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I wasn't there for the battle, within the hour that we escaped Toro's forces drove into the hotel, took hostages and killed those who tried to resist. We're back at the mansion, regained during the mission where Alessandro and I were taken. Whilst we failed our men succeeded, taking the mansion back into our possession. There's been multiple sweeps to check for traps and bombs, however there was none. It's as if nobody's been here.

For those who fell during the battle, tonight there is a bonfire at the front of the mansion in their memory. The bodies have been sent to the morgue, ready for burial. Thankfully Leone knows the coroner and therefore there's no suspicions from the public. Meanwhile the dungeons are filled to the brim with Russians- and French.

I snuggle into Leone's chest, watching the fireplace crackle and dance with swirling and swishing flames. Vipera sits across from us, Dyl on her lap whilst plaiting her hair. Chloe is pouring herself a coffee, solemn and tired meanwhile Topo and Toro are on the third settee just hugging each other.

"Did you guys know about Pietro's wife?"

Nobody responds but I can see the confusion, "The big buff lady twin. Her name is Mackenzie and she's French. The elder one from Ally, Zoe's mother."

"The bitch who drugged me," Chloe comments.

"Yes, her," I nod. "I interviewed her."

"Why would you do that?" Leone scolds.

"Since I wanted to know her story," I respond. "Mackenzie and Ally were born in poverty, their parents put them on sale when they were thirteen, and a millionaire pedophile bought them for only a grande."

"I don't think this story is appropriate around Dylan," Chloe mutters. "Go play sweetie."

She nods and smiles, rushing off to her bedroom.

"Mackenzie protected Ally relentlessly. She'd be the plaything and wouldn't fight back as long as Ally wasn't touched and was provided a good life.

"It was like that for a year, until one day a gang came into the mystery millionaire's house and murdered him. They found the twins in their bedroom, cowering and scared. That's when Pietro's father saved them and allowed them to join their gang, as long as one of them married Pietro.

"Mackenzie wanted Ally to find love, so she agreed to marry Pietro. Ally thought she found love, only when she got knocked up with Zoe did the man dip.

"Even though it was an arranged marriage, Mackenzie told me she was grateful for the opportunity to not be used and actually gain power. She's the gang leader's wife, she's strong and she's got influence. She'll never be powerless again. Even we we kill her, she'll die knowing she had everything she wanted."

"Damn," Topo whispers. "That's... terrible."

"Bad experiences only make a person stronger, Topo. It teaches them how to learn and adapt, how to become more resilient. Yes, it would have been better if she hadn't gone through all of that, but she wouldn't be where she was today if it weren't for those events to happen."

"You mean stuck in a dungeon preparing for her execution?" Chloe asks spitefully.

"With family."

"I have no remorse for her," Chloe whispers with venom lacing her voice. "I want her dead. I want her and her whore sister to die. I want all of them to have a bullet between their eyes before sunset."

"And that's going to happen," Leone says calmly. "My father is doing it at this very moment in time."

"Good," Chloe nods and stares at the pillow next to her in remorse. "I just wished he was here, cheering us all up and making us all happy with his stupid comments and innuendos."

"His body is being flown to Italy to be buried in the De Luca's cemetery," Leone tells her. "We'll all go to the funeral."

"Yes we will," she looks up at the light and tries to push back her tears but it's obvious they're there and overwhelming her.

"We're going to move mansions by the way," Leone says quietly. "Within the month."

"Oh," I say in surprise. "Wow."

The suite doors open and in walks Leone's parents, dressed formally and richly in designer brands, looking as gorgeous as ever.

"Sons," Mr De Luca says in a low tone. "I'm happy you're all okay."

"We need to speak to you about something," Leone says. "Something we've found out."

"Which is?"

"Why you cheated on mother," Toro says quietly.

Mr De Luca purses his lips and his eyes become steely, "What lies have you been listening to, boy?"

"I don't think they're lies," Leone contradicts. "Does the name Elena ring any bells?"

From the look on Mrs De Luca's face, I'd definitely say it does. Her face gives away her true, hurt feelings as she peers down at her heels, clenching her fists tightly. She closes her eyes and takes a shaky breath as her husband doesn't react.

"No, no it doesn't—"

"Dont fucking lie to me!" Leone snaps, slamming the coffee table with his fist before standing up. "My brother died from your mistakes! My men died from your affair! Our family is a lie and is broken from your sins, and now you're going to continue lying until your very last breath, aren't you?"

Mr De Luca glares at his son, "You don't understand."

"Oh, do I not? Are two sons not enough of a realisation of to think 'shit, I'm not making good choices right now'?"

"I-I was young," Mr De Luca defends. "I had feelings for her—"

"No shit," Leone seethes. "You let your feelings get in the fucking way. None of this had to happen."

"Son, I don't know what to say," De Luca says with a sigh. "I know I should have told you but it'd be a weakness."

"Well they fucking took advantage of that weakness," Leone hisses. "And look where we are now, because of your secrets. I suggest you sort out all of this shit before returning to Italy."

His father gives a short nod, "I did what o thought was best."

"Well you were wrong," Leone responds. "I'm sorry mamma, you'll always be my true mother."

Leone's mum looks up in surprise, "Even if I did treat you like Gufo?"

"I understand now I'm older," Leone smiles sadly and pulls her into a hug. "Thank you for everything you've done for me and my brother."

She tears up and caresses his cheek, "I'll be a better mother. That's what Gufo would have wanted."

"Thank you," Alessandro whispers before letting her go. His parents walk out of the room and Leone looks at me, "Elena hasn't been captured."

"No, she escaped," I responds. "But I don't think she'll be a hassle."

"No, neither do I."

ALESSANDRO: Book 3 of The De Luca Brothers Series [COMPLETED]Onde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora