Imagine #1- I lost you

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Written by SydneyForever

I can not lose you.
You sat on the floor, your back leaning on the wall, and you just stare at the floor. Harry was a few feet away from you, sitting on the foot of the bed, with his head in his hand, and he was silently crying.
You somehow had not shed a tear since earlier. You blamed it on having cried yourself dry, but deep down you know the real reason why you stopped trying. Because you gave up and you knew nothing was going to make you believe again.
You knew it was over between you two. He knew it too, but he was still in denial. He wasn't ready to except the fate that was choosen for you two. The fate that was written in the stars. The fate that said that you two weren't meant for each other and never will be.
Because if I ever did.
Earlier events flashed through your mind. You didn't want to remember the ugliness of it all, but you just couldn't fight it. You didn't have the energy to think about anything else.
So you just closed your eyes and relived the downfall of your life.
I'd have lost my best friend.
"It's been over for a while now, Harry! I just can't keep pretending like everything is fine!" You yelled at Harry as he walked away from you. He kept on walking and you kept on yelling. It was when he entered the bedroom when he turned on his heels and fought back.
"How can you say that! It's not true!" Harry yelled back, furious at the fact that the love of his life was giving up on him. "We love each other! We are meant to be! We can't just give up because of a couple of bad months!"
My soul mate.
"You cheated on me! We've been fighting non-stop. We are together because of habit not because we love each other! It's over!" you fired back. You couldn't believe how naive Harry was being.
"Don't say that! We love each other! I apologized for cheating and you forgave me! We can get pass this!" Harry was beyond furious. He couldn't believe how easily you could just give up. What he didn't know was that it was killing you.
"I never forgave you."
"I lied. I just didn't want to let go yet-"
"But I just want us to be over with!"
"How can you say that!"
"I cheated on you too!"
Silence erupted. Neither of you said anything. You just looked at each other as the ground beneath you was opening up and swallowing you whole. Then finally-
"What." It was barely a whisper, but it was there. Harry sounded broken.
"I cheated on you after-" your voice was breaking as you tried hard to contain your tears, "I found out you cheated on me. I was so angry that I cheated on you. That's when I realized that I don't love you anymore. If I did I wouldn't have been able to do that to you, but I did."
The look on Harry's face looked as if he could've died right there and then.
"It's over."
My smile.
That broke Harry. He flew toward the wall and punched it as hard as he could. He stared at the hole in the wall as you stared at him. You were both crying uncontrollably.
That's when you knew it was completely and utterly over.
"Take care of yourself. Just remember I am always here if you need me." Harry said to you as he leaned on the car door.
My laugh.
"We don't need each other anymore," you started the engine, "but that's okay."
Harry's eyes shifted to the ground as if he didn't want to admit it, but he knew that this goodbye was it. No turning back. You were exiting his life for good.
"Find your dream girl, Harry. A girl that is ten times a women as I ever will be. I want that for you. I want that will all my heart."
"And you go find your Prince Charming. A boy that would take care of you the way I never did. I want you to be happy so promise me you'll be happy."
My everything.
You just nodded and he nodded. He backed away from your car signaling the end of the road for you two.
You took one last glance at Harry, backed out of the drive way, and took off.
All Harry did was look at your car as it got smaller and smaller. However, he didn't feel pain or sadness. He felt okay and he knew you both would be okay without each other.
So please don't ever leave

Author's Note

Hello lovelies. We just wanted to tell you that we are now doing imagines so if you have an idea for one don't hesitate to request it. Hope you all are having a wonderful day. Adiosss.

And always remember to stay beautiful.

~Crystal and Sydney

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