Jake : morning
Millie : hi
Tegan ; it atchally the afternoon u lazy shits
Jake : wheres daniel and what the hell happend to his hut
Tegan : his hut collapsed on him last night so hes in mine
Millie : is he ok
Tegan ; i belive so
Jake : ha wish i saw that
Millie : so mean
Jake ; no its funny
Daniel : yo
Tegan : hi
Jake : so your hut fell
Daniel : yh everything just fell on me
Jake ; yet again i wish i saw
Millie : u ok
Daniel : yh fine
Tegan : right we nees more water
Millie : I'll come

We get up collecting the water bottles and we go to the water stream

Millie : how long do u think we've been here
Tegan ; oh i lost count ages ago
Millie ; it feels like weeks when its Probley only been a week
Tegan : i think its been more then a week maybe coming up 2
Millie : ugh i just want to be home
Tegan : i do aswell i need a toothbrush and toilet paper
Millie : same my breath is disgusting
Tegan ; same
Millie ; god i miss the little things and things u wouldn't think i miss like u said toilet paper
Tegan : yh and a toilet a shower
Millie : yh

We finish collecting the water and we head back to the beach and boys are in the sea collecting fish by the looks of it so we boil the water and once we were done with that we got some sticks for the fier .

Millie ; I've got suck a headache
Tegan : have some water and have something to eat
Millie : I'll take water

I hand her a bottle

Tegan : probley the sun its fucking hot today
Millie : considering were meant to be in winter
Tegan : i know but where ever the fuck we are its clearly not
Millie : yh
Tegan ; do u have a fever
Millie : i don't know

I leak over and i feel her forhead

Tegan : u feel a little warm
Millie : it will pass im sure
Tegan : yh just keep drinking the water and if u need to go lay down
Millie : i might in a bit
Jake : mill can we talk
Millie : sure

They go

Daniel : we got fish
Tegan : i can see
Daniel : u ok
Tegan : yh u
Daniel : I'm good just bored
Tegan : oh me to
Daniel : but we can change that
Tegan : get your head out the gutter
Daniel : fine but we can do this

He kisses me and kiss him back putting my hand on his jaw and he swips his tonge against my lips and i open up and we fight for denomination and he wins and we make out for a while.

Millie ; well hello

We pull apart

Jake ; Taniel
Tegan : ew
Daniel : just no
Millie : i don't see what the point in ship names
Daniel : i don't either
Tegan : Jillie
Jake : when we have kids we are naming our daughter jillie
Millie : no we aren't I've got names planned
Tegan : like what
Millie ; for a girl lily and a boy bruno
Jake : do i have a say
Millie : no
Daniel ; my frineds are naming there daughter lavender
Tegan : like the flower
Daniel : yh
Jake : thats a really nice name
Millie : yh why didn't i think of that
Daniel : right jake what would u call your kids if Millie would let u name them
Jake : a girl jillie like i said and a boy Isaac
Tegan ; i like Isaac
Daniel : yh
Millie : what u name yours
Tegan ; girl Izzy and for a boy i don't know i like the name noah but i also like Axel
Jake : izzy is nice
Millie : daniel what about u
Daniel ; i haven't thought about it cause i don't plan on having kids anytime soon
Tegan ; u can still think
Daniel : i don't know
Tegan : ok
Millie : so u know how I've wanted u to dance for ages but we've never done it cause we didn't have time but now we do so now were going to dance
Jake ; no
Daniel ; oh i wanna watch this
Millie ; yes
Jake ; millie
Millie : jake come on
Tegan ; go on don't be boring
Jake ; they join if they don't i don't do it
Daniel ; come on tegan
Tegan ; oh god ok
Millie ; right come on then

We all get up

Millie : right hand on her lower back not her butt
Daniel ; ok

He puts his hand on my lower back

Millie ; Tegan hand on his shoulder and then hold each others hand and hold it up

We do as were told and then jake and millie do the same and then she tell us how were meant move our foot

Millie : omg jake stop standing on my feet
Jake ; I'm sorry i have 2 left feet
Millie : well just watch your feet
Jake ; u tell me to at u and not my feet
Millie ; well look at your feet cause your hurting my feet
Daniel : this is so funny to watch
Tegan ; i know
Jake : oi u 2 shut it
Daniel : sorry but its funny

Jake sticks his foot out and i trip over it falling down and i also pull Daniel down with me with him landing ontop of me and we both start laughing

Daniel : ugh
Tegan : my god
Jake : u desver that
Millie : u are guys ok
Tegan : yh

She helps me up

Jake : now thats funny
Millie : it was pretty funny
Daniel : yh for u guys
Jake : yh
Tegan : oh well lets cook some food cause i am straving
Millie : and we will go back to this tomrrow
Daniel : ok

We go to the fier and we cook our fish and we eat

Daniel : i think im bruising where u pulled me down cause u clung onto me so tight
Tegan : I'm sorry
Daniel : its ok
Tegan : your fault
Jake : i am sorry
Millie : yh he is
Daniel : good
Tegan : but i Probley hurt more i fell on the ground and then had u land on me
Daniel : should of trier to avoid his foot
Tegan : by the time i saw it , it was to late but it was funny
Daniel : yh
Tegan : anyway I'm gonna head to bed
Jake : I'll take first shift
Tegan ; I'll go second
Millie ; I'll go after
Daniel ; then me
Jake : night then

I get up up brushing my hair and then i go in the hut

Daniel : so tired
Tegan : well u can sleep now
Daniel : yh I'm just thinking
Tegan : what about
Daniel : about family and how i need to shave
Tegan : yh u do need to shave
Daniel : I've never really let my facial hair grow
Tegan : always been baby face
Daniel : i litrally look 12 when i shave
Tegan : fun
Daniel : yh i really wish i could shave its so itchy
Tegan : oh dear
Daniel : oh well
Tegan : can i ask some thing
Daniel : yh
Tegan : what is this like us
Daniel : i don't know
Tegan : well what ever it is i want it to go slow
Daniel : we can go at what ever pace u want to go at
Tegan : ok
Daniel : right night night

He kisses me

Tegan : night

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