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I stand in the corner of Leone's office silently. He has always had a rather reserved persona, however this takes it to the next level. His face is a void of emptiness, he gives nothing away however to me it's obvious he's hurting. Even gang leaders mourn, since at the end of the day they are people too. He simply sits there, occasionally clicking on the mouse to go to the next image, analysing every detail, scrutinising the picture as if to make sure it's not fake. When he reaches his brother's pictures for a second time he doesn't even flinch, just continues to investigate every aspect on his screen.

It's saddening to watch.

The office door bursts open and Chloe looks around wildly, "Well? Is he safe?"

The response of silence causes the small glimmer of hope in her hazel eyes to dim, disbelief crosses her features and she looks at me with pain, "No. You're wrong. You're fucking wrong Ang. He is alive and you're just messin' with me. It's a joke."

"I-I'm sorry, there's nothing I could have done."

"What? So you were there— why the fuck didn't you do something?!" She exclaims, anger sparking and her features contorting into pure fiery fury.

"Chlo, you know if I could have done anything I would have. However I'd have gotten killed too—"

Her hand connects with my cheek, whipping my head to the side and causing my eyes to tear from impact, "You bitch!" She screams. "You fucking liar! You could have done something, don't lie to me. You're The Angel. You like to make a show of your capabilities- so why couldn't you have saved him, huh?! The great killer, evader, dealer etcetera. You always brag about your abilities and training and how you're this almighty person- so why couldn't you have fucking saved him?!"


"Say my name one more fucking time and I'll put a bullet between your eyes," she seethes, her voice levelling out and murder embedded in her eyes. "I've never killed anyone in my life, but I will kill you if you don't shut the fuck up."

"Corvo," Leone begins. "You are not think straight. I suggest you to lay down."

"You're seriously not killing this bitch?" Chloe whispers and I can't help but the feel that her words sting. "She's the reason your brother is dead, Leone. The reason your niece, my daughter, is fatherless."

"Go rest, that is an order."

She stiffens and her eyes fill with tears, "You're deranged." However she listens, with one last heated glare in my direction she storms out of the room like an inferno, leaving the two of us alone.

However not for long since Toro swiftly walks in. He's a very paradoxical man, the fact that he's so big, broad and bulky but moves swiftly and silently surprises me. Especially due to his massive presence in a room.

"Gufo is dead," Leone begins.

"I know," he responds gruffly. "We heard Corvo down the hall."

"We?" I question quietly.

Toro addresses me and at least his features doesn't show any hatred, "Topo and I. He's gone to accompany Corvo."

"Angel will be joining the gang as she's shown her loyalty and dedication by retrieving photo evidence of what's occurring at the compromised mansion."



Toro grunts, looking at his feet with a deep sigh, "Would you like me to do anything?"

"Rest. I need your mind sharp and focused with the upcoming weeks."

"Of course," Toro nods and leaves the room, closing the door shut behind him.

ALESSANDRO: Book 3 of The De Luca Brothers Series [COMPLETED]Where stories live. Discover now