/EX; The Proposal

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(Gopal x Shielda: Special)

/EX; The Proposal

As Yaya walked into the stations' cafeteria, she soon saw Ying calling her over with a defeated looking Gopal by her. The brunet soon walked towards them asking, "Hey, what's going on?" Looking at her best friend as Ying simply heaved a breath, slightly shaking her head. "Apparently, our dearest friend is having crush problems." Ying crossed her arms over her chest, making Yaya gasp as she sat down across the male, knocking on the table as Gopal looked up and rested his chin on the surface.

"Who? Is it her~?" Yaya teased as his face flared into a reddish hue, making Ying jaw-dropped, peering towards him, uttering, "No way–Shielda?" Gopal rushed to hush them as some of the lower ranks simply brushed by their weird antics, Ying moving back as she held her stomach, already 8 months into her pregnancy, the male wanting to clear his actions up and not make Ying fussy.

While Gopal sat properly, he collected himself as the two piped in, prepared for what he'd say. "Remember when I asked Shielda to go out with me? The first time?" Gopal saw their focus scrunch up, glancing at one another. They recall the event very clearly as Gopal nearly got killed by one of the enemy aliens during their battle to retrieve some hostages, it took nearly a few seconds for them to register the fact he used his Key to defeat them as he ran back into the ship. When confronted by Sai and Shielda due to his uncoordinated movements, he blurted out his feelings for everyone to listen. Yaya cringed as she said, "Yeah, so is it happening again?" He nodded, scratching the back of his nape.

"I... told her to go on a date with me, but I–god, how do I say this?"

As Gopal pondered, they were surprised by a metal clang, turning to the side to see Sai, the taller male feeling small under his teal eyes. "He's planning on proposing." Sai said as he went and took a seat by Yaya as the ladies exclaimed, "What?!" "Dey, I-I wasn't ready to tell them yet!" Gopal complained as his face palmed, making Sai cross his arms over his chest, looking at him nonchalantly. "You are a bad liar... I already overheard you frantically chanting inside your room about how to propose. Didn't help seeing your monitor filled with proposal ideas." He added on as Gopal felt embarrassed, nudging his side as Ying chuckled, Yaya tapping her chin.

Sai rested his head atop his hand on the table, looking nonchalant as he bore a small smile, "I'll give you an idea of what to do. After all, I think you've proven yourself as a potential spouse for my sister," He spoke as he made everyone huddle together, adding, "Let's plan while she's still on a mission with the Admirals and Keith."

"Mission Reported."

As Boboiboy stated, his hands behind him as Fang and Shielda stood on either side, waiting for Tarung's words as the taller male nodded. "Well done, team. As per discussion, we'll send you back to Earth." Tarung said as the three were alarmed, Fang asking, "What do you mean, sir?" The red-skinned alien smiled as he nods as the call had cut off, Shielda pointing to the main deck, exclaiming, "Sir, the course was automatically set?" Boboiboy furrowed his brow, their figures moving along as Fang commanded they stay station into their seats, following their current orders.

Upon landing at an unfamiliar clearing, Fang and Shielda came down first as Boboiboy mandated the ships station as the raven haired male saw they were next to a seaside villa. "Where are we?" "Myran Resort." Boboiboy answered behind them, walking down as they saw the villa, heading towards it as they were welcomed, prompting Fang to move to the receptionist.

"Hello, but may I ask who reserved our names here?" Fang questioned as the figure flickered through the papers, saying, "Um... Ms. Ying Yinan and Gopal Kumar, please move this way," the receptionist gestured to an assistant who led them off as they were now moving towards a larger house, Shielda was looking around, enamored by the gardens nearby before snapping out of her daze and followed towards the home. To their shock the door opened to reveal Yaya as she waved hello to them, "Honey!" Boboiboy called as he rushed towards her, tackling her into a hug as the two reached the doorway, Fang seeing Ying was sitting inside with Brianna, leaving the two lovers outside to cuddle.

"Hey, laopo," Fang called as he gently pressed a kiss on the crown of her head, earning a smile from the woman, "What's going on? They said you'd reserve for us to go here." Fang added as he sat by her figure, high-fiving with Brianna as a greeting. Shielda asked, "And Fleet Admiral Tarung even told us to head over here after a mission, that's unusual, isn't it?" Yaya came inside overhearing their chat, the two conniving women glanced at each other with a chuckle, making their husbands curious.

"Well, you see~ we wanted a vacation, I'll be out of service due to my leave, might as well enjoy it for a bit before I steal you away." Ying said as she poked Fang's cheek, making the latter male playfully roll his eyes. Just as they were about to continue their chat, there was a knock to the door, making the rest see Zack and Faze present, "Aunty Shielda? Can you come with us for a bit? We need to show you something." Zack voiced as the latter female got confused, but agreed, knowing the boys weren't entirely troublemakers, soon led out of the house. When they were out of ear-shot, Boboiboy said, "So why are we really here?" He pulled Yaya's hand, making her sheepishly smile, Ying leaning back to Fang as their husbands soon got informed of what was going on, both amused by the plot.

Not even five-minutes in, Shielda was soon led to a large garden after a hectic discussion of summer clothes–changing as per their request. Now alone without the boys as they excused themselves for some reason, leaving her to wander around as she soon watched the flowers dancing in the breeze. Her eyes soon looked to the side, shocked to see a familiar figure moving close to the rails that broke between the beach and garden, she moved towards him, smiling. "Hey! I was wondering when you'd show up!" Shielda spoke as he chuckled, soon she stood before him, seeing his trailing gaze to the side, worrying her and asking if he was okay. "Yeaah, I just need to tell you something... please hear me out okay?" "Yeah, of course." She spoke as calmly as she could, knowing he could be a nervous-wreck.

Her eyes widen as she cupped her lips when he knelt down, looking down as he said, "I know I might not be bright all the time and I lack a lot of the skills needed to be a TAPOPS agent... heck, my friends are more competent than me, b-but I want to prove myself... even if I know I'm not strong enough," their eyes met as he gave a beaming smile, "But I'm sure I can handle these things now... because you believed in me when the time was right... you were there to tell me what to do when I would've been a coward... you just make a better person than I thought I'd be. I guess that's what made me fall madly in-love with you." He moved to fetch something from his pocket, bringing it out as a small box was present between them.

"Through those unsavory moments and times when I need a helping hand, it'd be you i'll think of 'til the end... because you make my world brighter with how empowering of a person you are... so, will you marry me?" Gopal asked as Shielda felt her tears fall from her eyes, smiling as she said, "Of course, silly... I would love to marry you." He gasped, smiling as he sprung up to his feet, both hugging as Gopal thanked her, soon pulling back as he laughed, "Sorry, I should put this first." He gently put the ring on as she smiled, pressing a light peck on his nose.

They heard loud squeals from behind, Shielda was shocked to see their friends and her brother clapping and cheering for them, her eyes moved to look back at Gopal, seeing him nod as she cupped his cheek, "Thank you... for doing this for me." "They also wanted to see us married more than you'd believe, love." He teased as she stifled a laugh, turning to them as she showed her hand wearing her ring, seeing them grin and call with glee.

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