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I walk into the petite lounge and instantly feel a couple dozen pairs of eyes on me. I don't let it effect me, can't let it effect me- or else this entire stony wall will crumble from guilt and a pained heart.

Burying my surprisingly hurt feelings down into the back of my mind, I make eye contact with Sara and sigh in annoyance; her piercing glare burns holes into my skin. I clench my fists allowing my nails to dig into the palm of my hands as I look each one in the eye with my unwavering stare, not even allowing Chad's livid expression to shake me.

"Backstabber," grunts Sara as she slips off the settee onto her feet, staring up at me with anger in her eyes. "You fucking ratted us out!"

I look at her appearance from head to toe, noticing her more maintained and groomed look, "It certainly didn't hurt you now, did it?"

She growls and clenches her tiny fists as her brows furrow, "That's not the point Ang, we trusted you. I trusted you! Yet the first offer of money and you let us all fall now, huh?"

"I needed the extra cash," I shrug. "Plus this seemed like a good enough place to get it. Also seemed good since all you guys were ready to sell your soul to the devil."

"I offered you a place to stay-"

"And I got taken by the Thorns and could have died Chad. Yet look at me now."

"You should have died and left us all alone. We were ready for the revolution but you and your selfishness-"

"Selfishness?" I echo. "You guys did practically the same thing as me. Took a gang up on their offer for stability right?"

Chad blinks in surprise and looks away sheepishly meanwhile Sara looks skeptically, "They were good men."

"Oh you mean the Thorns' rivalry gang who would have probably taken over once they used you guys? Filled in the role of the Thorns and take this city and abuse it just like this gang does? What makes the Thorns better than these morons? They both take and take and take, never give unless it's the drugs they manufacture- yet they still take your cash."

"That's not to do with us though, the Russian or German folk said they'd let us run around freely," Chad sneers.

"And how would you know that they're telling the truth?"

"We would have taken the risk if needs be," Sara shrugs. "Better than living under definite oppressors. Only you messed up our plans for salvation."

"No I let you live," I shake my head amusedly. "Sure your little Hideout was amazing and did the job, but for how long? Leone was tearing the city apart just to find these Russians and you had them at your doorstep. In no time they'd have found you and Leone was even debating kill you, only you got lucky since I personally begged for you fuckers to live."

"You've enslaved us," Chad accuses his face turning red with anger. "Forcing us to have to work with these dickheads."

"You're the one who chose this life," I shrug. "I'm the one who gave you the option: live or die."

"How'd he know if we aren't working with the Russians?" Asks a familiar face with a name I can't place.

"I'd hope you wouldn't be so stupid, especially with them having eyes everywhere and a strong technology department," I pause for effect. "That would've your death certificate you're writing."

"I would have preferred death," scoffs some random cocky bitch leaning against the wall. "I don't work for anyone."

I pull our a knife and throw it, the blade sinking through her grey jacket hood and into the wall behind. Her breath hitches and her face pales, "Y-you missed."

ALESSANDRO: Book 3 of The De Luca Brothers Series [COMPLETED]Where stories live. Discover now