off this island I'll find your book and I'll read
Daniel : and me i find kids book a lot easier to read plus there shorted then normla books

I let out a little laugh

Jake : guess so
Millie : right i think I'm gonna sleep
Jake : yh
Me and daniel : I'll take first shift
Millie ; thats not creepy
Tegan : I'll do it first
Daniel : u sure
Tegan : yh
Daniel : wake me in 2 hours then I'll take next shift
Millie : then me jake needs more sleep
Daniel : ok
Jake : night then

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