Rough patch

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You were laying in bed alone for the 6th time since Liam came back from tour two weeks ago. If he was home, he would barely talk to you and was just very distant. You heard the door slowly open and close and heavy footsteps coming closer to the room. You pretended to be asleep as Liam came in and quietly got undressed and into bed, his back facing you. Tears start to brim your eyes as you realized your relationship was falling apart right in front of your eyes. "Do you even love me anymore?" you ask, your voice shaking with every word you spoke. Liam turned to face you and his face immediately fell when he saw your tear stained cheeks. He moved closer to you, eliminating the space between you guys. "Of course! How could you even question that Y/N?" Liam asked, looking you straight in the eyes. "Because Liam if you haven't noticed this is the closet we've been since you got back home. Did something change? Please just tell me because I don't want to lose you," you whispered, desperation in your voice. Desperation to figure out how you could fix this before it drove you and Liam to the point where your relationship couldn't be fixed. Liam took you in his arms and gave you a warm hug before speaking, "Nothing has changed love. My feelings for you will never ever change. I'm just so stressed and I didn't want to take it out on you so I tried to keep my distance but I didn't realize I was hurting you. I love you so much Y/N." "I love you too Liam." You fell asleep in Liam's arms and you finally felt like you were at home.

Silence surrounded you as you sat at the dinner table with Niall across from you. This is how it's been for the past few days and you had no idea why. You watched Niall as he typed away on his phone, acting like you didn't exist. That's when you knew you had to do something. You refused to watch Niall drift away from you. You got up from your seat and went over to Niall and took his phone from him, shutting it off. "How can you sit there and pretend like I don't exist? Do you even want to be with me? Because if you don't then I'll leave. It will kill me inside but it's better then me thinking you want to be with me while I'm slowly losing you," you said angrily, hot tears slowly making their way down your face. Niall stood up and engulfed you in a hug. You melted into his arms, not feeling his touch in what felt like months. "Princess I'm so sorry. I thought keeping my distance would make it easier when I went on tour so I don't miss you so much but it was a really stupid idea. I never meant to hurt you like this or to make you feel like you're loosing me. When I go back on tour, we'll make it work like we always do. Now let's go cuddle yea?" You smile at him before saying, "Now that's a good idea Horan."

A few months before Louis went on tour, he told you that he cheated on you when he was really drunk. You were hurt  and infuriated that he would do that but you were in love with him and you couldn't let him go no matter how much he hurt you. After a few weeks apart you told him you were willing to work it out with him and Louis couldn't have been more grateful. Now, Louis was on tour and he was acting weird and distant. You decided to surprise him and brought a ticket to see him. You thought that when you got there he would be happy but he was still acting the same, which worried you. One day you walked into the hotel room to see Louis with his face in his hands. You sit next to him and ran a hand up and down his back soothingly. "Lou what's wrong?" you asked softly, concern clear in your voice. "I'm a terrible person. I don't understand why you forgave me in the first place, you're too good for me. I promised I would never hurt you and I did! Every time I look at you, I can't bare the thought that I hurt you. You-" "Louis I forgave you because people make mistakes. I love you too much to throw everything away over a stupid mistake. But now it's time for you to forgive yourself ok? I just want us to move on and to go back to being the way we used to be," you said cutting him off. Louis looked at you with pure adoration in his eyes before kissing you passionately. He then pulled away and rested his head on your shoulder. "We'll get through this Y/N I promise." "I know we will babe."

You and Harry's relationship was going great until you started to argue almost every day about the most stupidest things. It was like a sick game of who could break the other person first and you were completely broken at this point. After another fight of brutal words leaving each other mouths like it was nothing, you had enough. You were packing a bag to stay at a friends when Harry came in and yelled "Great leave, like you always do! That's the only thing you're good at." You turn to face Harry with tears streaming down your face before saying with the little energy you had left, "I'm tired of fighting Harry! I know every couple goes through tough times but this is ridiculous! The fighting is never ending and I never thought what we had would turn into this. I love you Harry, so much, but I-I don't know how much more I can take." In a matter of seconds, Harry's lips were on yours in a passionate kiss. He pulled away and for the first time in a while you saw nothing but love in his eyes. "Sweetheart I never meant to hurt you. I've been acting like a complete douchebag lately and I'll make it up to you, I promise. Just please d-don't leave me because I don't know what I would do without you. We'll get through this together. Me and you forever and always," Harry pleaded, his forehead resting on yours and his hands caressing your cheek. "Forever and always."

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