"Mam, you need to stay where you are, the car you are stuck is not in a good position, you move a little bit, the cars on top will fall on both of us," 

"I don't care, get me out right now," The woman said as she tried pushing herself forward. Renee watched as the cars on top of the woman slowly started sliding. 

"Mam, stop it, okay how about we clean the injuries on your body first, the firemen will bring will be here to help by the time we are done,"


"Okay, mam, what's your name?"

"Daphnie Miller," Renee swallowed at the name. 

"Okay, mam,"

Renee went towards Daphnie squatting down in front of her trying to examine the extent of her injuries, her injuries weren't bad but her leg which was under the car was probably crushed but other than that she appeared to be fine.

"Mam, do you have any headache, did you hit your head?" 

"No, my head's fine, it's my leg which is killing me,"

"We can't do anything until the firemen remove the cars," Renee said as she cleaned the cuts and scratches on the woman's face, there were glass pieces cutting through her face.

"How long do I have to wait?" Daphnie said she was getting anxious, the paramedics and the firemen were taking an awful lot of time to come up.

"Any moment, they should be here at any moment,"

At the hospital, Mark along with the other doctors was trying their best to help the people who had come from the trauma site, there was a lot of traumas coming in and it was getting difficult to handle them. They had just admitted the Jane Doe who was pregnant and had been the victim of hypothermia. She had been taken into surgery by Richard and Burke to relieve her cardiac tamponade with Addison and Alex observing the baby monitor.

"Dr Bailey, have you, Derek or Renee?" Mark asked Dr Bailey when she came from the trauma site.

"Dr Shepherd helped me load this patient, as for Dr Foster, I didn't see her," She said before rushing the patient to the trauma room.

"Damn it, where are they?" He said before leaving to check on the patients.

"Everything ok?" Mark asked Richard when he saw him standing by the nurse's station after finishing the surgery, it had been a couple of hours since the Jane Doe had been brought in and Burke was still operating on her.

"You know anything about making burr holes?" Richard asked him.

"Done it a couple of times." 

"Good, don't go anywhere. Stevens, listen to me." Richard said.

"Trust your instincts, Stevens, trust the feel of it," Mark said to Izzie through the phone.

"I'm ready. No, wait, I need to clean the drill off, one more time." Izzie said clearly doubting herself. 

"You've cleaned it a dozen times Stevens, it's as clean as it's gonna get. You ready?" 


Ok, place three fingers above the ear and two or three fingers in front of that on the side where the first pupil blew." 

"Got it." 

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