/EX; The Wedding

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(Gopal x Shielda: Special)

/EX; The Wedding

After a long celebration, everyone was sat idly by their seats, Ying getting excused as Faze led her to sleep, earning some chuckles from Fang and Yaya as they knew how diligent the boy was in taking care of his mother during her pregnancy. Yaya soon brought back their attention to Gopal and Shielda, asking, "So when do you plan to get married? Any preferences?" Shielda carefully thought as Gopal pondered, humming. "Well, we really don't want too much guests, a smaller ceremony might do," Gopal uttered as Shielda nodded, heaving a breath, "In all honesty, I'd probably love to get married in space. Earth is beautiful, but it feels like home there." Shielda spoke as she held Sai's shoulder, making him nod.

As a light clap turned their attention to a brunet, Boboiboy smiled, "I have an Idea, but it'll be quite the plan if we don't do it right." He said with a mischievous smile, making Fang shake his head, knowing how his friend's head worked. "I can tell this plan is going to cost me more than normal." Fang uttered, crossing his arms over his chest. Sai tilted his head, asking, "Where do you plan to do it?"

'Well, we'd need a help from Colbian Queen Keith for this one."

"Oh, I would love to!"

As Keith cheerfully responded, looking calm and collected despite her tone as she peered towards the engaged couple, "Congratulations, dear." She said as Shielda smiled, thanking her as the Queen soon looked towards them. "But in-exchange, I'd like to have a small talk with your little boss." Her words made Gopal stifle a laugh, Boboiboy jaw-dropped as Fang questioned, "Sir Ciciko? Can I ask why?" Keith crossed her legs, sitting straight as she looked at them with a confident gleam. "My Planet gets into uncharted territory and I want raiders to stop attempting to execute my people. I will offer allegiance to TAPOPS if they can somehow avoid such a situation from occurring again." Keith stated as the two Admirals looked at each other, the brunet sheepishly smiling at the daring request as Fang glared at him.

They were surprised by a voice entering their ears, "About that request," the group scurried to stand up, saluting as they were soon met with Kaizo's ruby glare. "I think it will be less problematic." Kaizo added as he threw a metal ball on the desk, making Keith smile, taking it as she nodded. "As expected, you detected the universal bell easily." Keith voiced as her eyes glowed gold before the ball crumbled into small bits after a single chime was heard. "What?! What exactly is that?" Yaya asked as Keith pouted her lips, turning to Kaizo as he stated, "A Universal Bell is used by raiders and planetary invaders to signal other ships to enter their domain for business... the Phoenix used this to trace their path back to Colby before we even got there."

With the realization, the group was surprised by the power of the alien-tech bell, Fang soon turned to Keith. "Then, what do we do? The deal is already managed?" She gave a smug grin, crossing her arms over her chest, "Then I'll do my part of that deal." The Queen snapped her finger as a small transparent scroll appeared, showing a list of items as the engaged couple were surprised as the list became longer, Shielda asking, "What exactly is all those things?" "If I'm going to give a gift, it's best if I put a lot more for the people who saved my planet." She said, winking at the lady, glancing at Gopal who became excited, telling some request that Keith added to her list.

The day came with much anticipation as Shielda remained seated inside a guest room in the higher floors of the palace. Fixing her green tinted dress, she saw herself in the mirror, feeling self-conscious as she tried to calm herself down, she was surprised when she heard a knock by the door. "Come in." she said as the door opened to reveal Ying peering in, a smaller figure peering inside, making Shielda gasp as they went inside the babbling figure curiously looking around. "Ying, I didn't know you'd be visiting? It's only been a few weeks hasn't it?" Shielda inquired as the latter chuckled. "It felt kinda stuffy inside the hospital and I couldn't miss this–neither can she." She gently maneuvered the baby to face Shielda as the bride waved hello to the baby, seeing it smile.

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