Jake : hi
Tegan : hi have u seen jenna
Jake ; her and millie have gone to pee
Tegan : ah ok

I sit down having a few berries

Jenna : baby
Tegan : bubu

She hugs me

Jenna : being with u all is much better then with the people
Jake ; were just better
Tegan : do u think we should find the other group and all join into one
Millie ; I'm happy with this group
Jenna : the other group can be quiet rude like they have rules and if u don't stick to them thry will make u leave and be on your own .
Jake : no then 
Millie : jenna please say u know how long we've been here fo
Jenna : i have no clue
Millie : ugh
Daniel : hi
Tegan : hey

He kisses the top of my head

Jenna : Tegan Myles Stephenson
Tegan : ugh so fit
Jenna : I've thought about him everyday since being here
Jenna ; who this myles person
Jenna : he's in this British boy band rak-su
Tegan : I want you to freak me through the night until the morn
Jenna : And it's the way your body boom booms through the night
Tegan : Boom boom, I want you to freak 

We both start laughing

Daniel : hey well u can sort that for u
Tegan : can u so u would freak jenna
Daniel : no just u
Tegan ; well maybe I'll take u up on that
Jake ; dude u might finally get some action
Daniel : i know
Millie : your disgusting
Jake : what
Millie : not everything is about sex
Jake : i know that
Millie : so shut up
Jake : chill out
Millie : no why should i
Tegan : I'm gonna go shower
Jenna : with u
Daniel : and me

We all get up and i grab a few things and we head to the water fall and i go in

Jenna : do they always fight
Tegan : its only been the past few days
Jenna : why

We explain what happend

Jenna : i was thinking how did u get the black eye but i wasn't gonna ask
Daniel ; yh
Jenna ; so how is it u guys forgive him for hurting u and he didn't even touch millie but millie hates him
Daniel ; we don't know
Tegan : no at the minute millie hates him
Jenna : i can see
Daniel ; i wish they would make up there fighting is constant and annoying
Tegan : i just wanna shout shut the fuck up
Daniel : me to
Jenna : so millie thinks shes pregante
Tegan : yh
Jenna : damn

I carry on showering and then i get out changing clothes and brush my hair and we head back and jenna trips

Tegan : u ok
Jenna : yh fine

I help her up

Daniel : guys
Jenna : what
Daniel : am i going crazy or does that look a human Skelton

I move the leaves and it was Skelton defantly looking human

Jenna : fuck that

We all start running back to the beach

Daniel : Skelton human skelton
Millie : what
Tegan : wheres jake
Millie : he walked off but back to the Skelton
Daniel : no back to jake what do u mean he walked off
Millie : i tolf him to just go so he did
Jenna : should we serach for him
Me and daniel : yh
Millie : no he'll be back
Daniel : no we need to look for him
Millie : well I'm not going
Tegan : stay here then but some wife u are were meant to stick together and be a team and for god sake your married and hes your husband and u can't either be botherd to look for him.
Daniel : come on

He drags me away and we start looking for jake calling his name

Jenna : I've never seen u get so angry
Tegan : i feel so bad i shouldn't of yelled
Daniel : don't worry about it she has to understand that were stressed and if u didn't say that i would of and probley would of said worse
Jenna : see i wanted to say something but i didn't say anything cause i don't want u 2 or her tell me to piss off
Daniel : we wouldn't of
Tegan : yh
Jenna : still
Daniel : Jake

We keep looking amd calling his name but nothing

Jenna : what the hell is that smell
Daniel : i don't know but its disgusting and I'm atchally gaging
Tegan : cover your noses
Daniel : don't have to tell me twice
Tegan : jake
Jenna : jake
Daniel : the smells getting stronger

I around trying to see if i could see what the smell is

Tegan : i think i figured out the smell
Jenna : what

I point over to the bunch of bodies on the floor coverd in flys

Daniel : omg
Jenna : that's kian he was in our group but he broke one of the rules so he got told to leave
Tegan : why is there a bunch of bodies i someone killing them
Daniel : i don't like this
Jenna : I'm out of here I'm sorry but if we carry on looking for jake we do it on the beach
Tegan : yh lets move

We walk to the beach and it had got comlepty dark and we could barley see so went back to our camp .

Millie : jake
Jenna : just us
Millie : u didn't find him
Daniel : no
Tegan : millie I'm sorry for yelling
Millie : it's ok I've been a bitch and i desverd to be yelled at
Tegan : sorry
Millie : don't worry

I hug her

Daniel : millie we found a bunch of bodies
Millie : what
Jenna : there was just loads we walking and smelt something so bad and tegan saw them and we left but i have such a bad feeling that someone killing them
Millie ; u think someones murdering them all
Daniel : yh i really feel on edge and not safe
Tegan : yh we need something
Millie : the sticks we use to kill the fish why don't we make more then we have something to protect us .
Tegan : ok
Daniel : can we do it now please
Jenna : yh
Millie : ok

We all find good sticks and we go over to the rocks sharping them for weapons and for dinner we just had coconuts .

Millie : tomrrow we go look for jake
Daniel : yh and we all stick together
Jenna : yh
Tegan : we look everywhere regardless if we find bodies or not and we look and we bring the sticks
Millie : yh
Jenna : right I'll take first shift all of u go to bed
Daniel : i can
Tegan ; i will
Jenna : no u guys all go to bed
Millie ; I'll go after
Tegan : then i will
Daniel : last then night

I get up brushing my hair and i get in the hut

Daniel : today feels like it has bloody dragged
Tegan : i know I'm shatterd but i don't think I'm gonna sleep much
Daniel : same
Tegan ; like I'm worried about jake him being out there alone and I'm also worried that there is someone atcahlly killing people
Daniel : yh thoeses are the reasons i don't wanna sleep
Tegan : yh

I cuddle into him

Tegan : is your eye ok
Daniel : yh it feels a lot better
Tegan : good
Daniel : how's the hand
Tegan : fucking hurts like a bitch

He kisses my hand and i look up at him kissing him and he kisses me back and i statt kissing his neck making sure i leave marks . And he swips his tonge against my lips and i open up and we fight for denomination and he wins .

Tegan : is this right
Daniel : Probley not
Tegan : ugh
Daniel ; i don't want to stop
Tegan : i want to carry on just as much as u
Daniel ; fuck it

He kisses me again and i pull his shirt off And i pulls my shirt off

And u know what happend

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