Christmas series #1: Christmas decorating

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Written by SydneyForEver.


You put the last ornament on the now fully decorated Christmas tree. You smiled at your artwork as this was your first time decorating the tree all by yourself. It was suppose to be that way though. Harry, who was suppose to help you, put the lights on and one ornament and then fell asleep on the couch. You looked at your deeply asleep boyfriend and debated whether or not to wake him. You decided for it since he did in fact left all the decorating to you. You grabbed a pillow and hit his head, "Harry!" He bolted up, confused, "What?!" You pointed at the tree and he looked up. He held your hands and told you it was beautiful then left. When he came back with presents, you jumped for joy. Christmas couldn't come fast enough.


You put the ornaments on the tree, rearranging them if necessary, while Louis was sitting on the could with your two years old daughter. Daisy handed you an ornament while Louis tickled her making her laugh and you giggle. After you put the last of the ornaments you went over to the box of decorations and saw the star. "Who wanna put the star up?" You asked playfully, already know the answer. "ME!" Daisy said, raising her hand. Louis chuckled as he picked her up from his lap and brought her  to the tree. She took the star from you and reached up from her father's arms and put the star on the decorated tree. Louis wrapped his arms around you with one arm and he held Daisy in the other. You guys admire the Christmas tree as you thought about how lucky you were to spend Christmas with the two most important people in your life.


You woke up when you heard something smash on the floor. You opened one eye and saw Liam sweeping up a broken ornament.  He saw you looking and smiled, "Good evening, love." You smiled at the nickname and rubbed your tired eyes.  You looked at the tree next to Liam and your eyes widen.  "You decorated the tree without me?" you asked, sitting up.  "You were asleep," he said. "You could've woke me up!" "I know you havn't been getting much sleep lately so I let you be.  I'm sorry," he said, looking down.  You couldn't help but smile at how cute your boyfriend was.  You walked up to him and pecked him on the cheeks, "It's okay."  "Want to put the star on the tree?" he asked, holding up the star.  "Do I?" you playfully asked, while taking the star from his hands.  You reached up and tried to put the star on the tree which was difficult because you were short.  You finally got the star on the tree but stumbled back a little but Liam caught you by the waist.  You looked up at him and melted in his arms.  You reached up and hugged him.  You couldn't wait to spend your very first Christmas with him.


"To the left.  More to the left.  A little to the right.  Up a little.  Perfect," you instructed Niall.  You sat on the couch very much pregnant.  You weren't able to decorate the tree due to your big stomach.  It was up Niall to do the decorating this year, but it was just you telling him where to put things.  After a while, your two year old son ran into the room and went straight to the star that was on the couch.  He picked it up and ran to Niall, looking up at him.  Niall picked him up and positioned him so that he could put the star up with ease which he did.  Niall then went over to you and sat them both down.  "I can't wait to see my wittle swister!" your son said, pointing at your stomach.  "Neither can I, buddy!" Niall said, wrapping his arms around you.  You then remembered that your due date was next week and you couldn't wait either.  This Christmas was going to be the best Christmas ever because it was going to be the very first Christmas you're going to spend with both your kids.  


You helped Zayn put the lights on the Christmas tree.  After, Zayn called out to your kids.  Darcy, 5 years old,  Michelle, 8 years old, and David, 11 years old, all ran into the front room and sat down on the couch.  You and Zayn stood in front of them with a serious look on your faces.  "It's that time of the year again,"  you said with the most serious face ever.  "It's the most wonderful time of the year," Zayn sung making all your  kids laugh.  "Are you ready to decorate the most awesome tree that ever existed?' you questioned with a small smile on your face as all your kids nodded their heads.  "Let's go,"  Zayn said and with that you all got to work.  After about two hours of decorating the tree while singing and dancing, you and Zayn cuddled by the fire while watching your kids try to guess what gifts they got.

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