First Fight (part 1)

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"I asked for one day with just you Zayn! One freaking day!", you yelled, now very aggravated. "Y/n we can always hang out together another day." Zayn said, shrugging you off, which just added fuel to your anger. "Zayn, you never have time for me. I understand you have to work but even when you have days off, you're never home." "You're acting so selfish right now Y/n! There is more important  things  I have to do then sit around with you all day in the flat!" Zayn yelled, now infuriated. Tears were threatening to spill but you refused to show Zayn  that his words effected you. You ran upstairs to grab a bag and to pack some things to stay at a friend's house. You went back downstairs to see Zayn's face in his hands. As you walked to the door he slowly looked up at you with watery eyes. "Babe pleas-" 'Save it Zayn. You made your point." You said before leaving.


The rumors were everywhere you turned. So one day you confronted him about it, which soon turned into a screaming match. "Why can't you just tell me the truth?!" You pleaded with him. "Open up your damn ears Y/n! I did not cheat on you. And if I wanted to cheat on you I would've done it a long time ago!" When he said that your heart broke into so many pieces. All of the air had been knocked out of you and you were unable to form a proper sentence. You ran to the bathroom and locked the door, as you silently  cried staring at the wall.


3 hours. 3 hours you were sitting alone at a nice restaurant waiting for your boyfriend to celebrate your 2 year anniversary. You were even more pissed off when you found Louis sitting on the couch  watching a football game. "Why do you look extra sexy today?" He asked as he pulled you into his lap. You pushed him off and went upstairs to change. As you changed you heard Louis coming up the stairs and asking "Baby, what's wrong?" "How could you forget? We've been planning this for months." You asked silently.  Realization hit his face and relief washed over yours to know he didn't forget  your anniversary but you were soon proven wrong. "We were supposed to go to that fancy restaurant! I pro-" "No Louis! Today is our 2 year anniversary, you dip wad!" You screamed as you walked past him, down the stairs. "Where the hell are you going Y/n?" "Away from you."


Niall walked into your shared  bedroom and imminently came after you with hunger and lust clear in his eyes. You pushed him off of you, obviously knowing he was drunk. "Niall this is the 4th time this week you came home in the morning drunk. "And?" He scuffed. "I'm getting tired of it. It would be nice to come home to a sober boyfriend for once." You stated, getting annoyed. "Have you ever thought you're the reason I drink so much? Every time I come home all you do is nag. Maybe if you shut up for a while I wouldn't be drunk all the time!" Niall yelled. Your heart broke as he spoke the words you never wanted  to hear from him. You pushed Niall out of your way, with blurry vision and ran to the couch. You fall asleep to the sound of your own crying to keep you company.


You just got off the phone with your mom. She called to say happy birthday, something your boyfriend, Harry, didn't do. In fact he ignored you all day. You haven't heard from him all day. You waste your birthday just watching t.v. You started to loose hope in Harry until he calls you.  "Hey," you said. "Hey babe," he greeted. "So when ya coming home?" you asked. "Oh yeah I'm going out with some mates. Don't wait up for me babe," he said before hanging up. Your heart shattered. He actually forgot your birthday. You heard him come in the early hours. Your tears eventually lullaby you to sleep an hour earlier. He walked in your shared bedroom and was about to lay down before you abruptly stopped him. "Sleep on the couch," you demanded.  "Why?" he asked puzzled. "Well I don't want to sleep in the same bed with a douchebag who forgets his girlfriends birthday," you mumble. Realization smacked him right in the face. "Y/n I'm so so-" "Yeah your so sorry. I don't care how sorry you are right now. Please just go sleep on the couch or I'll go," you say cutting him off. He grabbed his pillows and went downstairs. Eventually, you got tired of crying and fell asleep in a bed that was made for two.

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