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I already expected that I still need to work around the hospital but only by delivering to some patients their food and recording their medicine intake every lunch and dinner.

My schedule is still the afternoon shift but those were the only tasked I was given because most of the time I must take care and accompany Copter in his hospital room.

One month already past since I became his personal nurse. Almost once a week, he'll be tested and examined by Doc Ian if the recent accident might have affected his eye sight. But so far the results are still normal and stable.

Usually, Cop stays in his room creating and editing music like he did when we were in high school. It's fun watching him enjoying himself especially when he can't get the sounds mixed well or match his taste, he will frown for a whole day.

When that happens, I immediately suggest we walked around the hospital garden for fresh air. Where he will smell all the flowers and name it all without fail.

He told me one night, when we were going back to his room that his other senses became more efficient and handy. Those were the silver linings when he became completely blind.

"Good work today!" The hospital cafeteria staff said after I parked the food cart near the food counter. She automatically grab all the dirty plates while I help her with the used utensils.

"Thanks Ms. Hann, you too." I said after I put the spoons and forks in the sink. Since I'm already here might as well go the washroom. "I'll be right back, Ms. Hann."

When I came back, I saw a silhouette hurriedly walking out the hospital cafeteria. Who is that? A patient? Or another nurse maybe? Only a few lights are open at this hour because all of the patients are getting ready to sleep.

I was about to asked Ms. Hann but then she grab a tray from the counter and put it next to Copter's dinner tray. I just looked at her dumbfounded because of the amount of food she placed on it.

"I know you haven't been eating properly since that incident..." Even Ms. Hann noticed my neglegence concerning my health. "As a nurse you know, that skipping meals must be avoided at all cost, even when you're extremely busy."

"I know kab." I do not have any explanation why since I personally aware that I'm drowning myself with work almost everyday.

"Good cause from now on I'll be in charge of your every meals." She said full of sincerity.

"You don't have to, Ms. Hann." I protest but she just shook her head.

"I want to, I'm taking over on keeping an eye on you since my brother isn't physically here anymore. I promised Lau that I'll take care of you in his behalf." She pushed the cart to my direction. "So don' t be a stubborn kid and let me stay by your side."

Her words lifted some of the heavy feelings I felt. Ms. Hann and her brother were the first people who reach out to me when I arrived here. She treated me as her own brother ever since the day Lau introduced me to her. They were my family inside the hospital.

If I could, I might have already hugged her but Doc Drew might suddenly pop out of nowhere, it'll be bad if he saw me embracing his fiance.

Because I'm too flustered from her words all I can do is nod. She chuckled and ruffle my hair.

"Very good, Nong Mon. Also how many times do I need to tell you that you can call me Lan?"

"A lot...." I muttered. "Sorry, P'Lan."

When I said her name, she screamed like a fangirl on a concert. "Ahhhh! You're so cute!" While she was messing up my hair, she shoved me towards the exit. "Now run along, or Mr. Panuwat might starve to death." Oh right! I haven't brought Cop his meal!

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