Wedding that never happened (part 2)

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First three preferences written by SydneyForever

After almost a year after your wedding that never happened, you and Niall were still going strong. It took a heck of a lot of effort to win you back, but Niall did after six months. After all, Niall would always have your heart. He explained that the reason why he ran away was because he wasn't ready, not because he didn't want to marry you. He wanted to marry you so bad, but he knew it wasn't the right thing to do for him or for you. Since you two have been back together, you have been taking things slow. Planning a wedding is so far out of the question right now for you two. You both want to make sure that you both are fully ready to become husband and wife. Until then, you two are perfectly happy with the dating life for now.

It's been a year since the wedding that never happened between you and Zayn. After calling off the wedding, you both stayed together. The past year was just a growing period for you, for Zayn, and for your relationship and now it was time for you both to actually have a wedding. You looked over at your soon-to-be-husband happier than the first time. This time you both were ready and wanted to be married more than ever. "Y/F/N do you take Zayn Malik as your lawfully wedded husband," The priest asked you. It didn't take a second for you to eagerly say, "I do."
The priest asked Zayn the same question to which he replied with an I do as quickly as you. "I now pronounce you husband and wife. You may now kiss the bride." "Finally!" Zayn exclaimed before kissing you with so much love. That day became the wedding that did happen.

It took a long time for Louis to forgive you for what you did. You knew you had broken him and you felt guilty about it everyday since. You just couldn't get married. You weren't ready and you realized that when you looked at yourself in the mirror in your wedding dress. It just didn't feel right. You had tried to explain that to Louis, but you just couldn't. He didn't understand and neither did you. You didn't understand how you could be so in love one minute and so scared the next, but you felt that way. Louis eventually forgave you, but you two never got back together. Instead, you two moved on and got married to other people. Louis had his new life with his new family and you had yours. Occasionally, you two would call each other to check up on life, but feelings were out of the question. The wedding that never happened turned you guys from lovers to best friends and for that you were grateful.

After 9 months of trying to put your life back together, you and Liam only talked once. The conversation consisted of him profusely apologizing and him saying that you deserved so much better. "If you just give me one more chance, Y/N, I promise you will not regret it. I will treat you like the queen you are," were his exact words, begging for you to go back to him. You accepted his apology because you couldn't stay mad at him forever but you just couldn't go back to him. The months you spent away from Liam were the hardest months of your life but it was a learning and growing experience for you. You realized you deserved the very best and you should never settle for less or come second to someone else. "I can't take you back Liam. What we had was absolutely amazing but how can I ever trust you again? And what's the point of a relationship when there's no trust? I'm sorry," you said before hanging up. It was the hardest thing to let him go but you needed to do it. That was two months ago and you haven't heard from him since. You truly hoped that you and Liam could remain friends but you had to move on with your life, with or without Liam.

A year and a half has passed since you stormed out of your flat, your heart completely broken and you and Harry were taking it extremely slow. It took a year for you to even talk to Harry and that was only because he used his undeniable charm to talk you into having coffee with him. At first it was incredibly awkward but then you made am effort to have a conversation with him. It was just like old time and all the tension was gone but the hurt wasn't. As you got up to go, Harry grabbed your hand and made you an offer, "Have one date with me Y/N and if you don't feel like you did before then I promise to leave you alone." You looked at his pleading eyes and reluctantly agreed and the rest was history. You talked out your feelings with Harry and you fully forgave him so you can move on with your relationship with Harry. Marriage was out of the question, at least for now, and you were ok with that. You had one of the most important people in your life back, and you were just taking it day by day enjoying each second with him.

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