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At the sound his fingers grip my hips and his eyes flicker from lust to realisation. A sudden, overwhelming anger envelops his gorgeous hazel eyes and without hesitation he throws my body off of his, my back hitting the soft pillows of the settee. He stands up, face a hurricane as he runs his fingers through his already messy locks, "For fucks sake."

"L-Leone?" I question shakily, heart that was once racing with excitement now pounds against my rib cage due to fear. But not fear. Confusion? Definitely. An almost chilling sense of irrationality strikes me in the chest, the dawning of my position in this situate comes on a cloudy day. Where do I stand? What do I do? React, act or run away?

"My gang has just had another hit. I know I said that they are sorted, but not all of them had made the fucking move," he growls. "I need to asses total damage. Where the fuck is my brother?" He pauses and it's as if a lightbulb clicks on. "You rung Toro?"

"Yes. Well Topo did. He said he'll get them to safety."

"Good, good," he runs a hand around his face, growling into his palms like an animal as he attempts to gain control of his emotions.

"Can I do anything?"

"Stop acting like you care," he snaps. "I know you don't, but I let you persuade me again. Of all fucking days when I'm weak."

"That wasn't me persuading you, you fucking idiot!" I exclaim and jump up from the settee. "Believe it or not, I am a person! I do have feelings and I have reasoned with all my thoughts. Therefore I want to join the—"

"Not the time," he massively interrupts. "Tell me when I find my little brother and my gang is safe and secure."

"Then let me help you, like you're implying: I'm expendable, unimportant and not the top of your concerns right now."

"Don't call yourself expendable."

"Then what the fuck am I?"

"Not expendable, useful. But annoying and opinionated as well."

"So I'm useful right? Use me," I say and then a thousand innuendos cross my mind causing me to blush. "I didn't mean to—"

"I don't care," he interrupts. "I just need to... think. Yet I can't think when you're around."

"Compliment or otherwise?"

He growls again, only this time I smirk in triumph. He knows I know. However this is serious and I'm a distraction to His Royal Growliness.

"I need to get in contact with Gufo," he states. "However I don't know how to, since I believe he's back at the mansion."

"It's not even been an hour yet, what if he's escaped?"

"What if he hasn't?" He counteracts. "So if you're willing to prove your loyalty, I want you to take a camera and go to the mansion to take some evidence on what's going on."

"Can I maybe get changed? And fed? And clean? Not necessarily in that order but still."

"I'll cook you something, go into that bedroom there-" he indicates it with a wave of his hand "-get a shower and I'll leave clothes on the bed. Food will be on the table by then, alright?"

I raise my hands, "I ain't complaining."

With a roll of his eyes and a huff of his breath, he wanders into the kitchen to pick up a phone connected to the wall and begins to dial a number.

I wander into the room; dark wallpaper, dark floorboards, dark darkness, dark everything. If I hadn't already figured it out, the strong smell of deep, masculine forests gave it away; his bedroom. I try to swallow due to my suddenly dry mouth, however it's close to sandpaper in my throat.

Clearing my throat I take a gradual step forwards, and another one, and another one until I'm in the centre of the room. There's a low, king size bed to my left, centred between two, black wire side tables. The entire room is painted grey with an accent wall behind the bed which is a deep maroon, causing the bedroom to seem almost... sensual.

Thoughts of the kiss causes my lips to tingle and my breathing to pick up. I can't help but think of the way his flawlessly moulded against mine, the equal intense passion, raw emotions intermingled between our bodies.

However it's over now. Disappointment washes over me like a tidal wave, however I fight through it and push forwards into the bathroom.

Black marble counters line the left wall of the mediocre bathroom, with the toilet at the end; to my right is the walk in shower made of glass that has a large head, numerous body jets and a black tile finish.

I strip from my worn pyjamas, numerous scrapes and reddened patches decorate my skin from the whipping wind on the motor bike; I hadn't even noticed due to the horrid, numbing cold. Turning on the shower I step inside, instantly being greeted with hot jets of water firing into the crevasses of the cuts. It stings, hot pain that I have to grind my teeth to bare. You'd think years of training would make me not react- the small things always catch me off guard. I eventually adjust, the wounds becoming used to the pain and my muscles relaxing to the water. I calm down and attempt to collect my thoughts, however my mind is still haywire from what occurred earlier.

I don't think about it. All I focus on is scrubbing myself clean using products that smell of him to wash his touch from me. Obviously I'm hurt. How the fuck can I not be? He literally turned me on just to throw me away, tugged on my heartstrings only to cut them with scissors. Nonchalance isn't an option. Only I have to pretend for my sanity and his sake. We have more important things to think about; the gang.

I dry off after exiting the shower, changing into the clothes provided and exiting into the suite. A hefty portion of scrambled eggs, bacon and hash browns practically gleam at me from the kitchen counter and I make a beeline for the heavenly plate. I shovel the meal into my mouth Luke a pig, hoovering the meal without a breather. That is, of course, until I notice a certain figure stood to the side.

I stop.

"A thanks would've been nice."

I blush pink, "Y-yeah sorry. Thank you. I'm just hungry."

Leone shrugs and places down a bag onto the table, "I have a mission for you. I appreciate you haven't slept but I've provided high energy food supplies for your travels. If you succeed in this mission you will join the gang."

"What is it?"

"I need you to infiltrate the original HQ and give us a bearings of what is happening; an estimate number of members for example and the position of my brother."

"Okay, I guess I can do that," I mumble.

He builds up a ring with a small red pellet to the side, "This will kill you."


"If you get captured and tortured and need an escape, this will be your release. It is to go onto your back molar and to activate it, use your tongue to break off the piece and swallow it."

"Woah what the fuck? A suicide mission?!"

"Only if you get caught. However I appreciate that incidents can occur which is why I have the cure on this ring," he raises an identical ring only this time the pellet is blue. "Swallow this and it will neutralise the effects. I have various weapons in that bag, select which ones is most appropriate for you."

"Uh, okay."

"This camera will be attached to your chest to capture images to make your information more reliable. Also take my motorbike for the journey, here is some gas money."

"Why thanks?" I squeak as he puts some money on the counter.

"Good luck," he mumbles with a nod. "Thanks for the distraction earlier." With that, he leaves me dumbfounded at the kitchen counter causing me to lose my appetite.

ALESSANDRO: Book 3 of The De Luca Brothers Series [COMPLETED]Hikayelerin yaşadığı yer. Şimdi keşfedin