He hears you sing/rap

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You decided to take a shower while you waited for Liam to come back from the studio. While scrubbing your scalp with your favorite shampoo, you started to softly sing Tee Shirt by Birdy. Soft singing then turned into you bolting out the lyrics. When you walked out the bathroom with dripping hair and the towel securely wrapped around your body, you saw Liam with a big smile on his face. "I love coming home to you singing in the shower," he said, slowly making his way towards you. "I didn't realize I was that loud," you piped, looking down at your feet an undeniable blush painting your cheeks. Liam put his thumb under your chin lightly, bringing you to meet his eyes. "I love hearing you sing," he quietly whispered, before kissing you.

 You were cleaning the flat before Harry got home from tour. You had your music on shuffle and Don't by Ed Sheeran started playing, your favorite song at the moment. You started singing loudly while getting the clothes out the dryer and folding them. "I think Ed would be impressed," a husky voice cut you off in the middle of the chorus. There stood Harry in the doorway with a smirk plastered on his lips. "Harry!" you squealed while running into his embrace, wrapping your legs around his waist. He placed kisses all over your face before saying "God did I miss you and your loud singing."

You were cooking Louis' favorite meal for your one year anniversary. You had your music playing and Kiss me, kiss me by 5 Seconds of Summer started playing. You loved the song so you couldn't help singing your heart out while using the spoon in your hand as a microphone. "Kiss me, kiss me and tell me that I'll see you again-" You were cut off with hands on your waist and a voice in your ear, "Don't mind if I do." Louis spun you around before giving you a passionate kiss.

"Since I promised you that I would rap in my next twitcam and I'm a girl of my word I'm gonna rap for you guys. I even dressed up for the occasion," you said into your computer screen. You adjusted Niall's jersey, that rested a little above your knee, and his snapback before starting the song Fancy on your phone. You took a deep breath and started to rap the words, pulling funny faces to the computer screen every so often. You were practically done with the song when the song stopped, being replaced with Niall's ringtone. "Hold on guys it's Niall," you said to the thousands of people watching you. "Hi Ni," you chirped. "Hey love," he chuckled. You pulled a confused face before saying  "What's so funny?" "You could really have a career in the rap business and you really need to wear my jersey and snapbacks more often." You flushed and face palmed yourself. "I didn't know you were watching!" you laughed, now very amused by the whole thing. "And miss my princess rapping? No way."

You were writing a 15 page paper for one of your classes and you were growing very bored, considering you were working on it the whole day and weren't even half way done. You decided to take a break and put on some music. Little white lies started playing and you just had to sing along, even doing some dance moves. Once the song finished, you heard clapping and a male voice said "Bravo, bravo." You turned around and saw your boyfriend standing at the doorway, a playful grin taking over his face."Zayn you were there the whole time?" you asked, completely embarrassed. "Yeah pretty much. You put on quite the show." This caused you to cover your face in embarrassment. Zayn walked over to you and removed your hands from your face. "Hey, don't be embarrassed babe. I found your dance moves cute especially this one," he said, mimicking one of your previous dance moves. You laughed, instantly feeling better. Zayn walked over to where your phone was and replayed the song, this time singing and dancing along with you.

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