Millie : hi
Tegan : hey
Millie : can we go i really want to find jake
Tegan : I'll wake jenna and daniel
Millie : good

I go in the hut waking Daniel and i go in the other hut waking jenna and while i wait for them i put my hair up

Millie : ok lets go
Daniel : got your sticks
Jenna ; yh
Tegan : lets go

We walk into the woods

Millie : i should nevee of told him to leave
Jenna : if we find him will the fighting stop
Millie : yes
Daniel : i beg it does the fighting was so annoying and we all said how we could of shouted shut the fuck up
Millie : were we that bad
Daniel : awful
Millie : yh well i can promise its gonna stop
Tegan : lets hope we can find him
Daniel : and even if we don't he'll come back probley later
Millie : he better or killing him
Jenna : I'm so shit scared there could be a killer on here
Tegan : but why would soneone even kill someone
Millie : could they of just died
Daniel ; it would be to weird if a bunch of people just died around the same place someone has to be killing them or people could be just dying and someone is just moving there bodies .
Millie : how many bodies do u think u saw
Tegan : Probley 15ish there was just loads
Jenna : yh
Millie : fuck thoeses poor family's
Daniel : i know i feel so bad for them all and ours like they probley think were all dead
Jenna : when the plane went down surely people were searching but now i bet they've stoped cause we've been gone for ages
Tegan : yh i swear we've been gone months
Daniel : what if its been a year
Millie : if its a been a year then shit
Tegan : i don't think its been a year
Jenna : we don't know that it could be a year it could be a few months weeks we just don't know
Millie : jake

We call out for his name but we hear nothing but birds

Daniel : why hasn't anuther helicopter been by they should of seen the flare gun
Jenna : u guys had the flare gun
Millie : yh
Jenna : before the plane exploded me and my group were looking for it
Tegan : i took it
Daniel : did u make the plane explode
Jenna : yh we thought if it went up into flames someone would of seen it and saved us but clearly didn't work
Tegan : clearly
Jenna : we got everything off the plane or well the suitcases and blankets everything else we left in there
Millie : it was a hell of noise my ears were ringing
Jenna : everyones was we were so close
Daniel : luckey no one got hurt
Tegan : jake
Jenna : jake
Girl : help
Jenna : Ellie

We run over to her and her legs all cut up

Ellie : jenna
Jenna : your leg what happend
Ellie : ah i-i fell over and my leg
Tegan : Daniel belt
Daniel : what
Tegan ; belt now

He takes it off handing it to me

Tegan : I'm gonna rap this around your leg and it will hopefully stop the bleeding
Ellie : please hurry

I rap the belt around her leg and i take my jumper off putting it on the cut holding pressure

Ellie : ah
Millie : its ok u can hold my hand
Jenna : this should hopefully stop the bleeding
Daniel : its anyone else feeling light headed
Tegan : sit down
Jenna : don't u dare pass out
Ellie ; i really don't feel good
Jenna : what the hell are u doing alone
Ellie ; i was looking for u i couldn't just sit around waiting for u to come back so i came to find u ah
Jenna : oh god
Ellie ; are one them Tegan
Jenna : yh
Tegan ; hi
Ellie ; hey ah j-jenna if i don't make it u tell my parents i love them
Jenna : ay stop don't talk like that
Millie : your gonna be fine
Ellie ; i don't feel fine put me out my misery
Daniel : kill u
Ellie : please
Daniel : no
Jenna : no one is gonna kill u
Ellie : please I've been here for hours
Millie : no we aren't gonna hurt u cause your gonna be fine
Tegan : her puls is getting weak

I whisper to jenna

Jenna : we need to safe her
Tegan : i don't know what else to do the bleeding isn't stopping and i have no clue what else to do
Daniel : her eyes are closing
Millie : hey hey come on squeeze my hand
Jenna : come on ellie wake up

She starts shaking her

Jenna : Ellie please

I feel for a puls and nothing

Millie : shes gone isn't she
Tegan : i think so
Jenna : no
Daniel : jeuse Christ she looks young aswell
Jenna : shes only 16 omg
Millie : fucking hell
Daniel : what do we now
Jenna : i don't want to look anymore
Millie : lets go back to camp if jake wants to come back he will
Tegan ; ok

Jenna raps the jacket around ellie and she gets up walking away and we all follow and we go back to  camp with none of us talking and i go stright to the water fall washing my hands getting the blood off my hands and i head back .

Tegan : Jen are u ok
Jenna : i will be i just wanna be alone I'm gonna try sleep
Tegan : ok

I hug her and i walk away

Daniel : how is she
Tegan : she just wants to be alone and sleep
Millie : theses past days have litrally been the worse days of my life
Daniel ; i think its all of our worst days of our lifes
Tegan : yh
Millie : i just want jake here
Daniel : i do aswell it just doesn't feel right him not being here
Tegan : its horrible
Millie : why can't i keep my mouth shut
Daniel : u were annoyed
Millie ; i should of just dropped it u guys did why didn't i ugh stupid
Tegan : he'll be back
Daniel : yh probley wants space and once hes got it he'll be back
Millie : yh
Daniel : right we should eat i am straving
Tegan : we don't have any fish so coconuts it is

We get up getting coconuts breaking them and we eat

Daniel : right I'll take first shift
Tegan : I'll go after
Millie : then me
Daniel : night

She goes

Tegan ; I'll see u
Daniel : yh

I kiss him and i get up brushing my hair and o go in the hut

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