Picking baby names

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Written by SydeneyForever


"No!" You disagreed with your husband. You two were deciding on names for the baby boy you were expecting. "Why not?!" He pouted. "Because I'm not naming my baby after a car!" "Honda is a cool name." "Yeah, if you want our child to get bullied." That's when Niall shut up and kept thinking. You were in a deep mode of thinking when it hit you. "James!" "What?" "James. James Horan. James is your middle name and I always loved the name James for a boy. What ya think?" you ranted excitedly, smiling. Niall smiled too as he said "Perfect."  The two of you spent the rest of your evening cuddled on the couch full of excitement to have your little baby James come into this world in two months.


"Rose." "No." "Marie." "No." "Destiny." "No." "Teddy." "No." "Maria." "No." "Carrie." "No." "Violet." "No." "Oh my god, Harry! Would you stop rejecting all of my ideas!" You and your fiancé, Harry, were in bed trying to decide what to name your baby girl and Harry said no to every one of your ideas. You were half-way along your pregnancy and you started crying due to your hormones. Harry instantly felt bad and hugged you. "I'm sorry baby, its just that I want our daughter's name to be perfect and those don't quite cut it," he admit. "How about Haley? Haley Styles." You suggest. He pulled back from the hug, eyes shining, "Yes." He hugged you again, you both smiling widely.


You and Zayn were trying to decide on what to name the twins you were expecting in three months. "So what do you think about Yonda," Zayn suggested, sitting in front of you on the living room table. "It has potential," you lied, trying not to break Zayn's hopes. "For the boy." "No way Zayn," you said which made your husband pout. You chuckled and pecked his lips. "Think of girls names," you suggested. "I have an idea," he said after five minutes.  "What?" "I don't wanna tell you. I'm afraid you'll hate it," he pouted like a little kid making you chuckle. "Tell me." "Okay, how about Michelle for the girl and Michael for the boy." You leaned in and pecked his lips, "I love it." Zayn smiled from ear to ear, proud to tell his future kids that he named them and not their mommy.


You and Liam were sitting across each other with baby name books in your hands. You were trying to name your unborn girl you were expecting the following week. You were searching and searching, but none caught your attention. Liam read the names out loud which really annoyed you. Luckily, he said no to every one of them so you didn't have to do so yourself. You let him continue reading out loud. "Brooklyn," he read. You eyes lit up and you slowly put the book you held in front of your face down as you said, "Repeat that."  "Brooklyn," he repeated, confused. "Liam Payne, you are a genius," you said, getting up, getting him off his chair and hugging him. "Brooklyn Payne?" He asked, uncertain. "No! Brooke Payne!" He smiled and hugged you again, kissing your forehead.


You were in bed, crying. You weren't in pain or anything like that at all. You were perfectly fine. It was the hormones. The stupid hormones that were making you cry. It was making you cry for something so stupid. Louis came into the room after going for a breakfast run and instantly dropped the bags, ran to you, wiped away your tears, and said, "Baby what's wrong?" "I don't know what to name them." "Name who, sweetie?" "The twins." Louis suddenly realized who you were talking about and why you were crying. You and Louis were expecting twin girls and you haven't decided on a name. "Don't worry, sweetheart, we have plenty of time," he reassures. "Yeah, but what if I can never come up with a name?" you asked, voicing your worries. Louis just hugged you knowing that's what you needed most right then. He pulled back after two minutes and said,"What are your favorite girl names?" he asked you. "I don't know," you pouted. "Come on, yes you do. You once told me what the names you would name your children when we first started dating. They were Crystal and Peyton. I like those names too. How 'bout we name our two girls that, love?" he asked, knowing those were the names you always pictured naming your daughters, but suddenly forgot. He sure didn't, though. "Crystal and Peyton Tomlinson?" you thought out loud, "Yeah! Lets name our daughters that!" you smiled, happy you got that out of the way for your hormones to pick at. Louis smiled at how happy he made and kissed and hugged you.

Author's Note

Hey guys!! Yes we are still alive for anyone who was wondering. We are so sorry for the long wait but we have been so busy with school and stuff. We've had this written for awhile but didn't have time to edit it. But here it is now and we hope it makes up for the incredibly long wait. Oh and guys it would be awesome if you guys commented some preferences you wanna read because we're kinda running out of ideas. So that's basically it. Stay lovely!

Love, Crystal and Sydney

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