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I stare at the familiar concrete wall with a blank expression, numb thoughts and a pained heart. It's been an hour since I woke up, having counted the seconds with nothing else to really do. Jess tried talking to me but I never responded, seeming to not be able to form words or want to start a conversation. For the first time in a long time I feel empty, my happy-psychotic facade slipping until I'm left with nothing, a plane of white where all thoughts stop and all you're left is with an unnerving blanket that protects you from self destruction; only you'd prefer any other emotion to the anonymous nothingness.

My back slowly slips from the wall and I land on my side, my elbow scratching the floor but I can't seem to find the motivation to care. My eyelids feel heavy and my lips are chapped, my hair a mess atop my head symbolic of the hell in my life. Moving seems too difficult, the perilous thoughts of 'why bother...' seeps into my mind like a black poison coercing my lids to shut again and embrace the blackness.

I'm a terrible person, nobody would miss me.

"Come on Angel! Where's my ass-kicking, incredibly sexy, independent, strong friend that promised to escape?" Jess tries to cheer me up only it causes myself to retract further into my minds depths.

"Why is she being quiet, givin' into herself and not already plottin' escape? Has she given up? Probably. That means she'll be stuck here forever," Jess sighs. "I'll be gone by the time you click."

I ignore her comments and close my heavy eyes, the minutes blurring into an endless timeframe as my internal clocks shuts down. When I awake one again I have no idea how long it's been, only as my eyes focus I realise that someone's intently staring at me; more importantly someone who I would very much like to stab. 'Would' being the main word since for some reason, I can't seem to spike anger.

Toro stands there with his hands delved deep into his pockets, his face a sheet of blank paper as he cocks his head to the side and analysis my vulnerable, careless position on the floor. He sighs and shakes his head before taking out a shiny key and unlocking my cell door. I don't move, can't move. My limbs fail me as if I'm paralysed, only I know it's just because I can't seem to find the motivation to launch into an escape- for a usually restless person, all energy seems to have seeped away into my surroundings leaving me here like a rag doll. Gosh, I'm so tired.

"Get up," his gruff voice orders, only his usually authority seems to be lacking. He notices my refusal- only I feel like I can't actually move. He frowns slightly as he looks me from head to toe before staring into my blue eyes. He enters the cell and crouches in front of me keeping eyes contact, narrowing his scrutinising gaze like he's staring into my very soul. Coming to his own conclusion, he picks me up bridal style effortlessly, my head falling onto his shoulder; I don't react, can't react. I don't feel anything as if my heart is made of ice and my mind is a white canvas.

We pass Jess' cell and she looks at me in shock, her eyes widening in surprise as she takes in my appearance, "The hell you fuckers do to her?!" She's met with silence and I can only assume I look bad, like really bad. I can't seem to care.

Toro kicks the door twice with his heavy foot and a series of pins are heard from the other side of the door before it swings open revealing two different guards who stare at us with fright.

"S-sir are you sure you shouldn't put her in  cu—" the woman shuts her mouth as Toro silently glares at her, his chocolatey eyes turning frosty with warning. She lowers her head and pastes herself to the wall as her friend shuts the door dutifully behind us.

"It's okay," he mutters under his breath which I suppose is his version of comforting me. I feel somewhat shocked he'd even care, his silent and unfriendly disposition building a strong barrier between him and the world. I know he's a man of few words and only lets a couple of people in, so the fact that he's bother to reassure me is... strange.

He steadily walks up the main steps, crowds parting like the Red Sea as his hulking body acts as a guard between me and the members; I mentally, tiredly thank him, my head held against his chest like a hard pillow.

He kicks the door once as a knock before it's pulled open by Vipera. She blinks in surprise before covering it up with a blank expression, opening the door wider before shutting it behind us. I don't look around, rather at my paled, cool hands in disdain as I notice the dirt under my nails, bruising on my knuckles and cuts on my palms. I'm set down on a chair and stair at my lap glumly as I hear what's going on around me; who knew that I, The Angel, would be weak and torn and overall mournful? Not even myself could have known that. I'm sure everyone who knows me would be shocked.

"Come on Belle, look at me," comes his voice. My body comes to life and I actually feel small tingles caress my arms. Ignoring the weird feeling like a switch I snap on, sudden anger flooding through my veins driven by my quickening heartbeat. "I see you've gotten weak huh—?"

Letting out a strangled cry I launch myself across his desk, propelling myself with my booted foot and colliding into his body. His chair tilts backwards and we slam onto the floor my hands quick to wrap around his throat. His hazel eyes become ablaze with searing gold as his strong large hands wrap around my wrists; my entire world spins as I'm pinned to the floor, his thick legs pinning me by the sides as he forces my arms above my head.

"Really Belle?" He whispers lowly. "You're going to let your anger get the best of you?"

"I'll fucking murder you!" I exclaim, spittle flying from my mouth. "You lying, sick, twisted piece of shit!"

He raises his brows, "You don't know what I—"


He tugs me up by my arms into his chest, wrapping his strong arms around me and looking into my blue eyes; into my soul. "I'd never intentionally hurt you."

"You s-sent men their to e-eliminate the problem," I stutter as I get a lump in my throat and my eyes tear up. "Liar."

"No, we gave them an offer," he sighs. "They could join us of they cooperate. Otherwise they'd have to move."

"Most of them have families and are too broke to move," I growl, fighting his hold.

He tightens and shakes his head, "That's why all of them said they'd join."

I stare at him incredulously, "Seriously?"

He nods and wipes the pad of his thumb under my eye wiping the tear that had fallen, "Yes Belle, I promised not to kill them. But they were causing a big issue for me therefore I had to take out the problem."

I sigh and melt at his touch, comfortably resting my head on his chest as I let out a slow breath, "Thank you."

After a moment his hand runs through my hair gently, "Anything for you."

ALESSANDRO: Book 3 of The De Luca Brothers Series [COMPLETED]Where stories live. Discover now