The songs that reminds you of him

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Zayn: Just a little bit of your heart by: Ariana Grande

You and Zayn weren't an official couple. You knew he had other girls and you always acted like it didn't bother you but deep down it hurt. You wanted to be his one and only. You wanted his whole heart but you could never find the courage to tell Zayn that. You always had to settle for a little bit of his heart.

Harry: Out of my limit by: 5SOS

Harry always had girls all over him without even trying. You were just a regular girl that was just lucky enough to be friends with Harry. But that's all you were to him; a friend. No matter how hard you tried, Harry always saw you as a friend. You just couldn't compete with all the pretty girls throwing themselves at him. He was just a little out of your limit.

Liam: Disconnected by: 5SOS

You and Liam were always so busy with his touring and your new position at work that you guys hardly had time for each other. So when you both had a day off, you both turned off your phones, logged out of your social media accounts and just enjoyed each other's company. No Twitter or Instagram, just you and Liam.

Niall: Still the one by: One Direction

You and Niall dated for almost six months and everything was great until one drunken mistake. You kissed a random guy at some club and Niall saw. You tried to explain to Niall that it was a mistake but it was no use, he still broke up with you. You tried getting him back but he seemed to move on from you pretty quickly. You tried doing the same but all the memories you shared with Niall were too hard to forget. You knew he was the one, you just had to make him see it too.

Louis: Strong by: One Direction

Before you met Louis you were a mess. You had a mediocre job, struggling to pay for college and didn't have the best relationship with your parents. When you met Louis, all of that changed. He gave you the confidence to get a new job which helped you pay for college and was there for you every step of the way as you mended the relationship with your parents. All the problems you were running from, Louis helped you face them head on. He made you such a stronger person and you couldn't thank him enough for that.

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