Skip a few weeks and still no sign jake  and millie is for sure preganate cause she is sticking out a lot

Tegan : morning
Jenna : hi
Tegan : u ok
Jenna : yh i just fucking hurt my back
Tegan : yh the floor is slowly killing us all
Jenna : it really is
Tegan : yh
Jenna : are Daniel and millie getting fish
Tegan : yh
Jenna : do u rember the dance to u want to freak cause i really want to do that dance
Tegan : oh god i don't think i rember
Jenna : i rember parts come on

I get up and jenna goes over the dance and i start to rember it and daniel joins us and millie tells us what to do cause Jenna told her how it goes

Daniel : fuck my life i am so out of breath
Millie : I'm out of breath from watching

I let out a little laugh 

Jenna : once we get off this island I'm showing u who rak-su is
Tegan : I'll beat u to it
Jenna : bitch u won't
Tegan : will
Jenna : we will see
Daniel : thats even if we get off here
Millie : we will
Daniel : how do u know that we've been stradded for ages now and we've only seen that helicopter nothing else we aren't getting off her aleast not any time soon
Jenna : i do agree with him if we were gonna get saved it would of happend a long time ago
Tegan : they will find us
Millie : what if i have to give birth here
Daniel : oh crap
Millie : what the fuck will we do
Jenna : i didn't even wanna think about that
Millie : well we need to
Daniel : what do we even do
Tegan : fuck knows
Millie : if anything were to happen u save the baby
Tegan : if anything was to happen we would try safe u both
Daniel : more u
Millie : no u lisen all of u if something happens u safe the baby not me cause i don't want to alive if my baby is dead

We all go quiet

Millie : promise me baby first....promise
Tegan : promise
Jenna : ok
Daniel : promise
Millie : good
Daniel : what do we do when u go into labour
Tegan : omg
Millie : i don't know all i know is that i have to be aleast 10 centre meters before i can push and that when the baby is born the umbilical cord needs to be cut
Jenna : what would we even cut it with how would we know when your 10 centimetre
Millie : i don't know
Daniel : hey i already say I'm not going anywhere near down there I'll hold your hand
Millie : yh daniel goes no where near down there
Jenna : guess me and u are doing it
Millie : what if something happens to me how would the baby get milk
Tegan : I'm dreading this fucking shit balls
Jenna : and me
Daniel : nothing will happen we won't allow that
Tegan : yh
Millie : lets fucking hope nothing goes wrong i want to see my baby grow
Jenna : i gotta pee
Tegan : ok

She goes

Daniel : i so tired
Millie : me to i could sleep for a a year
Daniel : at this minute in time i wish i was a snail so i could sleep for 3 years
Tegan : me to sleeping for 3 years just sounds so good right now

We all then hear a scream

Tegan : jenna

We all get up going into the woods

Daniel : are u ok
Jenna : yh i just um saw a snake omg yuck go i still need to pee
Millie : ok
Tegan : jeuse Christ u scared me
Jenna : I'm sorry just please go cause I'm so desbrate

We all walk away

Millie : my fucking heart i don't know how much it can go throw
Tegan : and mine feel

I grab daniels hand making him feel my cheast

Daniel : u better not be having a heart attack
Tegan : I'm good i think
Millie : i think since being here I've got over my fear of spiders and snakes
Tegan : me to
Daniel ; no I'm more scared of them now
Tegan : oh dear
Daniel : I'll always hate them
Tegan : well u now have me to get rid of them
Daniel : yh I'll call your name every 5 minutes telling u to get rid of them
Tegan : that would get annoying
Daniel : i don't care
Tegan : ok
Millie ; right now i gotta pee
Tegan : if u seen jenna tell her to hurry
Millie ; i will

She goes and daniel kisses me and i kiss him back putting my hand on his jaw

Jenna : well hello toungs
Tegan : shut up
Jenna : ok
Daniel : u ok
Jenna : yh i was just walking then i felt something on my foot and i saw the snake and just ugh i hate snakes
Daniel : yh yuck just thinking about slithering around makes my shiver
Jenna : and me
Tegan : oh shut up your gonna make me hate snakes again
Jenna : ok
Millie : im back
Tegan : we should cook dinner i am straving
Millie : and me

We all get a fish and we cook and then we ate

Tegan ; right I'm heading to bed
Jenna : I'll take first shift
Millie : I'll go after
Tegan : no u need your sleep
Daniel : yh so I'll go after
Millie ; serious
Jenna : yh sleep now
Tegan ; I'll go last then
Millie : fine
Jenna : night

I get brushing my hair and i go in the hut

Tegan : sleep
Daniel : shouldn't of got at bloody 6am then
Tegan ; i couldn't get back to sleep
Daniel : still

I cuddle into him

Daniel : what if Millie atchally goes into Labour here
Tegan : it scares me cause every day she just getting closer and closer to giving birth and none of us want to be the reason her the baby or both of them die
Daniel : yh we just got to hope that both her and the baby are ok cause i know if something bad happens i won't be able to handle it
Tegan : yh and me
Daniel : God

He puts his hand on my face

Daniel : u ok your burning up
Tegan : yh I'm fine its just hot
Daniel : yh to fucking hot
Tegan : but maybe we can get a little hotter
Daniel : i like that idea

I kiss him back putting my hand on his jaw and he kisses me back swiping his tonge against my lips and i open up and we fight for denomination and he wins and he gets ontop kissing my neck finding my sweet spot And i pull his shirt off And he pulls my shirt off

And u know what happend

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