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"Now why did the whole house smell like citrus?" Nan asked as Korei and Hanta took a seat at the table. Hanta smirked to himself and glanced over at his green-haired girlfriend as he got comfortable on the ground. 

"It's Korei's quirk," he explained, reaching for his chopsticks. "She uses it to ease me to sleep." He added, placing some of the nori rolls that his grandmother had made onto his plate. Korei's cheeks flushed. Sleep? Definitely. What they did definitely helped both of them sleep well. 

"That's so sweet," Nan cooed, already digging into her breakfast. "Your brother called me last night to apologize for not making it. He said he'll be here later today." She smiled kindly before pointing at Korei with her chopsticks. The heavier girl was happily enjoying the older woman's cooking. "Has he told you about Hajime? He's such a sweetheart, you'll love him!" 

"He's never really mentioned his older brother to me before," she admitted, eyes flickering up to meet Hanta's. Sure, she was reminded of their activity last night but she also realized just how adorable he was. He does not get enough appreciation for that. 

"Typical Hanta," Nan rolled her eyes and grinned at the two teens. "I understand that you young people don't really talk much anymore. I get it, you're the horny generation." 

"Ah! It's not like that!" Korei exclaimed, her cheeks burning bright as she dropped her chopsticks. Nan's words did make her think. Typical Hanta? He told her that he's never done anything before!

"Nan, it's really not like that!" Hanta added, trying his best to make sure his grandmother wasn't thinking of his and Korei's relationship like that. She meant much more to him than that. "Honestly!" 

"Yeah, yeah." The older woman waved off before smiling at the flustered Korei. "So, what's your family like? Do you have any siblings?" The mention of her family made Korei's energy drain. She didn't really have much of one. 

"Er, not any siblings," she nervously chuckled, rubbing the back of her neck. "I technically live with my grandmother but I don't really like to bother her so I usually stay at the school dorms." She explained. Hanta looked at her with a soft expression, leaning a little closer to kiss her cheek. The green-haired girl just smiled and returned to her breakfast. 

"Poor girl, you're too sweet to be this sad," Nan mumbled before putting more food on the girl's plate. "You're always welcome here." She smiled reassuringly and Korei chuckled and thanked her, perking up just a little bit. "So, Hanta told me that you're not training to be a hero?"

"You say that like it's a bad thing," Hanta mumbled as he scooted a little closer to Korei. "I think it's cute, babe. What are you training to become again? A biophysicist?" The girl raised her eyebrows in surprise at how spot-on he was. "See, I listen to you." The black-haired boy chuckled before going back to his breakfast. 

"A biophysicist? That's the people who determine the effects of certain foods and such, right?" Nan asked and Korei nodded slowly. 

"Well, yeah. That and a few other things. I've been really interested in this career for a really long time," she smiled and Hanta felt his chest tighten. His girlfriend was pretty, smart, and she had big dreams. She really was perfect. He hoped they'd last. "I'm really excited about it and I hope that I can manage to do it." Breakfast continued and the three of them chatted about random things. Korei offered to help with the dishes but Nan told her to go have fun with Hanta.

"So, I was thinking we could hop in the pool for a bit," Hanta grinned, pulling a pair of swim trunks out of his duffle bag. He and Korei were sitting in his bedroom now, the green-haired female on her phone. "What d'ya think, sweetheart?" He asked, tugging his shirt off and tossing it at the girl. 

"Hah?" She asked, looking up from her messages to find her boyfriend now very shirtless and smirking at her. "What did you say?" 

"Who're you talking to?" He asked, walking closer and trying to peer over her shoulder at the device. Korei showed him that she was talking with Mineta. "Hmph, what does that pervert want?" 

"He was wondering if I had gone with you back home," Korei giggled out and Hanta quickly leaned down to peck her lips. He loved listening to her giggle, it made his knees go weak. 

"Mm, okay, now get up and get in your little bikini. We're going swimming," he grinned, tapping her side gently and causing her to giggle yet again. She set her phone aside and let her hands find the sides of his neck, pulling him down for some more kisses. 

"Well, we can go swimming in a minute," she cooed and the lovestruck boy crawled on top of her, nodding in agreement. They engaged in another kiss, this one just slightly more heated. This summer was already the best one that Korei has ever had, and it was only going to get better.

1.5𝙎𝙀𝙍𝙊𝙏𝙊𝙉𝙄𝙉ˢᵉʳᵒTempat cerita menjadi hidup. Temukan sekarang