(★) 𝕥𝕠𝕦𝕔𝕙𝕥𝕠𝕦𝕔𝕙𝕥𝕠𝕦𝕔𝕙ᶠᵒʳᵗʸ-ᶠⁱᵛᵉ

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"So that's what anal is?" Korei said as the video came to an end. She was holding her phone now, Hanta having just returned from a bathroom break. "I don't know how to feel about it." She sighed, closing the video and searching for something else. They had since eaten dinner with Nan and everyone was meant to go to bed but Korei was still curious.

"Anal? It's a little scary to think about, isn't it?" Hanta mumbled, situating himself on the bed and reaching for Korei's phone. "C'mon now, I think that's enough. I don't see how you can watch a whole video."

"I'm trying to learn, Hanta-kun. It's not that weird," Korei said and her boyfriend just rolled his eyes at her.

"Babe, that's actually really weird." He chuckled and watched as her cheeks went dark red. "Why'd you start watching it all of a sudden? What made you wanna watch it?" The black-haired male asked as he cuddled against his girlfriend. He shut her phone off and put it on charge before focusing on their snuggles.

"Okay, don't take this the wrong way but I was searching for things to get you for your birthday and I came across this one link and then I got curious and fell into all of that stuff," she explained, taking in Hanta's appearance. "Why'd you leave for so long?"

"I had to use the bathroom," he defended and Korei just narrowed her eyes at him. He felt his cheeks flush and he let out a heavy sigh. "I-i'm not gonna tell you! It's personal!"

"Oh, my bad!" Korei smiled softly, her face red from embarrassment. "Sorry!" She squeaked once again before leaning closer to him and pressing a gentle kiss to his lips. "I'm sorry."

"I was masturbating because I couldn't help but think of you doing all of the things that woman in the video was doing...with me."
[say it] | [respect her] !

"It's o-okay," Hanta mumbled out, letting his girlfriend rub his warm cheek soothingly. His black eyes fluttered shut and he smelt oranges. Like, the whole room smelled like oranges and he didn't recognize this as one of her usual scents. "What's wrong baby?" Hanta asked, pulling her a little closer just because he wanted to feel her against him. Fucking pervert.

"I-i don't know," Korei blushed furiously, her quirk going out of control as she felt herself being overwhelmed with the desire of being touched. She was devastated that she was thinking in such a way! She just really wanted to feel his skin on hers. Or maybe she needed a shower? Her thighs felt oddly sticky. "I think I need to use the bathroom." She rushed out, squeezing her thighs together and feeling something gush into her underwear. Had she started her period? No, she came off of it last week! And she didn't have any cramps or anything...so what was it?

Hanta immediately knew what was going on and he felt his stomach do flips. Korei had never felt horny before? That's fucking adorable. His hand found her wrist as she began moving to get out of the bed. Hanta prevented it, pulling her into him as he looked down into her eyes. "I'd like to do something for you. You're allowed to say no, okay?" Korei stared at her boyfriend, confused and wanting to get out of her gross panties. "I'm gonna ask you a very personal question, now, is that alright with you?" A nod was all he needed. Hanta took a deep breath and held eye contact with his girlfriend as the words tumbled from his thin lips. "Have you ever...touched yourself?"

Korei's eyes widened in shock as her blush traveled down her neck. What the heck? What in the heck? Touch herself? Has she ever touched herself? No! Why would she? What could she possibly gain from that?! Hanta knew from her reaction that she hadn't and he nodded slowly.

"Do you want me to touch you?" He whispered out and watched as her eyes widened even more. Korei felt like her heart was going to beat right out of her chest and she was freaking out. She was just thinking of being touched by him while they were watching those videos together. In fact, her sticky situation got even worse as she thought more and more about being with Hanta intimately. She's not a lewd girl but she definitely felt like one.

"Y-yeah," she whispered softly and watched as Hanta's face turned red as well. He had no idea what he was doing and he didn't think he'd get this far with this. He felt a wave of arousal wash over him and he quickly leaned down to kiss her.

"Alright, I've never done this before s-so please let me know if it doesn't feel good," he mumbled out and Korei nodded, smiling reassuringly at him even though she had no idea what was about to happen. Hanta sat up on his knees, his fingertips resting on the band of Korei's booty shorts. "Can I take these off, beautiful?"

The green-haired girl blushed darkly as she nodded. Hanta smiled at her and dipped his fingers in her shorts, slowly tugging them down. His eyes remained trained on hers as he removed her bottoms and left her in her cute red laced underwear. He thought it was absolutely adorable that she matched her underwear to her tank-top. He rubbed her dimpled thighs soothingly, easing them open to reveal the wet spot accumulating in her panties. Hanta bit his bottom lip and let his eyes flicker down to observe all that he could.

"You're that wet for me, babe?" Korei didn't fully understand what he was meaning but she nodded along anyway, the orange scent suddenly more intense than before. Her whole body was throbbing as she watched Hanta between her own thighs. He planted a soft kiss to the front of her lacy panties before he moved a little further down so that he was level with the wet spot. Korei felt like she was about to burst into flames, that's how hot she was. "Remember, just tell me to stop whenever, alright?"

"Mmhm!" Korei nodded, feeling something poke at her area. This was new territory, she didn't know it was this sensitive! A quiet squeak left her lips and Hanta chuckled, leaning in to gingerly lick at the stain. "Hanta," she whimpered out, wanting to say something but not knowing what exactly she should say. Hanta chuckled and then began sliding her panties off, leaving a path of kisses in his wake. She found it extremely embarrassing that her arousal was stuck to the center of her underwear. Honestly, she could have died from embarrassment right then.

"Fuck, that's hot," Hanta breathed as pulled away and tossed her panties aside. Korei bit her bottom lip and smiled sheepishly, propping herself up on the bed. Hanta licked his own lips, situating himself between his girlfriend's thighs and making sure they were both comfortable. "Try not to be too loud, my door's unlocked."

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